General Concepts

Utilities is a static library collecting low-level functionality that is widely available and may be hard-linked against.

Core is a tiny shared library that declares interfaces of common class patterns throughout all SCINE software and contains functionality that manages the runtime loading of shared libraries and instantiation of provided implementations of these interfaces. These shared libraries that follow the conventions set out here for runtime loading are called a Module, for the following reasons:

  • It implements a class derived from Core’s Module class that can be imported at runtime providing functionality extensions to consumers.

  • It reflects a CMake MODULE library which is not linked against, but loaded at runtime

Component is a collection of topic-specific functionality. Most of this is contained in a Module target, that may define a class derived from the Module interface declared in Core for runtime loading. The component may contain its own GUI Module, Tests and (possibly) a command line interface ( CLI). This group is called a component because it shall represent a CMake level COMPONENT of the entire SCINE software.

As a component developer, you may link against the Utilities library. Depending on whether types define in the Utilities form part of your API, your link should be PUBLIC or PRIVATE at CMake level.

C++ Code Conventions

Collectively, we have decided upon the following C++ coding conventions for all SCINE projects:



File extensions

.cpp, .h (.hxx for inline class implementation)


With 2 spaces

Namespace indentation


Variable naming

CamelCase with first capital lowered: myVariable

Class naming

CamelCase: MyClass

Function naming

CamelCase with first capital lowered: myFunction

Member variable naming

Distinguish it from normal variables, for instance with a trailing underscore or some prefix: myVariable_

Braces in function definitions

Opening brace on the same line as the function: void f() {

Pointer/Reference type names

Append directly to the type and then have a single space: MyType& myVariable, MyType* myVariable



Source line length

Maximum of 120 characters

Private implementation pattern

Impl is a nested class, unique_ptr<Impl> pImpl_ member.

CMake Structure Standards

In a final installation of multiple parts of SCINE, which would minimally comprise Core and Utilities, all parts of the program have to come together.

To this end, we standardize the following:

  • All Scine repositories use the same minimal CMake version to avoid policy conflicts. To this end, we have settled on 3.9 on the basis of widespread unix distribution adoption.

  • CMake target names are CamelCase

  • All CMake targets that will be used externally must receive an alias target into the Scine namespace

  • Each Git repository represents at least one SCINE COMPONENT in CMake. Each COMPONENT must define an identically named target that is properly namespaced. This implies that COMPONENT names are also CamelCase. E.g. The core git repository provides the Core COMPONENT and contains a Scine::Core CMake target. The installed directory structure is:

    • <prefix>/lib/cmake/Scine/Core/CoreConfig.cmake defines dependencies via find_dependency calls and includes the generated targets file

    • <prefix>/lib/cmake/Scine/Core/CoreTargets.cmake defines the targets contained in this COMPONENT.

    • <prefix>/lib/cmake/Scine/ScineConfig.cmake receives the find_package(Scine COMPONENTS Core) call and includes Core/CoreConfig.cmake appropriately.

  • Static libraries, if present, shall receive a Static CMake target name suffix. Shared libraries do not receive a suffix.

  • Library disk filenames are all-lowercase.

  • Headers are installed at <prefix>/include/Scine/COMPONENT/Header.h The relative include directory is set at <prefix>/include/Scine so that in code, it suffices to specify #include “Core/ModuleManager.h”.

  • Since Utilities are split into open and closed source, naming should reflect Utilities before license type in all cases where both information is required.

  • Configure-time CMake messages should be limited to the most important information (missing dependencies, what is being used from where, what version and what is being downloaded instead)

  • All cmake/ Modules regarding dependency inclusion are standardized and are to be included in-tree via a git submodule for universality across projects

  • Several CMake variables names are reserved for communication between SCINE CMake subtrees:

    • SCINE_BUILD_TESTS indicates whether a tree’s tests should be built

    • SCINE_BUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS indicates whether a tree’s python bindings (if present) should be built

The following files should closely follow templated forms:

  • The topmost CMakeLists.txt is standardized save for very few customization points

  • Installation / COMPONENT-level handling is abstracted into functions as good as possible

  • Avoid multiple project calls.

  • Do not use ${PROJECT_NAME} or other variables for target names.

The following behavior is intended for consumers:

  • Any SCINE software git repository can be cloned and built without having any of its SCINE-internal dependencies installed, or with all dependencies preinstalled. By default, the dependencies are sought in the PATH, and downloaded if they are not found.

  • At configure time, third-party library dependencies are resolved and missing dependencies communicated transparently to the consumer.

  • At build time, all targets defined in each CMake sub-tree are built.

  • At install time, all install steps are carried out for each CMake sub-tree.

Repository Structure

Each repository must follow the following structure:

- src/
  - <COMPONENT-name>/
    - <COMPONENT-name>/
      - Header.h
      - Impl.cpp
    - Tests/
    - GUI/
    - ...

This is to enable repositories to be split and merged more easily should structural circumstances change.


The Utilities contain contain a lot of code that is shared and used by all other parts of the code. The code present in the Utilities includes the definition of many important interfaces. In order to unify the usage of some of them, please consider the following:


The Settings class defined in the Utilities wraps the UniversalSettings constructs in a single class that is supposed to be easier to use that a handful of classes used within a set of Settings. The UniversalSettings, in principle, allow for the infinite nesting of collections of settings into one another. Because deep nesting of the actual settings complicates its use and also it makes the code based understanding of any settings harder than it has to be, it is imperative that nesting is kept to a minimum.

Python Bindings

If an individual component of Scine chooses to offer Python bindings, the following rules apply:

  • Do not bind classes defined in other components. This is to avoid multiple definition issues when loading both components’ Python bindings.

  • If you have a class that is derived from a class from another component, you may bind it. Note that this creates a hard dependency on the other module’s bindings and requires that this other python module is imported first in consuming python programs.

  • Python PEP 8 applies for naming conventions. In short:

    • Classes are CamelCase

    • Functions are lowercase_underscore

    • Modules are short lowercase, and should have underscores only if really necessary

    • Constants are UPPERCASE_UNDERSCORE