Source code for scine_chemoton.gears.thermo

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__copyright__ = """ This code is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.
Copyright ETH Zurich, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Reiher Group.
See LICENSE.txt for details.

# Standard library imports
from typing import Set, Optional, Dict, List, Union
import numpy as np

# Third party imports
import scine_database as db
from scine_database.queries import stop_on_timeout, calculation_exists_in_structure
import scine_utilities as utils

# Local application imports
from ..gears import Gear
from scine_chemoton.filters.aggregate_filters import AggregateFilter
from ..utilities.calculation_creation_helpers import finalize_calculation
from scine_chemoton.utilities.place_holder_model import (

[docs]class BasicThermoDataCompletion(Gear): """ This Gear will autocomplete the thermochemistry data for optimized minimum energy structures and optimized transition states. Attributes ---------- options : BasicThermoDataCompletion.Options The options for the BasicThermoDataCompletion Gear. aggregate_filter : AggregateFilter A possible aggregate filter to select certain aggregates. Notes ----- The logic checks for 'user_optimized', 'minimum_optimized' and 'ts_optimized' structures. For the optimized minima only those assigned to a compound will be queried. If no 'gibbs_energy_correction' with the given model is present, then a calculation generating that data is set up (on hold). """ correction_name: str = "gibbs_energy_correction"
[docs] class Options(Gear.Options): """ The options for the BasicThermoDataCompletion Gear. """ __slots__ = ("job", "settings", "structure_model", "ignore_explore_bool") def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.job: db.Job = db.Job("scine_hessian") """ db.Job (Scine::Database::Calculation::Job) The Job used for the Hessian/thermo chemistry calculations. The default is: the 'scine_hessian' order on a single core. """ self.settings: utils.ValueCollection = utils.ValueCollection() """ utils.ValueCollection Additional settings passed to the Hessian/thermo chemistry calculations. Empty by default. """ self.structure_model: Optional[db.Model] = construct_place_holder_model() """ Optional[db.Model (Scine::Database::Model)] Hessian calculations are only started for structures with the given model. """ self.ignore_explore_bool: bool = False """ bool If True, the gear will ignore the explore field of the aggregates and reactions in the database. """
options: Options def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.aggregate_filter = AggregateFilter() self._flask_cache: Dict[str, int] = {} self._compound_cache: Dict[str, int] = {} self._reaction_cache: Dict[str, int] = {} self._structure_cache: Set[str] = set() # structure_id in cache --> no more investigation self._required_collections = [ "calculations", "compounds", "flasks", "reactions", "elementary_steps", "properties", "structures" ] def _propagate_db_manager(self, manager: db.Manager): self._sanity_check_configuration() self.aggregate_filter.initialize_collections(manager) def _sanity_check_configuration(self): if not isinstance(self.aggregate_filter, AggregateFilter): raise TypeError(f"Expected a AggregateFilter (or a class derived " f"from it) in {}.aggregate_filter.")
[docs] def clear_cache(self): self._structure_cache = set() self._flask_cache = {} self._compound_cache = {} self._reaction_cache = {}
@staticmethod def _hash_id_lists(id_list: List[db.ID]) -> int: return hash(','.join([i.string() for i in id_list])) def _check_aggregate( self, aggregate: Union[db.Flask, db.Compound], collection: db.Collection, cache: Dict[str, int] ) -> None: if not self.options.ignore_explore_bool and not aggregate.explore(): return current_id = aggregate.get_id().string() current_id_list = aggregate.get_structures() current_hash = self._hash_id_lists(current_id_list) if cache.get(current_id) == current_hash: return for structure_id in current_id_list: self._check_structure(structure_id) cache[current_id] = current_hash def _loop_impl(self): # Check only aggregated TSs and minima. # Cache if an aggregate has not changed and skip it all together for flask in stop_on_timeout(self._flasks.iterate_flasks('{}')): if self.stop_at_next_break_point: return self._check_aggregate(flask, self._flasks, self._flask_cache) for compound in stop_on_timeout(self._compounds.iterate_compounds('{}')): if self.stop_at_next_break_point: return self._check_aggregate(compound, self._compounds, self._compound_cache) for reaction in stop_on_timeout(self._reactions.iterate_reactions('{}')): if self.stop_at_next_break_point: return if not self.options.ignore_explore_bool and not reaction.explore(): continue current_id = reaction.get_id().string() current_id_list = reaction.get_elementary_steps() current_hash = self._hash_id_lists(current_id_list) if self._reaction_cache.get(current_id) == current_hash: continue for step_id in current_id_list: step = db.ElementaryStep(step_id) if not step.has_transition_state(): continue structure_id = step.get_transition_state() self._check_structure(structure_id) self._reaction_cache[current_id] = current_hash def _check_structure(self, structure_id: db.ID) -> None: structure = db.Structure(structure_id) sid = structure_id.string() if self.stop_at_next_break_point: return if sid in self._structure_cache: return if (self.options.structure_model is not None and not isinstance(self.options.structure_model, PlaceHolderModelType) and structure.get_model() != self.options.structure_model): return # AggregateFilter does not filter, so skip check if filter has not been changed have_to_filter: bool = self.aggregate_filter is not AggregateFilter if have_to_filter and self._cancelled_by_filter(structure): self._structure_cache.add(sid) return if structure.has_property(self.correction_name): if len(structure.query_properties(self.correction_name, self.options.model, self._properties)) > 0: self._structure_cache.add(sid) return atoms = structure.get_atoms() if len(atoms) == 1: self._add_gibbs_correction_for_single_atom( structure, atoms ) return # Check if a calculation for this is already scheduled settings = self.options.settings if self.options.settings else None if calculation_exists_in_structure(self.options.job.order, [structure_id], self.options.model, self._structures, self._calculations, settings): # type: ignore self._structure_cache.add(sid) return hessian = db.Calculation() hessian.create(self.options.model, self.options.job, [structure_id]) if self.options.settings: hessian.set_settings(self.options.settings) self._structure_cache.add(sid) finalize_calculation(hessian, self._structures) def _add_gibbs_correction_for_single_atom( self, structure: db.Structure, atoms: utils.AtomCollection ) -> None: spin_multiplicity = structure.get_multiplicity() tc = utils.ThermochemistryCalculator( np.zeros((3, 3)), atoms, spin_multiplicity, 0.0 ) tc.set_pressure(float(self.options.model.pressure)) tc.set_temperature(float(self.options.model.temperature)) results = tc.calculate() new_property = db.NumberProperty() new_property.create(self.options.model, self.correction_name, results.overall.gibbs_free_energy) new_property.set_structure( structure.add_property(self.correction_name, hessian_property = db.DenseMatrixProperty() hessian_property.create( self.options.model, 'hessian', np.zeros((3, 3)) ) hessian_property.set_structure( structure.add_property('hessian', def _cancelled_by_filter(self, structure: db.Structure) -> bool: label = structure.get_label() if label == db.Label.TS_OPTIMIZED: # TS has no aggregate, so AggregateFilters cannot filter return False agg_id = structure.get_aggregate() if label == db.Label.COMPLEX_OPTIMIZED or label == db.Label.USER_COMPLEX_OPTIMIZED: aggregate = db.Flask(agg_id, self._flasks) else: aggregate = db.Compound(agg_id, self._compounds) # type: ignore return not self.aggregate_filter.filter(aggregate)