#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__copyright__ = """ This code is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.
Copyright ETH Zurich, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Reiher Group.
See LICENSE.txt for details.
# Standard library imports
from itertools import islice
from typing import Any, Optional, Iterator, List, Tuple, Union, Dict, Callable
import copy
import json
import math
import warnings
# Third party imports
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import scine_database as db
from scine_database.compound_and_flask_creation import get_compound_or_flask
from scine_database.energy_query_functions import (
# Local application imports
from . import HoldsCollections
from ..utilities.get_molecular_formula import get_molecular_formula_of_aggregate
from ..utilities.options import BaseOptions
[docs]class DifferentSubgraphsError(Exception):
[docs]class Pathfinder(HoldsCollections):
A class to represent a list of reactions as a graph and query this graph for simple paths between two nodes.
In a simple path, every node part of the path is visited only once.
_calculations : db.Collection
Collection of the calculations of the connected database.
_compounds : db.Collection
Collection of the compounds of the connected database.
_flasks : db.Collection
Collection of the flasks of the connected database.
_reactions : db.Collection
Collection of the reactions of the connected database.
_elementary_steps : db.Collection
Collection of the elementary steps of the connected database.
_structures : db.Collection
Collection of the structures of the connected database.
_properties : db.Collection
Collection of the properties of the connected database.
A class handling the construction of the graph. Can be adapted to one's needs.
_use_old_iterator : bool
Bool to indicate if the old iterator shall be used querying for paths between a source - target pair.
_unique_iterator_memory : Tuple[Tuple[List[str], float], Iterator]
Memory of iterator with the corresponding path and its length as well as the iterator.
start_compounds : List[str]
A list containing the compounds which are present at the start.
start_compounds_set : bool
Bool to indicate if start_compounds are set.
_pseudo_inf : float
Float for edges with infinite weight.
compound_costs : Dict[str, float]
A dictionary containing the cost of the compounds with the compounds as keys.
compound_costs_solved : bool
Bool to indicate if all compounds have a compound cost.
def __init__(self, db_manager: db.Manager) -> None:
self.options = self.Options()
self._required_collections = ["manager", "calculations", "compounds", "flasks", "reactions",
"elementary_steps", "structures", "properties"]
self.graph_handler: Union[Pathfinder.BasicHandler, Pathfinder.BarrierBasedHandler, None] = None
# attribute to store iterator employed in find_unique_paths; path_object, iterator
self._use_old_iterator = False
self._unique_iterator_memory: Union[Tuple[Tuple[List[str], float],
Iterator], None] = None
# Compound costs
self.start_compounds: List[str] = []
self.start_compounds_set = False
self._pseudo_inf = 1e12
self.compound_costs: Dict[str, float] = {}
self.compound_costs_solved = False
self.graph_updated_with_compound_costs = False
[docs] class Options(BaseOptions):
A class to vary the setup of Pathfinder.
__slots__ = {"graph_handler", "barrierless_weight", "model", "filter_negative_barriers", "use_structure_model",
"structure_model", "use_only_enabled_aggregates", "temperature", "barrier_limit"
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.graph_handler: str = "basic" # pylint: disable=no-member
A string indicating which graph handler shall be used (available are : 'basic' and 'barrier').
self.barrierless_weight: float = 1e0 # 0.01
The weight for barrierless reactions (basic) and rate constant (barrier), respectively.
self.model: db.Model = db.Model("any", "any", "any")
The model for the energies of compounds to be included in the graph.
# in kJ / mol
self.filter_negative_barriers: bool = False
Forbid elementary steps with negative barriers or not.
self.use_structure_model: bool = False
Allow only elementary steps with a given model.
self.use_only_enabled_aggregates: bool = False
Allow only elementary steps with a given model.
self.structure_model: db.Model = db.Model("any", "any", "any")
The model for the structures of compounds to be included in the graph.
self.temperature: float = 298.15
The temperature in Kelvin for the rate constant calculation.
self.barrier_limit: float = math.inf
The maximum barrier for elementary steps to be included in the graph.
Only valid with 'barrier' graph handler
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_valid_graph_handler_options() -> List[str]:
return ["basic", "barrier"]
def _construct_graph_handler(self):
Constructor for the graph handler.
Transfers pathfinder.options to graph handler.
Invalid options for graph handler.
if self.options.graph_handler not in self.get_valid_graph_handler_options():
raise RuntimeError("Invalid graph handler option.")
if self.options.graph_handler == "basic":
self.graph_handler = self.BasicHandler(self._manager, self.options.model, self.options.structure_model)
self.graph_handler.barrierless_weight = self.options.barrierless_weight
self.graph_handler.use_structure_model = self.options.use_structure_model
self.graph_handler.use_only_enabled_aggregates = self.options.use_only_enabled_aggregates
elif self.options.graph_handler == "barrier":
self.graph_handler = self.BarrierBasedHandler(
self._manager, self.options.model, self.options.structure_model)
# Option copying
self.graph_handler.barrierless_weight = self.options.barrierless_weight
self.graph_handler.filter_negative_barriers = self.options.filter_negative_barriers
self.graph_handler.use_structure_model = self.options.use_structure_model
self.graph_handler.use_only_enabled_aggregates = self.options.use_only_enabled_aggregates
# Mapping of ESs and calculating normalization
def _reset_iterator_memory(self):
Reset memory for unique memory.
self._unique_iterator_memory = None
# Build graph function from reaction list
[docs] def build_graph(self):
Build the nx.DiGraph() from a list of filtered reactions.
# # # Reset bools for compound costs
self.compound_costs_solved = False
self.graph_updated_with_compound_costs = False
# Build graph
assert self.graph_handler
for rxn_id in self.graph_handler.get_valid_reaction_ids():
rxn = db.Reaction(rxn_id, self._reactions)
[docs] def load_graph(self, graph_filename: str, compound_cost_filename: str = ""):
Initialize a basic graph handler with default settings.
