A class holding the molecule representation of a structure allowing to retrieve information about its bonding situation and the connectivity effect of trial reaction coordinates. |
Different types of reactions to be distinguished here. |
- class scine_chemoton.gears.elementary_steps.trial_generator.connectivity_analyzer.ConnectivityAnalyzer(structure)[source]¶
A class holding the molecule representation of a structure allowing to retrieve information about its bonding situation and the connectivity effect of trial reaction coordinates.
- Attributes:
- structuredb.Structure
The structure of interest. It has to be connected to a database and has to have a graph attached.
- get_adjacency_matrix()[source]¶
Gets the adjacency matrix for the structure with the indices ordered as in the structure.
- Return type:
- Returns:
- lil_matrix
The adjacency matrix which is True if there is a direct bond and False otherwise.
- get_graph_distance(atom1, atom2)[source]¶
Calculates the graph distance between the atoms with indices atom1 and atom2.
- Parameters:
- atom1int
The index of the first atom of interest.
- atom2int
The index of the second atom of interest.
- Returns:
- int
The graph distance between atoms 1 and 2.
Return infinity if the two atoms do not belong to the same graph
- get_reaction_type(reactive_pair_list)[source]¶
Determines what kind of intrastructural reaction (associative, dissociative, disconnective) a reactive complex guess describes.
- Return type:
- Parameters:
- reactive_pair_listList[Tuple[int]]
List of reacting atom index pairs
- Returns:
- reaction_typeElementaryStepGear.ElementaryStepType
What kind of reaction is initiated by this reactive complex.
- class scine_chemoton.gears.elementary_steps.trial_generator.connectivity_analyzer.ReactionType(value)[source]¶
Different types of reactions to be distinguished here.
Mixed: Neither purely associative nor dissociative
Associative: Only new bonds are generated
Dissociative: Only bond breaking but the molecule is not split
Disconnective: Only bond breaking and the molecule is split
- Associative = 0¶
- Disconnective = 2¶
- Dissociative = 1¶
- Mixed = None¶