Handle molcas input.
This module implements a class to write molcas input files from a molcas settings object.
Create Molcas input files. |
- class scine_autocas.interfaces.molcas.input_handler.InputHandler[source]¶
Create Molcas input files.
- __initial_orbitals(settings, input_file)¶
Create Molcas input to evaluate initial orbitals.
- Parameters
- settingsMolcas.Settings
stores all molcas related settings
- input_fileio.IOBase
The already opened input file
- __casscf(settings, input_file, orbital_file, alter)¶
Create Molcas input for casscf calculations.
- Parameters
- settingsSettings
the settings object from molcas
- file_namestr
name of the input file
- orbital_filestr
path to an modified orbital file. If specific orbitals are selected they are encoded in the typeindex in the orbital_file.
- alterstr
a string to reorder orbitals, instead of doing that in the orbital file
- __dmrg(settings, input_file, orbital_file, alter)¶
Create Molcas input for qcmaquis dmrg calculations.
- Parameters
- settingsSettings
the settings object from molcas
- file_namestr
name of the input file
- orbital_filestr
path to an modified orbital file. If specific orbitals are selected they are encoded in the typeindex in the orbital_file.
- alterstr
a string to reorder orbitals, instead of doing that in the orbital file
- write_input(settings, file_name, orbital_file=None, alter=None)[source]¶
Write a basic Molcas input file, with respect of the strings in self.methods.
- Parameters
- settingsSettings
the settings object from molcas
- file_namestr
name of the input file
- orbital_filestr
path to an modified orbital file. If specific orbitals are selected they are encoded in the typeindex in the orbital_file.
- alterstr
a string to reorder orbitals, instead of doing that in the orbital file
- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'scine_autocas.interfaces.molcas.input_handler', '__doc__': 'Create Molcas input files.', '_InputHandler__initial_orbitals': <function InputHandler.__initial_orbitals>, '_InputHandler__casscf': <function InputHandler.__casscf>, '_InputHandler__dmrg': <function InputHandler.__dmrg>, 'write_input': <function InputHandler.write_input>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'InputHandler' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'InputHandler' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})¶
- __doc__ = 'Create Molcas input files.'¶
- __module__ = 'scine_autocas.interfaces.molcas.input_handler'¶
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object (if defined)