#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__copyright__ = """ This code is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.
Copyright ETH Zurich, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Reiher Group.
See LICENSE.txt for details.
import scine_database as db
import scine_utilities as utils
from scine_database.queries import stop_on_timeout, calculation_exists_in_structure
from typing import List, Union
from json import dumps
# Local application imports
from . import Gear
from scine_chemoton.filters.structure_filters import StructureFilter
from scine_chemoton.utilities.calculation_creation_helpers import finalize_calculation
[docs]class SinglePoint(Gear):
[docs] class Options(Gear.Options):
The options for the SinglePoint Gear.
This gear writes calculation entries to the database for every structure fitting the given label list and
filter settings.
Application example: Run single point calculations for gradients and forces for structures during
training of a machine learning model.
This gear per default does not consider the model of the structures and setups calculations with its model.
If you want to consider only certain structures, you can give it a StructureFilter.
__slots__ = ("allowed_labels", "job", "job_settings")
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.allowed_labels: List[Union[str, db.Label]] = []
allowed_labels : List[Union[str, db.Label]]
Only structures with a label in the given list are considered by this gear. If none are provided,
structures are considered independently of their label.
self.job: db.Job = db.Job("scine_single_point")
job : db.Job
The calculation job.
self.job_settings: utils.ValueCollection = utils.ValueCollection()
job_settings : utils.ValueCollection
The calculation settings.
options: Options
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._required_collections = ["structures", "calculations"]
self.structure_filter: StructureFilter = StructureFilter()
def _propagate_db_manager(self, manager: db.Manager):
def _sanity_check_configuration(self):
if not isinstance(self.structure_filter, StructureFilter):
raise TypeError(f"Expected a StructureFilter (or a class derived "
f"from it) in {self.name}.options.structure_filter.")
def __get_query_selection(self):
Returns a dictionary that is used to query the database for structures to be considered by this gear.
selection = {}
if self.options.allowed_labels:
label_strs = [label.name.lower() if isinstance(label, db.Label) else label.lower()
for label in self.options.allowed_labels]
selection["label"] = {"$in": label_strs}
return selection
def __calculation_already_set_up(self, structure: db.Structure) -> bool:
Checks whether a calculation for the given structure already exists.
Relies on an entry of the setup calculations in the structure document.
return calculation_exists_in_structure(self.options.job.order, [structure.id()], self.options.model,
self._structures, self._calculations,
def __set_up_calculation(self, structure: db.Structure):
structure_id = structure.id()
calc = db.Calculation()
calc.create(self.options.model, self.options.job, [structure_id])
finalize_calculation(calc, self._structures, [structure_id])
def _loop_impl(self):
selection = self.__get_query_selection()
for structure in stop_on_timeout(self._structures.iterate_structures(dumps(selection))):
if self.stop_at_next_break_point:
if not self.structure_filter.filter(structure):
if self.__calculation_already_set_up(structure):