The graph is imported from the given file and set as the graph of the graph handler.
Optionally, the compound costs are imported and set as compound_cost.
The compound costs are considered to be solved.
The graph is automatically updated with the compound costs.
graph_filename : str
Name of the .json file containing the graph.
compound_cost_filename : str
Name of the .json file containing the compound costs.
# only for basic graph handler, we don't want to calculate any kinetic
if self.options.graph_handler != "basic":
print("Can only load into default basic graph handler.")
graph = self._import_graph(graph_filename)
# Initialize basic graph handler
assert self.graph_handler is not None
self.graph_handler.graph = copy.deepcopy(graph)
if compound_cost_filename != "":
self.compound_costs = self._import_dictionary(compound_cost_filename)
self.compound_costs_solved = True
[docs] def find_paths(self, source: str, target: str, n_requested_paths: int = 3,
n_skipped_paths: int = 0) -> List[Tuple[List[str], float]]:
Query the build graph for simple paths between a source and target node.
Requires a built graph
source : str
The ID of the starting compound as string.
target : str
The ID of the targeted compound as string.
n_requested_paths : int
Number of requested paths, by default 3
n_skipped_paths : int
Number of skipped paths from, by default 0. For example, when four paths are found (``n_requested_paths=4``)
and ``n_skipped_paths=2``, the third, fourth, fifth and sixth path are returned. Therefore, this allows
setting the starting point of the query.
found_paths : List[Tuple[List[str] float]]
List of paths where each item (path) consists of the list of nodes of the path and its length.
assert self.graph_handler
found_paths = []
for path in self._k_shortest_paths(self.graph_handler.graph, source, target, n_requested_paths,
weight="weight", path_start=n_skipped_paths):
path_length = nx.path_weight(self.graph_handler.graph, path, "weight")
found_paths.append((path, path_length))
return found_paths
[docs] def find_unique_paths(self, source: str, target: str, number: int = 3,
custom_weight: Union[str, Callable] = "weight") -> List[Tuple[List[str], float]]:
Find a unique number of paths from a given source node to a given target node.
Paths can have the same total length (in terms of sum over edge weights),
but if one is solely interested in one path of paths with identical length,
the shortest (in terms of length) longest (in terms of number of nodes) path is returned.
This is called the unique path (shortest longest path).
| - Checks if a stored iterator for the given source-target pair should be used.
| - Maximal ten paths with identical length are compared.
source : str
The ID of the starting compound as string.
target : str
The ID of the targeted compound as string.
number : int
The number of unique paths to be returned. Per default, 3 paths are returned.
path_tuple_list : List[Tuple[List[str], float]]
List of paths where each item (path) consists the list of nodes of the path and its length.
assert self.graph_handler
counter = 0
path_tuple_list = list()
# # # Initialise iterator over shortest simple paths if it is either not set or source/target do not match
if not self._use_old_iterator or \
self._unique_iterator_memory is None or \
self._unique_iterator_memory[0][0][0] != source or \
self._unique_iterator_memory[0][0][-1] != target:
path_iterator = iter(nx.shortest_simple_paths(self.graph_handler.graph, source, target,
# # # Find first path and its cost
old_path = next(path_iterator)
old_path_cost = nx.path_weight(self.graph_handler.graph, old_path, weight="weight")
# # # Load old iterator
path_iterator = self._unique_iterator_memory[1]
old_path = self._unique_iterator_memory[0][0]
old_path_cost = self._unique_iterator_memory[0][1]
while counter < number:
same_cost = True
tmp_path_list: List[List[str]] = list()
# # # Collect all paths with same cost
n_max_collected_paths = 10
while same_cost and len(tmp_path_list) < n_max_collected_paths:
# # # Append old path to tmp_path list
# # # Get next path and its cost
new_path = next(path_iterator, None)
# # # Break loop if no path is returned
if new_path is None:
new_path_cost = nx.path_weight(self.graph_handler.graph, new_path, weight="weight")
# # # Check if new cost different to old cost
if abs(old_path_cost - new_path_cost) > 1e-12:
same_cost = False
# # # Overwrite old path with new path
old_path = new_path
# # # Append path with most nodes to tuple list and its cost
path_tuple_list.append((max(tmp_path_list, key=lambda x: len(x)), # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
# # # Break counter loop if no more paths to target are found
if new_path is None:
old_path_cost = new_path_cost
counter += 1
# # # Store iterator and path info (list of nodes and length)
if new_path is not None:
self._unique_iterator_memory = ((new_path, new_path_cost), path_iterator)
return path_tuple_list
[docs] def get_elementary_step_sequence(self, path: List[str]) -> str:
Prints the sequence of elementary steps of a path with the compounds written as molecular formulas
with multiplicity and charge as well as the final cost of the path.
Reactant node is returned in red, product node in blue to enhance readability.
path : Tuple[List[str] float]
Path containing a list of the traversed nodes and the cost of this path.
A string of the elementary step sequence of a given path.
sequence_string = ""
assert self.graph_handler
# # # Loop over elementary steps by dissecting path
for k in np.arange(0, len(path) - 2, 2):
step = path[k:k + 3]
# # # Count Reactants
reactants = [step[0]]
reactants += self.graph_handler.graph.edges[step[0], step[1]]['required_compounds']
# # # Count Products
products = [step[2]]
products += self.graph_handler.graph.edges[step[1], step[2]]['required_compounds']
rxn_eq = ""
for i, side in enumerate([reactants, products]):
for j, aggregate_id in enumerate(side):
# # # Identify Compound or Flask
if self.graph_handler.graph.nodes[aggregate_id]['type'] == db.CompoundOrFlask.COMPOUND.name:
aggregate_type = db.CompoundOrFlask.COMPOUND
elif self.graph_handler.graph.nodes[aggregate_id]['type'] == db.CompoundOrFlask.FLASK.name:
aggregate_type = db.CompoundOrFlask.FLASK
raise RuntimeError('Invalid aggregate type encountered in your graph nodes. '
'Please check the graph nodes.')
aggregate_str = get_molecular_formula_of_aggregate(
db.ID(aggregate_id), aggregate_type, self._compounds, self._flasks, self._structures)
# # # Color reactant node
if j == 0 and i == 0:
aggregate_str = '\033[31m' + aggregate_str + '\033[0m'
# # # Color product node
elif j == 0 and i == 1:
aggregate_str = '\033[36m' + aggregate_str + '\033[0m'
rxn_eq += aggregate_str
if j < len(side) - 1:
rxn_eq += " + "
if i == 0:
rxn_eq += " -> "
sequence_string += rxn_eq + "\n"
return sequence_string
[docs] def get_overall_reactants(self, path: List[str]) -> List[List[Tuple[str, float]]]:
Summarize the overall reactants of a given path.
