Source code for scine_chemoton.gears.single_point

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__copyright__ = """ This code is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.
Copyright ETH Zurich, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Reiher Group.
See LICENSE.txt for details.

import scine_database as db
import scine_utilities as utils
from scine_database.queries import stop_on_timeout, calculation_exists_in_structure

from typing import List, Union
from json import dumps

# Local application imports
from . import Gear
from scine_chemoton.filters.structure_filters import StructureFilter
from scine_chemoton.utilities.calculation_creation_helpers import finalize_calculation

[docs]class SinglePoint(Gear):
[docs] class Options(Gear.Options): """ The options for the SinglePoint Gear. This gear writes calculation entries to the database for every structure fitting the given label list and filter settings. Application example: Run single point calculations for gradients and forces for structures during training of a machine learning model. Notes ----- This gear per default does not consider the model of the structures and setups calculations with its model. If you want to consider only certain structures, you can give it a StructureFilter. """ __slots__ = ("allowed_labels", "job", "job_settings") def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.allowed_labels: List[Union[str, db.Label]] = [] """ allowed_labels : List[Union[str, db.Label]] Only structures with a label in the given list are considered by this gear. If none are provided, structures are considered independently of their label. """ self.job: db.Job = db.Job("scine_single_point") """ job : db.Job The calculation job. """ self.job_settings: utils.ValueCollection = utils.ValueCollection() """ job_settings : utils.ValueCollection The calculation settings. """
options: Options def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self._required_collections = ["structures", "calculations"] self.structure_filter: StructureFilter = StructureFilter() def _propagate_db_manager(self, manager: db.Manager): self.structure_filter.initialize_collections(manager) def _sanity_check_configuration(self): if not isinstance(self.structure_filter, StructureFilter): raise TypeError(f"Expected a StructureFilter (or a class derived " f"from it) in {}.options.structure_filter.") def __get_query_selection(self): """ Returns a dictionary that is used to query the database for structures to be considered by this gear. """ selection = {} if self.options.allowed_labels: label_strs = [ if isinstance(label, db.Label) else label.lower() for label in self.options.allowed_labels] selection["label"] = {"$in": label_strs} return selection def __calculation_already_set_up(self, structure: db.Structure) -> bool: """ Checks whether a calculation for the given structure already exists. Relies on an entry of the setup calculations in the structure document. """ return calculation_exists_in_structure(self.options.job.order, [], self.options.model, self._structures, self._calculations, self.options.job_settings.as_dict()) def __set_up_calculation(self, structure: db.Structure): structure_id = calc = db.Calculation() calc.create(self.options.model, self.options.job, [structure_id]) calc.set_settings(self.options.job_settings) finalize_calculation(calc, self._structures, [structure_id]) def _loop_impl(self): selection = self.__get_query_selection() for structure in stop_on_timeout(self._structures.iterate_structures(dumps(selection))): if self.stop_at_next_break_point: return if not self.structure_filter.filter(structure): continue if self.__calculation_already_set_up(structure): continue self.__set_up_calculation(structure)