Source code for scine_chemoton.gears.elementary_steps.minimal

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__copyright__ = """ This code is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.
Copyright ETH Zurich, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Reiher Group.
See LICENSE.txt for details.

# Standard library imports
from typing import List, Union

# Third party imports
import scine_database as db
from scine_database.queries import optimized_labels_enums

# Local application imports
from . import ElementaryStepGear

[docs]class MinimalElementarySteps(ElementaryStepGear): """ This Gear probes Reactions by trying to react 1. one Structure of each aggregate with one Structure of each other aggregate (intermolecular reactions) 2. one Structure with itself intramoleculary for each aggregate. For each combination multiple arrangements (possible Elementary Steps) will be tested. Attributes ---------- options : MinimalElementarySteps.Options The options for the MinimalElementarySteps Gear. aggregate_filter : scine_chemoton.gears.elementary_steps.aggregate_filters.AggregateFilter A filter for allowed reaction combinations, per default everything is permitted, no filter is applied. trial_generator : TrialGenerator The generator to set up elementary step trial calculations by enumerating reactive complexes and trial reaction coordinates Notes ----- This function assumes maximum spin when adding two Structures into one reactive complex. The need for elementary step guesses is tested by: a. for bimolecular reactions: checking whether there is already a calculation to search for a bimolecular reaction of the same structures with the same job order b. for unimolecular reactions: checking whether there is already a calculation to search for an intramolecular reaction of the same structure with the same job order """ def _get_eligible_structures(self, aggregate: Union[db.Compound, db.Flask]) -> List[db.ID]: for sid in aggregate.get_structures(): structure = db.Structure(sid, self._structures) # Model check if structure model is set to None if not self._check_structure_model(structure): continue # Only consider optimized structures, no guess structures or duplicates if not structure.explore() or structure.get_label() not in optimized_labels_enums(): continue return [] return []