Count the appearance of compounds in a reaction, -1 for reactants and +1 for products.
path : List[str]
Path containing a list of the traversed nodes.
: List[List[Tuple[str, float]]]
A tuple containing the reactants and products of a given path as list of tuples consisting of the aggregate
ID and its factor.
total_counter: Dict[str, float] = {}
assert self.graph_handler
# # # Loop over elementary steps
for i in np.arange(0, len(path) - 2, 2):
step = path[i:i + 3]
# # # Count Reactants
tmp_reactants = [step[0]]
tmp_reactants += self.graph_handler.graph.edges[step[0], step[1]]['required_compounds']
for key in tmp_reactants:
if key not in total_counter.keys():
total_counter[key] = 0
total_counter[key] -= 1
# # # Count Products
tmp_products = [step[2]]
tmp_products += self.graph_handler.graph.edges[step[1], step[2]]['required_compounds']
for key in tmp_products:
if key not in total_counter.keys():
total_counter[key] = 0
total_counter[key] += 1
# # # Contract reactant and product lists
reactants = [(cmp_id, abs(value)) for cmp_id, value in total_counter.items() if value < 0]
products = [(cmp_id, abs(value)) for cmp_id, value in total_counter.items() if value > 0]
return [reactants, products]
[docs] def get_overall_reaction_equation(self, path: List[str]) -> str:
Summarize a given path to a reaction equation and return its string.
Count the appearance of compounds in a reaction, -1 for reactants and +1 for products.
Returns the factor and the compound as a molecular formula.
path : List[str]
Path containing a list of the traversed nodes.
A string of the overall reaction equation of a given path.
# # # Get overall reactants and products
reactants, products = self.get_overall_reactants(path)
assert self.graph_handler
reaction_equation = ""
for i, side in enumerate([reactants, products]):
for j, cmp_count in enumerate(side):
aggregate_id = cmp_count[0]
# # # Identify Compound or Flask
if self.graph_handler.graph.nodes[aggregate_id]['type'] == db.CompoundOrFlask.COMPOUND.name:
aggregate_type = db.CompoundOrFlask.COMPOUND
elif self.graph_handler.graph.nodes[aggregate_id]['type'] == db.CompoundOrFlask.FLASK.name:
aggregate_type = db.CompoundOrFlask.FLASK
raise RuntimeError('Invalid aggregate type encountered. Please check the graph nodes.')
aggregate_str = get_molecular_formula_of_aggregate(
db.ID(aggregate_id), aggregate_type, self._compounds, self._flasks, self._structures)
reaction_equation += str(cmp_count[1]) + " " + aggregate_str
if j < len(side) - 1:
reaction_equation += " + "
if i == 0:
reaction_equation += " = "
except KeyError:
reaction_equation = "Could not determine reaction equation"
return reaction_equation
def _k_shortest_paths(graph: nx.DiGraph, source: str, target: str, n_paths: int, weight: Union[str, None] = None,
path_start: int = 0) -> List[List[str]]:
Finding the k shortest paths between a source and target node in a given graph.
The length of the returned paths increases.
* This procedure is based on the algorithm by Jin Y. Yen [1]. Finding the first k paths requires O(k*nodes^3)
* Implemented as given in the documentation of NetworkX:
https://networkx.org/documentation/stable/reference/algorithms/generated/ \
* [1]: Jin Y. Yen, “Finding the K Shortest Loopless Paths in a Network”, Management Science, Vol. 17, No. 11,
Theory Series (Jul., 1971), pp. 712-716.
graph : nx.DiGraph
The graph to be queried.
source : str
The ID of the starting compound as string.
target : str
The ID of the targeted compound as string.
n_paths : int
The number of paths to be returned.
weight : Union[str, None], optional
The key for the weight encoded in the edges to be used.
path_start : int, optional
An index of the first returned path, by default 0
List of paths, each path consisting of a list of nodes.
return list(
islice(nx.shortest_simple_paths(graph, source, target, weight=weight), path_start, path_start + n_paths)
[docs] def set_start_conditions(self, conditions: Dict[str, float]):
Add the IDs of the start compounds to self.start_compounds and add entries for cost in self.compound_cost.
conditions : Dict[str float]
The IDs of the compounds as keys and its given cost as values.
# # # Reset Start conditions, if already set previously
if self.start_compounds_set:
# # # Reset 'weight' if compound costs were solved
if self.graph_updated_with_compound_costs:
# # # Reset compound costs and start compounds
self.compound_costs = {}
self.start_compounds = []
self.compound_costs_solved = False
self.graph_updated_with_compound_costs = False
# # # Loop over conditions and set them
for cmp_id, cmp_cost in conditions.items():
self.compound_costs[cmp_id] = cmp_cost
self.start_compounds_set = True
def __weight_func(self, u: str, _: str, d: Dict):
Calculates the weight of the edge d connecting u with _ (directional!).
Only consider the costs of the required compounds if the edge d is from a compound node to a reaction node.
If the edge d connects a reaction node with a compound node, the returned weight should be 0.
u : str
The ID of start node.
