Source code for scine_chemoton.gears.compound

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__copyright__ = """ This code is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.
Copyright ETH Zurich, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Reiher Group.
See LICENSE.txt for details.

# Standard library imports
from json import dumps
from typing import Union, Tuple, Dict, List, Optional
from warnings import warn
from copy import copy
import numpy as np

# Third party imports
import scine_database as db
from scine_database.queries import (
import scine_utilities as utils
import scine_molassembler as masm

# Local application imports
from . import Gear
from ..utilities.calculation_creation_helpers import finalize_calculation
from ..utilities.masm import mol_from_cbor, mols_from_properties
from .network_refinement.enabling import AggregateEnabling
from scine_chemoton.utilities.place_holder_model import (

[docs]class BasicAggregateHousekeeping(Gear): """ This Gear updates all relevant Structures stored in the database with bond orders and graph representations. This data is then used to sort each Structure into existing Compounds/Flasks or to create a new Compound/Flask if no appropriate one exists. Attributes ---------- options : BasicAggregateHousekeeping.Options The options for the BasicAggregateHousekeeping Gear. Notes ----- Checks for all 'user_optimized', 'minimum_optimized', and 'complex_optimized' Structures that do not have an Aggregate assigned. The Gear then generates bond orders and molecular graphs ('masm_cbor_graph', and 'masm_decision_list') if they are not yet present. Using the molecular graphs the Structures are then sorted into Compounds/Flasks. """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self._required_collections = ["calculations", "compounds", "flasks", "properties", "structures", "reactions"] self._compound_map: Dict[int, Dict[Tuple[int, int, int], List[db.ID]]] = dict() """ Caching map from n_atoms, n_molecules, charge, multiplicity to compound ids. """ self._flask_map: Dict[int, Dict[Tuple[int, int, int], List[db.ID]]] = dict() """ Caching map from n_atoms, n_molecules, charge, multiplicity to flask ids. """ self._unique_structures: Dict[str, List[Tuple[db.ID, str]]] = dict() """ Caching map from compound id to list of structure ids and decision lists. """
[docs] class Options(Gear.Options): """ The options for the BasicAggregateHousekeeping Gear. """ __slots__ = [ "bond_order_job", "bond_order_settings", "graph_job", "graph_settings", "exclude_misguided_conformer_optimizations", "aggregate_enabling" ] def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.bond_order_job: db.Job = db.Job("scine_bond_orders") """ db.Job (Scine::Database::Calculation::Job) The Job used for the bond order calculations. The default is: the 'scine_bond_orders' order on a single core. """ self.bond_order_settings: utils.ValueCollection = utils.ValueCollection() """ utils.ValueCollection Additional settings passed to the bond order calculations. Empty by default. """ self.graph_job: db.Job = db.Job("graph") """ db.Job (Scine::Database::Calculation::Job) The Job used for the graph calculations. The default is: the 'graph' order on a single core. """ self.graph_settings: utils.ValueCollection = utils.ValueCollection() """ Dict[str, str] Additional settings passed to the graph calculations. Empty by default. """ self.exclude_misguided_conformer_optimizations: bool = True """ bool If true, no additional aggregate is created if the structure was generated only by geometry optimization. The default policy does nothing. """ self.aggregate_enabling: AggregateEnabling = AggregateEnabling() """ AggregateEnabling If a structure is added to an aggregate, the analysis of the corresponding aggregate is enabled according to this policy. """