_ : str
The ID of end node.
d : Dict
The edge connecting u and _ as dictionary
Sum over the edge weight and the costs of the required compounds.
# # # Weight of edge
edge_wt = d.get("weight", 0)
# # # List of required compounds
tmp_required_compounds = d.get("required_compounds", None)
# # # Sum over costs of required compounds.
# # # Only for edges from compound node to rxn node
if ';' not in u and tmp_required_compounds is not None:
required_compound_costs = np.sum([self.compound_costs[n] for n in tmp_required_compounds])
required_compound_costs = 0.0
return edge_wt + required_compound_costs
[docs] def calculate_compound_costs(self, recursive: bool = True):
Determine the cost for all compounds via determining their shortest paths from the ``start_compounds``.
If this succeeds, set ``compound_costs_solved`` to ``True``. Otherwise it stays ``False``.
The algorithm works as follows:
Given the starting conditions, one loops over the individual starting compounds as long as:
- the self._pseudo_inf entries in self.compound_costs are reduced
- for any entry in self.compounds_cost a lower cost is found
With each starting compound, one loops over compounds which have yet no cost assigned.
For each start - target compound pair, the shortest path is determined employing Dijkstra's algorithm.
The weight function checks the ``weight`` of the edges as well as the costs of the required compounds listed in
the ``required_compounds`` of the traversed edges.
If the path exceeds the length of self._pseudo_inf, this path is not considered for further evaluation.
The weight of the starting compound is added to the tmp_cost.
If the target compound has no weight assigned yet in ``compound_costs`` OR
if the target compound has a weight assigned which is larger (in ``compound_costs`` as well as in
``tmp_compound_costs``) than the current ``tmp_cost`` is written to the temporary storage of
After the loop over all starting compounds completes, the collected costs for the found targets are written to
The convergence variables are updated and the while loop continues.
* Checks if the start compounds are set.
* Checks if the graph contains any nodes.
recursive : bool
All compounds are checked for shorter paths, True by default.
If set to False, compounds for which a cost has been determined are not checked in the next loop.
assert self.graph_handler
if not self.start_compounds_set:
raise RuntimeError("No start conditions given.")
if len(self.graph_handler.graph.nodes) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("No nodes in graph.")
# # # Set all unknown compounds to pseudo inf cost
all_unknown_cmps = [n for n in self.graph_handler.graph.nodes if ';' not in n
and n not in self.start_compounds]
for cmp_id in all_unknown_cmps:
self.compound_costs[cmp_id] = self._pseudo_inf
# # # Extract connected graph to reduce number of compounds to check
subgraph = self.extract_connected_graph(self.start_compounds)
except DifferentSubgraphsError:
warnings.warn("Start compounds are not connected.")
subgraph = self.graph_handler.graph
cmps_to_check = [n for n in subgraph if ';' not in n
and n not in self.start_compounds]
# # # Dictionary for current run
tmp_compound_costs: Dict[str, float] = {}
no_path_to_cmps = list()
# # # Determine convergence variables for while loop
current_inf_count = sum(value == self._pseudo_inf for value in self.compound_costs.values())
prev_inf_count = current_inf_count
# # # Convergence criteria
compound_costs_change = None
compound_costs_opt_change = 1
converged = False
# # # Find paths until either no costs are unknown or the None count has not changed
while not converged:
compound_costs_opt_change = 0
print("Remaining Nodes:", len(cmps_to_check))
for tmp_start_node in self.start_compounds:
# # # Loop over all nodes to be checked starting from start nodes
for target in cmps_to_check:
# # # Determine cost and path with dijkstra's algorithm
tmp_cost, _ = nx.single_source_dijkstra(self.graph_handler.graph, tmp_start_node, target,
cutoff=None, weight=self.__weight_func)
# # # Catch nodes with no paths, remove them from compounds to check list
except nx.NetworkXNoPath as error:
print(error.__str__()[:-1] + " from " + tmp_start_node + ".")
# # # Remove target if no way found from other starting compounds
if (target not in tmp_compound_costs.keys()) and \
(self.compound_costs[target] == self._pseudo_inf) and \
(tmp_start_node == self.start_compounds[-1]):
print("Removing " + target + " from compounds to check.")
# # # Append target to be removed
# # # Check if the obtained cost is larger than infinity (pseudo_inf)
# # # and continue with the next target if this is the case
if (tmp_cost - self._pseudo_inf) > 0.0:
# # # Add cost of the starting node
tmp_cost += self.compound_costs[tmp_start_node]
# # # Check for value in compound_costs dict and indicate change
if (self.compound_costs[target] != self._pseudo_inf and
10e-6 < self.compound_costs[target] - tmp_cost):
compound_costs_opt_change += 1
# # # Not already set check
if self.compound_costs[target] == self._pseudo_inf or (
self.compound_costs != self._pseudo_inf and 10e-6 < self.compound_costs[target] - tmp_cost):
# # # Not discovered in current run OR new tmp cost lower than stored cost
if target not in tmp_compound_costs.keys():
tmp_compound_costs[target] = tmp_cost
elif tmp_cost < tmp_compound_costs[target]:
tmp_compound_costs[target] = tmp_cost
# # # Remove targets where no path could be found
for cmp in no_path_to_cmps:
no_path_to_cmps = list()
# # # Write obtained compound_costs to overall dictionary
for key, value in tmp_compound_costs.items():
self.compound_costs[key] = value
# # # Remove found nodes if recursive is false
if not recursive:
# # # Reset tmp_pr_cost
tmp_compound_costs = {}
# # # Convergence Check
current_inf_count = sum(value == self._pseudo_inf for value in self.compound_costs.values())
compound_costs_change = prev_inf_count - current_inf_count
prev_inf_count = current_inf_count
print(50 * '-')
print("Current None:", current_inf_count)
print("PR Change:", compound_costs_change)
print("PR Opt Change:", compound_costs_opt_change)
# # # Convergence Check
if (compound_costs_change == 0 and compound_costs_opt_change == 0):
converged = True
# # # Final check if all compound costs are solved
if current_inf_count == 0:
self.compound_costs_solved = True
[docs] def update_graph_compound_costs(self):
Update the 'weight' of edges from compound to reaction nodes by adding the compound costs.
The compound costs are the sum over the costs stored in self.compound_costs of the required compounds.
The edges of the resulting graph contain a weight including the required_compound_costs based on the starting
All analysis of the graph therefore depend on the starting conditions.
* Checks if the compound costs have successfully been determined.
* Checks if the graph has been updated with the compound costs.
# # # Check if all costs are available
if not self.compound_costs_solved:
unsolved_cmp = [key for key, value in self.compound_costs.items() if value == self._pseudo_inf]
warnings.warn("The following compounds have no cost assigned:\n" + str(unsolved_cmp) +
"\nGraph will be updated anyway, but maybe reconsider the starting conditions.\n")
# # # Check if graph has been updated
if self.graph_updated_with_compound_costs:
warnings.warn("The graph has been updated with compound costs previously, but will be updated anyway.")
# # # Reset unique_iterator_list as graph changes
for node in self.compound_costs.keys():
# # # Loop over all edges of compound and manipulate weight
for target_node, attributes in self.graph_handler.graph[node].items():
required_compound_costs = np.asarray([self.compound_costs[k] for k in attributes['required_compounds']])
tot_required_compound_costs = np.sum(required_compound_costs)
# # # Set required compound costs in edge
target_node]['required_compound_costs'] = tot_required_compound_costs
# # # Add required compound costs to weight
self.graph_handler.graph.edges[node, target_node]['weight'] += tot_required_compound_costs
# # # Set bool for update
self.graph_updated_with_compound_costs = True
[docs] def reset_graph_compound_costs(self):
Reset the 'weight' of edges from compound to reaction nodes by subtracting the required compound costs.
Allows to re-calculate the compound costs under different starting conditions.
* Checks if the compound costs have successfully been determined.
if not self.graph_updated_with_compound_costs:
raise RuntimeError("Graph not updated with compound costs.")
for node in self.compound_costs.keys():
# # # Loop over all edges of compound and manipulate weight
for target_node in self.graph_handler.graph[node].keys():
# # # Get required compound costs from edge
tot_required_compound_costs = self.graph_handler.graph.edges[node,
# # # Subtract required compound costs from weight
self.graph_handler.graph.edges[node, target_node]['weight'] -= tot_required_compound_costs
# # # Set required compound costs back to 0.0
self.graph_handler.graph.edges[node, target_node]['required_compound_costs'] = 0.0
# # # Reset bools for compound costs
self.compound_costs_solved = False
self.graph_updated_with_compound_costs = False
[docs] def export_graph(self, filename: str = "graph.json"):
Export the graph without compound costs as dictionary to .json file.
filename : str, optional
Name of the file to write graph into, by default "graph.json".
assert self.graph_handler
graph_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.graph_handler.graph)
if self.graph_updated_with_compound_costs:
for node in self.compound_costs.keys():
# # # Loop over all edges of compound and manipulate weight
for target_node in graph_copy[node].keys():
# # # Get required compound costs from edge
tot_required_compound_costs = graph_copy.edges[node, target_node]['required_compound_costs']
# # # Subtract required compound costs from weight
graph_copy.edges[node, target_node]['weight'] -= tot_required_compound_costs
# # # Set required compound costs back to 0.0
graph_copy.edges[node, target_node]['required_compound_costs'] = 0.0
graph_as_dict = nx.convert.to_dict_of_dicts(graph_copy)
# # # Add node type to dictionary
for node_key, prop_dict in graph_copy.nodes(data=True):
for prop_key in prop_dict.keys():
graph_as_dict[node_key][prop_key] = graph_copy.nodes[node_key][prop_key]
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(graph_as_dict, f, indent=4)
[docs] def export_compound_costs(self, filename: str = "compound_costs.json"):
Export the compound cost dictionary to a .json file.
filename : str, optional
Name of the file to write compound costs into, by default "compound_costs.json"
assert len(self.compound_costs) > 0
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(self.compound_costs, f, indent=4)
def _import_graph(filename: str) -> nx.DiGraph:
with open(filename, "r") as f:
graph = json.load(f)
# # # Extract additional node type information
node_properties_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {}
for node_key, node in graph.items():
# Filter property keys
# Property keys are not allowed to end on ';' or to have 24 characters
# TODO: this filter is a bit doggy, no idea for alternativ though
node_property_keys = list(filter(lambda key: len(key) != 24 and key[-1] != ";", list(node.keys())))
for index, prop_key in enumerate(node_property_keys):
if index == 0:
node_properties_dict[node_key] = {}
node_properties_dict[node_key][prop_key] = node[prop_key]
# # # Load NetworkX Digraph
nx_graph = nx.convert.from_dict_of_dicts(graph, create_using=nx.DiGraph)
for node_key, node_properties in node_properties_dict.items():
for prop_key, prop_value in node_properties.items():
nx_graph.nodes[node_key][prop_key] = prop_value
return nx_graph
def _import_dictionary(filename: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
with open(filename, "r") as f:
imported_dict = json.load(f)
return imported_dict
[docs] class BasicHandler(HoldsCollections):
A basic class to handle the construction of the nx.DiGraph.
A list of reactions can be added differently, depending on the implementation of ``_get_weight`` and
graph : nx.DiGraph
The directed graph.
barrierless_weight : float
The weight to be set for barrierless reactions.
model : db.Model
A model for filtering the valid reactions.
Per default ("any", "any", "any"), reactions are included regardless of the model.
filter_negative_barriers : bool
If True, reactions with negative barriers are filtered out.
use_structure_model : bool
If True, the structure model is used to filter out reactions.
structure_model : db.Model
A model for filtering the valid reactions.