options: Options def _create_unique_structure_map(self): for compound in stop_on_timeout(self._compounds.iterate_all_compounds()): structure_ids = compound.get_structures() key = self._unique_structures[key] = [] for s_id in structure_ids: structure = db.Structure(s_id, self._structures) if structure.get_label() in [db.Label.DUPLICATE, db.Label.MINIMUM_GUESS]: continue if not structure.has_graph("masm_decision_list"): continue self._unique_structures[key].append((s_id, structure.get_graph("masm_decision_list"))) def _add_to_unique_structures(self, key: str, structure: db.Structure): if key in self._unique_structures: self._unique_structures[key].append((, structure.get_graph("masm_decision_list"))) else: self._unique_structures[key] = [(, structure.get_graph("masm_decision_list"))] def _create_compound_map(self): for compound in stop_on_timeout(self._compounds.iterate_all_compounds()): self._add_to_map(compound, self._compound_map) def _create_flask_map(self): for flask in stop_on_timeout(self._flasks.iterate_all_flasks()): self._add_to_map(flask, self._flask_map) def _add_to_map(self, aggregate: Union[db.Compound, db.Flask], cache_map: Dict): sum_formula, n_molecules, charge, multiplicity, mols = self._get_aggregate_info(aggregate) key = (n_molecules, charge, multiplicity) if sum_formula in cache_map: if key in cache_map[sum_formula]: if (, mols) in cache_map[sum_formula][key]: return cache_map[sum_formula][key].append((, mols)) return else: cache_map[sum_formula][key] = [(, mols)] return cache_map[sum_formula] = {key: [(, mols)]} def _get_sum_formula(self, mols: List[masm.Molecule]) -> str: sum_formulas = [] for m in mols: sum_formulas.append(m.graph.__repr__().split()[-1]) sum_formulas.sort() return ','.join(sum_formulas) @staticmethod def _get_aggregate_from_map(sum_formula: str, n_molecules: int, charge: int, multiplicity: int, mols: List[masm.Molecule], cache_map: Dict) -> Union[db.ID, None]: if sum_formula in cache_map: key = (n_molecules, charge, multiplicity) if key in cache_map[sum_formula]: for a_id, ref_mols in cache_map[sum_formula][key]: remaining_mols = copy(ref_mols) for m in mols: idx = remaining_mols.index(m) if m in remaining_mols else None if idx is not None: remaining_mols.pop(idx) else: break else: return a_id return None def _check_graph(self, structure: db.Structure) -> Optional[str]: if structure.has_graph("masm_cbor_graph") and structure.has_graph("masm_decision_list"): # Check if graph exists graph = structure.get_graph("masm_cbor_graph") label = structure.get_label() if ";" in graph: if label != db.Label.COMPLEX_OPTIMIZED and label != db.Label.USER_COMPLEX_OPTIMIZED: warn(f"Structure '{str(}' received incorrect label '{str(label)}', " f"according to its graph, it is actually a complex.") else: if label == db.Label.COMPLEX_OPTIMIZED or label == db.Label.USER_COMPLEX_OPTIMIZED: warn(f"Structure '{str(}' received incorrect label '{str(label)}', " f"according to its graph, it is actually NOT a complex.") return graph if structure.has_properties("bond_orders"): self._setup_graph_job( return None self._setup_bond_order_job( return None def _label_structure_as_duplicate(self, structure: db.Structure, duplicate_id: db.ID): structure.set_label(db.Label.DUPLICATE) structure.set_comment("Structure is a duplicate of {:s}.".format(str(duplicate_id))) structure.set_original(duplicate_id) def _check_for_misguided_conformer_optimization(self, structure: db.Structure) -> bool: # TODO this query may become a bottleneck for huge databases. # avoiding a query into the calculations would be much preferred selection = { "$and": [ {"status": {"$in": ["complete", "failed", "analyzed"]}}, {"results.structures": {"$oid":}}, {"results.elementary_steps": {"$size": 0}}, ] } hit = None irrelevant_structure = False if self.options.exclude_misguided_conformer_optimizations: hit = self._calculations.get_one_calculation(dumps(selection)) if hit is not None: # Check if there is a calculation that generated the compound minimization = hit starting_structure = db.Structure(minimization.get_structures()[0], self._structures) if starting_structure.has_aggregate(): # If the starting structure has an aggregate, then the # result should also be part of the same aggregate structure.set_label(db.Label.IRRELEVANT) structure.set_comment( f"Result of misguided optimization not staying within the origin aggregate " f"{str(starting_structure.get_aggregate())}." ) irrelevant_structure = True return irrelevant_structure def _store_as_compound(self, structure: db.Structure): compound = db.Compound(db.ID(), self._compounds) compound.create([], exploration_disabled=True) structure.set_aggregate( self._add_to_map(compound, self._compound_map) def _store_as_flask(self, structure: db.Structure): flask = db.Flask(db.ID(), self._flasks) flask.create([], [], exploration_disabled=True) structure.set_aggregate( self._add_to_map(flask, self._flask_map) def _loop_impl(self): if not self._compound_map: self._create_compound_map() if not self._flask_map: self._create_flask_map() if not self._unique_structures: self._create_unique_structure_map() self._check_for_aggregates() def _check_for_aggregates(self): # Setup query for optimized structures without aggregate selection = { "$and": [ {"label": {"$in": optimized_labels()}}, {"aggregate": ""}, {"analysis_disabled": {"$ne": True}}, ] } # Loop over all results for structure in stop_on_timeout(self._structures.iterate_structures(dumps(selection))): if self.stop_at_next_break_point: return # # # Continue if a job for has been setup graph = self._check_graph(structure) if graph is None: continue # If a graph exists but no aggregate is registered, generate a new aggregate # or append the structure to an existing compound try: matching_aggregate = self._get_matching_aggregate(structure) except IndexError: print("Structure: " + + " has invalid Molassember serialization.") print("The structure is set as IRRELEVANT for further analysis.") structure.set_label(db.Label.IRRELEVANT) if matching_aggregate is not None: # Check if duplicate in same aggregate duplicate = self._query_duplicate(structure, matching_aggregate) if duplicate is not None: self._label_structure_as_duplicate(structure, else: # only add aggregate info for non-duplicates structure.set_aggregate( matching_aggregate.add_structure( self.options.aggregate_enabling.process(matching_aggregate) else: # Create a new aggregate but only if the structure is not a misguided conformer optimization # TODO this query may become a bottleneck for huge databases. # avoiding a query into the calculations would be much preferred irrelevant_structure = self._check_for_misguided_conformer_optimization(structure) if irrelevant_structure: continue if ";" in graph: self._store_as_flask(structure) else: self._store_as_compound(structure) def _setup_bond_order_job(self, structure_id: db.ID) -> None: """ Checks for already existing bond_order job and if none present, sets up one for given structure """ if calculation_exists_in_structure(self.options.bond_order_job.order, [structure_id], self.options.model, self._structures, self._calculations): return # Setup calculation of a graph calculation = db.Calculation(db.ID(), self._calculations) calculation.create(self.options.model, self.options.bond_order_job, [structure_id]) if self.options.bond_order_settings: calculation.set_settings(self.options.bond_order_settings) finalize_calculation(calculation, self._structures) def _setup_graph_job(self, structure_id: db.ID) -> None: """ Checks for already existing graph job and if none present, sets up one for given structure """ if calculation_exists_in_structure(self.options.graph_job.order, [structure_id], self.options.model, self._structures, self._calculations): return # Setup calculation of a graph calculation = db.Calculation(db.ID(), self._calculations) calculation.create(self.options.model, self.options.graph_job, [structure_id]) if self.options.graph_settings: calculation.set_settings(self.options.graph_settings) finalize_calculation(calculation, self._structures) def _get_aggregate_info( self, aggregate: Union[db.Compound, db.Flask] ) -> Tuple[str, int, int, int, List[masm.Molecule]]: # We could even think about adding the graph here too ... centroid = db.Structure(aggregate.get_centroid(), self._structures) try: graph = centroid.get_graph("masm_cbor_graph") mols = [mol_from_cbor(m) for m in graph.split(";")] except RuntimeError as e: tmp = mols_from_properties(centroid, self._properties) if tmp is None: raise RuntimeError( f'Error: Graph deserialization and recreation failed for {}' ) from e mols = tmp sum_formula = self._get_sum_formula(mols) return sum_formula, len(graph.split(";")), centroid.get_charge(), centroid.get_multiplicity(), \ mols def _get_matching_aggregate(self, structure: db.Structure) -> Union[db.Compound, db.Flask, None]: """ Queries database for matching aggregate of the given structure based on: * graph (irrespective of order for flasks) * charge * multiplicity Returns None if no matching aggregate in DB yet """ try: graph = structure.get_graph("masm_cbor_graph") mols = [mol_from_cbor(m) for m in graph.split(";")] except RuntimeError as e: tmp = mols_from_properties(structure, self._properties) if tmp is None: raise RuntimeError( f'Error: Graph deserialization and recreation failed for {}' ) from e mols = tmp charge = structure.get_charge() multiplicity = structure.get_multiplicity() sum_formula = self._get_sum_formula(mols) n_molecules = len(mols) if n_molecules > 1: f_id = self._get_aggregate_from_map( sum_formula, n_molecules, charge, multiplicity, mols, self._flask_map ) if f_id: return db.Flask(f_id, self._flasks) else: c_id = self._get_aggregate_from_map( sum_formula, n_molecules, charge, multiplicity, mols, self._compound_map ) if c_id: return db.Compound(c_id, self._compounds) return None def _query_duplicate(self, structure: db.Structure, aggregate: Union[db.Compound, db.Flask]) \ -> Union[db.Structure, None]: """ Check based on decision lists if the given aggregate has a duplicate structure to the given structure NOTE: not implemented for flasks yet """ if isinstance(aggregate, db.Flask): # currently not possible return None key = if key in self._unique_structures: similar_structures = self._unique_structures[key] decision_list = structure.get_graph("masm_decision_list") model = structure.get_model() for sid, ref_decision_list in similar_structures: # Check that similar structure is not identical to the given ID if sid == continue if not masm.JsonSerialization.equal_decision_lists(decision_list, ref_decision_list): continue similar_structure = db.Structure(sid, self._structures) if similar_structure.get_model() == model: return similar_structure self._add_to_unique_structures(key, structure) return None
[docs]class ThermoAggregateHousekeeping(BasicAggregateHousekeeping): """ This Gear updates all relevant Structures stored in the database with frequencies, bond orders and graph representations. This data is then used to sort each Structure into existing Compounds/Flasks or to create a new Compound/Flask if no appropriate one exists. To be sorted into an Aggregate, a Structure must have no imaginary frequencies above the given absolute frequency threshold. Otherwise, a validation job is setup or, if this has been attempted already, the exploration and analysis of this Structure are disabled. Attributes ---------- options : ThermoAggregateHousekeeping.Options The options for the ThermoAggregateHousekeeping Gear. Notes ----- Checks for all 'user_optimized', 'minimum_optimized', and 'complex_optimized' Structures that do not have an Aggregate assigned and are enabled for analysis. The Gear then generates bond orders and molecular graphs ('masm_cbor_graph', and 'masm_decision_list') if they are not yet present. Using the molecular graphs, the Structures are then sorted into Compounds/Flasks. """
[docs] class Options(BasicAggregateHousekeeping.Options): """ The options for the ThermoAggregateHouseKeeping Gear. """ __slots__ = [ "validation_job", "validation_settings", "structure_model", "absolute_frequency_threshold" ] def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.validation_job: db.Job = db.Job("scine_geometry_validation") """ db.Job The Job used for the geometry validation calculations. The default is: the 'scine_geometry_validation' order on a single core. """ self.validation_settings: utils.ValueCollection = utils.ValueCollection() """ utils.ValueCollection Additional settings passed to the geometry validation order calculation. Empty by default. """ self.structure_model: db.Model = construct_place_holder_model() """ Optional[db.Model] Validation calculations are only started for structures with the given model. """ self.absolute_frequency_threshold: float = 50.0 """ float Abs Frequency threshold in cm^-1. """
options: Options def _check_for_aggregates(self): # Setup query for optimized structures without aggregate selection = {"$and": [ {"label": {"$in": optimized_labels()}}, {"aggregate": ""}, {"analysis_disabled": {"$ne": True}}, ] } # Loop over all results for structure in stop_on_timeout(self._structures.iterate_structures(dumps(selection))): if self.stop_at_next_break_point: return # Structure Model Check, might be cached if not isinstance(self.options.structure_model, PlaceHolderModelType): if structure.get_model() != self.options.structure_model: continue # # # Start Graph Check # # # Continue if a job for has been setup graph = self._check_graph(structure) if graph is None: continue # If a graph exists but no aggregate is registered, generate a new aggregate # or append the structure to an existing compound # # # Look, if aggregate is there try: matching_aggregate = self._get_matching_aggregate(structure) except IndexError: print("Structure: " + + " has invalid Molassember serialization.") print("The