Per default ("any", "any", "any"), both structure and energy evaluations are based on the same model.
use_only_enabled_aggregates : bool
If True, only enabled aggregates are used.
def __init__(self, manager: db.Manager, model: db.Model,
structure_model: db.Model) -> None:
self.graph = nx.DiGraph()
self._required_collections = ["manager", "calculations", "compounds", "flasks", "reactions",
"elementary_steps", "structures", "properties"]
self.barrierless_weight = 1.0
self.model: db.Model = model
self.filter_negative_barriers = False
self.use_structure_model = False
self.use_only_enabled_aggregates = False
self.structure_model: db.Model = structure_model
self._rxn_to_es_map: Dict[str, db.ID] = {}
self._allowed_reaction_sides: Dict[str, db.Side] = {}
[docs] def add_reaction(self, reaction: db.Reaction):
Add a reaction to the graph.
Each reaction node represents the LHS and RHS.
Hence every reagent of a reaction is connected to every product of a reaction via one reaction node.
For instance:\n
| A + B = C + D, reaction R\n
| A -> R\\ :sub:`1` -> C
| A -> R\\ :sub:`1` -> D
| B -> R\\ :sub:`1` -> C
| B -> R\\ :sub:`1` -> D
| C -> R\\ :sub:`2` -> A
| C -> R\\ :sub:`2` -> B
| D -> R\\ :sub:`2` -> A
| D -> R\\ :sub:`2` -> B
Representing this reaction in the graph yields 4 compound nodes,
2 reaction nodes (same reaction) and 16 edges (2*2*2*2).
The weights assigned to the edges depends on the ``_get_weight`` implementation.
The edges from a compound node to a reaction node contain several pieces of information:
the weight of the edge
1 if the reaction is not barrierless, otherwise it is set to self.barrierless_weight
the IDs of the other reagents of this side of the reaction in a list
the sum over all compound costs of the compounds in the required_compounds list
None by default
The edges from a reaction node to a compound node contain several information:
the weight of the edge, set to 0
the IDs of the other products emerging;
added for easier information extraction during the path analysis
reaction : db.Reaction
The reaction to be added to the graph.
# Add two rxn nodes
rxn_nodes: List[Optional[str]] = []
reaction_id = reaction.id().string()
allowed_side = self.get_allowed_reaction_sides(reaction_id)
for i in range(0, 2):
if allowed_side == db.Side.NONE:
if allowed_side == db.Side.RHS and i == 0:
if allowed_side == db.Side.LHS and i == 1:
# Add rxn node between lhs and rhs compound
rxn_node = ';'.join([reaction_id, str(i)])
rxn_node += ';'
# Construct property dict of node
rxn_node_properties = {'type': 'rxn_node'}
es_id = self._get_mapped_es_of_reaction(reaction_id)
if es_id is not None:
rxn_node_properties['elementary_step_id'] = es_id
self.graph.add_node(rxn_node, **rxn_node_properties)
# Convert to strings
reactants = reaction.get_reactants(db.Side.BOTH)
reactant_types = reaction.get_reactant_types(db.Side.BOTH)
weights = self._get_weight(reaction)
# Add lhs aggregates and connect
for lhs_cmp, lhs_type in zip([i.string() for i in reactants[0]],
[i.name for i in reactant_types[0]]):
if lhs_cmp not in self.graph:
self.graph.add_node(lhs_cmp, type=lhs_type)
required_cmps_lhs = [s.string() for s in reactants[0]]
if rxn_nodes[0] is not None:
self.graph.add_edge(lhs_cmp, rxn_nodes[0], weight=weights[0], required_compounds=required_cmps_lhs,
if rxn_nodes[1] is not None:
self.graph.add_edge(rxn_nodes[1], lhs_cmp, weight=0.0, required_compounds=None)
# Add rhs aggregates and connect
for rhs_cmp, rhs_type in zip([i.string() for i in reactants[1]],
[i.name for i in reactant_types[1]]):
if rhs_cmp not in self.graph:
self.graph.add_node(rhs_cmp, type=rhs_type)
required_cmps_rhs = [s.string() for s in reactants[1]]
if rxn_nodes[1] is not None:
self.graph.add_edge(rhs_cmp, rxn_nodes[1], weight=weights[1], required_compounds=required_cmps_rhs,
if rxn_nodes[0] is not None:
self.graph.add_edge(rxn_nodes[0], rhs_cmp, weight=0.0, required_compounds=None)
# # # Loop over reaction nodes to add required compounds info to downwards edges; might be unnecessary
if all(node is not None for node in rxn_nodes):
node_index = 1
for node in rxn_nodes:
for key in self.graph[node].keys():
self.graph.edges[node, key]['required_compounds'] = \
self.graph.edges[key, rxn_nodes[node_index]]['required_compounds']
node_index -= 1
def _get_weight(self, reaction: db.Reaction) -> Tuple[float, float]:
Determining the weights for the edges of the given reaction.
reaction : db.Reaction
Reaction of interest
Tuple[float, float]
Weight for connections to the LHS reaction node, weight for connections to the RHS reaction node
for step in reaction.get_elementary_steps(self._manager):
# # # Barrierless weights for barrierless reactions
if step.get_type() == db.ElementaryStepType.BARRIERLESS:
return self.barrierless_weight, self.barrierless_weight
return 1.0, 1.0
[docs] def get_valid_reaction_ids(self) -> List[db.ID]:
Basic filter function for reactions.
Per default, it returns all reactions.
List of IDs of the filtered reactions.
valid_ids: List[db.ID] = list()
for reaction in self._reactions.iterate_all_reactions():
if self._valid_reaction(reaction):
return valid_ids
def _get_mapped_es_of_reaction(self, rxn_id_string: str) -> Optional[str]:
id_ = self._rxn_to_es_map.get(rxn_id_string, None)
return id_ if id_ is None else str(id_)
def _valid_reaction(self, reaction: db.Reaction) -> bool:
Checks if a given reaction is valid.
A reaction is considered valid if at least one elementary step of the reaction has an electronic energy
assigned to its first structure, if required calculated with the set db.Model.
If 'use_structure_model' is set to True, the elementary steps are checked if the first structure of the
elementary step has the required structure model.
If 'filter_negative_barriers' is set to True, the elementary step is checked if the electronic energy
barrier in any direction is None or negative.
If 'use_only_enabled_aggregates' is set to True, the reaction is checked if all aggregates on both sides
are enabled.
reaction : db.Reaction
The reaction which shall be checked for one valid elementary step.
Bool indicating if the reaction is valid.
if self.use_only_enabled_aggregates:
lhs, rhs = reaction.get_reactants(db.Side.BOTH)
lhs_types, rhs_types = reaction.get_reactant_types(db.Side.BOTH)
if not all(get_compound_or_flask(reactant_id, reactant_type, self._compounds, self._flasks).explore()
for reactant_id, reactant_type in zip(lhs + rhs, lhs_types + rhs_types)):
return False
for es_id in reaction.get_elementary_steps():
valid_structures = False
valid_barriers = True
es = db.ElementaryStep(es_id, self._elementary_steps)
first_structure_lhs = db.Structure(es.get_reactants()[0][0], self._structures)
# # # Model Check
# Check, if energy of this structure with specified model exists
if self.model != db.Model("any", "any", "any") or\
self.model != db.Model("any", "any", ""): # type: ignore
assert self.model
if self.use_structure_model:
assert self.structure_model
# Structure model check if wanted here, structure must have model
if self.use_structure_model and \
self.structure_model != first_structure_lhs.get_model(): # type: ignore
# # # Skip structure if the structure model does not fit the set model
first_structure_lhs_e = get_energy_for_structure(
first_structure_lhs, "electronic_energy", self.model, self._structures, self._properties)
# # # Structure validity check
if first_structure_lhs_e is not None:
valid_structures = True
if self.filter_negative_barriers:
barriers = get_barriers_for_elementary_step_by_type(es, "electronic_energy", self.model,
self._structures, self._properties)
if None in barriers or (barriers[0] < 0.0 or barriers[1] < 0.0): # type: ignore
valid_barriers = False
# # # Final structure and barrier check
if valid_structures and valid_barriers:
return True
# Check if model is not specified (None)
if len(first_structure_lhs.get_properties("electronic_energy")) > 0:
return True
# If all elementary steps of this reaction fail the checks, this reaction is not valid
return False
[docs] def get_allowed_reaction_sides(self, reaction_id: str) -> db.Side:
return self._allowed_reaction_sides.get(reaction_id, db.Side.BOTH)
[docs] class BarrierBasedHandler(BasicHandler):
A class derived from the basic graph handler class to encode the reaction barrier information in the edges.
The barriers of the elementary step with the minimal TS energy of a reaction are employed.
The barriers are converted to rate constants, normalized over all rate constants in the graph and then the cost
function :math:`|log(normalized\\ rate\\ constant)|` is applied to obtain the weight.
temperature : float
The temperature for calculating the rate constants from the barriers. Default is 298.15 K.
_rate_constant_normalization : float
The factor to normalize the rate constant.
def __init__(self, db_manager: db.Manager, model: db.Model,
structure_model=db.Model("any", "any", "any")) -> None:
super().__init__(db_manager, model, structure_model)
self.temperature = 298.15
self._barrier_limit: float = math.inf
self._rate_constant_normalization = 1.0
[docs] def get_barrier_limit(self) -> float:
return self._barrier_limit
[docs] def set_barrier_limit(self, barrier_limit: float) -> None:
self._barrier_limit = barrier_limit
[docs] def set_temperature(self, temperature: float):
Setting the temperature for determining the rate constants.
temperature : float
The temperature in Kelvin.
self.temperature = temperature
[docs] def get_temperature(self):
Gets the set temperature.
self.temperature : float
The set temperature.
return self.temperature
[docs] def get_valid_reaction_ids(self):
return [db.ID(key) for key in self._rxn_to_es_map.keys()]
def _get_valid_reaction_ids(self) -> List[db.ID]:
valid_ids: List[db.ID] = list()
for reaction in self._reactions.iterate_all_reactions():
if self._valid_reaction(reaction):
return valid_ids
def _map_elementary_steps_to_reactions(self):
Loop over all reactions to get the elementary step with the lowest TS energy for each reaction.
The corresponding db.ID of the elementary step is written to the _rxn_to_es_map.
for reaction_id in self._get_valid_reaction_ids():
reaction = db.Reaction(reaction_id, self._reactions)
# # # Go for gibbs energy first
es = get_elementary_step_with_min_ts_energy(
# # # If unsuccessful, attempt electronic energy
if es is None:
es = get_elementary_step_with_min_ts_energy(
# # # If es_id still None, continue; pure safety measure
if es is None:
es_id = es.id()
allowed_side = db.Side.BOTH
# Enforce non-negative barriers
if self.filter_negative_barriers or self._barrier_limit < math.inf:
es = db.ElementaryStep(es_id, self._elementary_steps)
barriers = get_barriers_for_elementary_step_by_type(es, "electronic_energy", self.model,
self._structures, self._properties)
if self.filter_negative_barriers and (None in barriers or (barriers[0] < 0.0 or barriers[1] < 0.0)):
es_id = self._get_elementary_step_with_min_ts_energy_and_non_negative_barriers(reaction)
if self._barrier_limit < math.inf:
es = db.ElementaryStep(es_id, self._elementary_steps)
barriers = get_barriers_for_elementary_step_by_type(es, "electronic_energy", self.model,
self._structures, self._properties)
if self._barrier_limit < math.inf:
if all(b > self._barrier_limit for b in barriers):
allowed_side = db.Side.NONE
elif barriers[0] > self._barrier_limit:
allowed_side = db.Side.RHS
elif barriers[1] > self._barrier_limit:
allowed_side = db.Side.LHS
# # # Write elementary step to map
self._allowed_reaction_sides[reaction_id.string()] = allowed_side
self._rxn_to_es_map[reaction_id.string()] = es_id
def _calculate_rate_constant_normalization(self):
Determine the rate constant normalization factor for calculating the edge weights.