structure is set as IRRELEVANT for further analysis.") structure.set_label(db.Label.IRRELEVANT) if matching_aggregate is not None: # # # Frequency check keep_going, valid_minimum = self._check_frequencies_and_validation_job(structure) # Move on to next structure as either a validation job has been setup or # or the structure was attempted to be validated already if not keep_going: continue # Check if duplicate in same aggregate duplicate = self._query_duplicate(structure, matching_aggregate) if duplicate is not None: self._label_structure_as_duplicate(structure, elif valid_minimum: # only add aggregate info for non-duplicates structure.set_aggregate( matching_aggregate.add_structure( # # # Few more checks and make new aggregate else: # # # Frequency check keep_going, valid_minimum = self._check_frequencies_and_validation_job(structure) # Move on to next structure as either a validation job has been setup or # or the structure was attempted to be validated already if not keep_going: continue # Create a new aggregate but only if the structure is not a misguided conformer optimization # # # Check for misguided conformation jobs irrelevant_structure = self._check_for_misguided_conformer_optimization(structure) if irrelevant_structure: continue # # # End misguided conformation job # # # Sort to correct aggregate, only if it is a valid minimum if ";" in graph and valid_minimum: self._store_as_flask(structure) elif valid_minimum: self._store_as_compound(structure) def _check_frequencies_and_validation_job(self, structure: db.Structure) -> Tuple[bool, bool]: """ Checks if structure is minimum, sets up a validation job if not setup yet and disables the structure, if it is not a valid minimum and a validation has been attempted already. The latter two should continue the loop. Parameters ---------- structure : db.Structure The structure to be checked. Returns ------- keep_going, valid_minimum : Tuple[bool, bool] keep_going indicates if the parent loop should continue or look at the next structure. valid_minimum indicates if the structure is a valid minimum. """ # Default return values valid_minimum = False keep_going = True if structure.has_properties("frequencies"): valid_minimum = self._is_valid_minium(structure) # # # Setting up validation job # Single atom is a valid minium, but has no frequencies if len(structure.get_atoms()) == 1: valid_minimum = True elif not valid_minimum and len(structure.get_atoms()) > 1: # Not attempted validation validation_setup = self._setup_validation_job( if validation_setup: keep_going = False # Disable structure from being analyzed # Only if validation job ran through and frequencies not proper for a minimum elif not validation_setup and structure.has_properties("frequencies"): structure.disable_analysis() structure.disable_exploration() structure.set_comment( "Structure has imaginary frequencies larger than {:.0f} cm^-1".format( self.options.absolute_frequency_threshold) + "\nDisabled.") keep_going = False return keep_going, valid_minimum def _is_valid_minium(self, structure: db.Structure) -> bool: frequencies = self._properties.get_vector_property(structure.get_property("frequencies")) # Get minimal frequency min_frequency = np.min(frequencies.get_data()[0]) if min_frequency < 0.0 and abs( min_frequency) > self.options.absolute_frequency_threshold *\ utils.HARTREE_PER_INVERSE_CENTIMETER / (2 * utils.PI): return False else: return True def _setup_validation_job(self, structure_id: db.ID) -> bool: """ Checks for already existing validation_order job and if none present, sets up one for given structure """ success = False val_calc_id = get_calculation_id_from_structure(self.options.validation_job.order, [structure_id], self.options.model, self._structures, self._calculations) # Setup calculation of validation if val_calc_id is None: calculation = db.Calculation(db.ID(), self._calculations) calculation.create(self.options.model, self.options.validation_job, [structure_id]) if self.options.validation_settings: calculation.set_settings(self.options.validation_settings) finalize_calculation(calculation, self._structures) success = True else: val_calc = db.Calculation(val_calc_id, self._calculations) val_calc_status = val_calc.get_status() # If the calculation is complete, setup failed if val_calc_status in [db.Status.COMPLETE, db.Status.FAILED]: success = False # Any other states indicates else: success = True return success