Loops over the _rxn_to_es_map, converts every barrier to the rate constant and adds it to the sum of rate
For barrierless elementary steps, twice the barrierless_weight is added.
For elementary steps with negative barriers, for the negative barrier(s) the barrierless_weight is added.
The rate constant normalization is then the inverse of the final sum.
k_sum = 0.0
for es_id in self._rxn_to_es_map.values():
es = db.ElementaryStep(es_id, self._elementary_steps)
if es.get_type() == db.ElementaryStepType.BARRIERLESS:
k_sum += self.barrierless_weight * 2
if not es.has_transition_state():
raise RuntimeError("Elementary step " + es_id.string() + " has label " + es.get_type() +
" but no transition state.")
# # # Retrieve barriers of elementary step in kJ/mol
barriers = get_barriers_for_elementary_step_by_type(
es, "gibbs_free_energy", self.model, self._structures, self._properties)
if None in barriers:
barriers = get_barriers_for_elementary_step_by_type(
es, "electronic_energy", self.model, self._structures, self._properties)
# # # Use user defined barrierless weight for negative barriers
# Check LHS Barrier
if barriers[0] < 0.0:
k_lhs = self.barrierless_weight
k_lhs = rate_constant_from_barrier(barriers[0], self.temperature)
# Check RHS Barrier
if barriers[1] < 0.0:
k_rhs = self.barrierless_weight
k_rhs = rate_constant_from_barrier(barriers[1], self.temperature)
k_sum += k_lhs + k_rhs
if k_sum != 0.0:
self._rate_constant_normalization = 1 / k_sum
def _get_weight(self, reaction: db.Reaction) -> Tuple[float, float]:
Determines the weight for a given reaction.
The weight is calculated by determining the rate constant from the barrier, normalizing the constant with
the rate_constant_normalization and taking the abs(log()) of the corresponding product.
For barrierless reactions and negative barriers, the barrierless_weight is taken as rate constants.
reaction : db.Reaction
The reaction for which the weights should be determined.
weights : Tuple(float, float)
The weight for the LHS -> RxnNode and for the RHS -> RxnNode.
# # # Look up elementary step id for reaction
es_id = self._rxn_to_es_map[reaction.id().string()]
es_step = db.ElementaryStep(es_id, self._elementary_steps)
# # # Barrierless weights for barrierless reactions
if es_step.get_type() == db.ElementaryStepType.BARRIERLESS:
k_lhs = self.barrierless_weight
k_rhs = self.barrierless_weight
if not es_step.has_transition_state():
raise RuntimeError("Elementary step " + es_id.string() + " has label " + es_step.get_type().name +
" but no transition state.")
assert self.model
# # # Retrieve barriers of elementary step in kJ/mol
barriers = get_barriers_for_elementary_step_by_type(
es_step, "gibbs_free_energy", self.model, self._structures, self._properties)
if None in barriers:
barriers = get_barriers_for_elementary_step_by_type(
es_step, "electronic_energy", self.model, self._structures, self._properties)
assert barriers[0]
# Check LHS Barrier
if barriers[0] < 0.0:
k_lhs = self.barrierless_weight
k_lhs = rate_constant_from_barrier(barriers[0], self.temperature)
# Check RHS Barrier
if barriers[1] < 0.0:
k_rhs = self.barrierless_weight
k_rhs = rate_constant_from_barrier(barriers[1], self.temperature)
return abs(np.log(k_lhs * self._rate_constant_normalization)), \
abs(np.log(k_rhs * self._rate_constant_normalization))
def _get_elementary_step_with_min_ts_energy_and_non_negative_barriers(self, reaction: db.Reaction) -> db.ID:
Gets the elementary step ID with the lowest energy of the corresponding transition state
of a valid reaction, without a negative barrier in the forward and backward directions.
reaction : db.Reaction
The reaction for which the elementary steps shall be analyzed.
elementary_step_id : db.ID
The ID of the elementary step with the lowest TS energy without negative barriers.
# # # Get all es steps of the reaction
el_steps = reaction.get_elementary_steps()
es_data: List[Tuple[float, float, float, db.ID]] = list()
assert self.model
if self.use_structure_model:
assert self.structure_model
# # # Loop over the steps and retrieve TS energy and barrier information
for es_id in el_steps:
es = db.ElementaryStep(es_id, self._elementary_steps)
barriers = get_barriers_for_elementary_step_by_type(
es, "electronic_energy", self.model, self._structures, self._properties)
if None in barriers:
# # # Check for mypy
assert barriers[0] is not None and barriers[1] is not None
if es.get_type() == db.ElementaryStepType.BARRIERLESS:
return es_id
# # # TS Retrieval and check structure model
ts = db.Structure(es.get_transition_state(), self._structures)
if self.use_structure_model and ts.get_model() != self.structure_model: # type: ignore
ts_energy = get_energy_for_structure(
ts, "electronic_energy", self.model, self._structures, self._properties)
# # # Check for mypy
assert ts_energy is not None
# # # Append tuple of ts energy, lhs barrier, rhs barrier and id to list
es_data.append((ts_energy, barriers[0], barriers[1], es_id)) # type: ignore
# # # Sort the es data by lowest TS energy
es_data_sorted = [item for item in sorted(es_data, key=lambda item: item[0])]
# # # Return first elementary step id where all barriers are positive (> 0.0)
for data in es_data_sorted:
if data[1] > 0.0 and data[2] > 0.0:
return data[3]
raise RuntimeError(f"No elementary step with positive barriers found for reaction {str(reaction.id())}")