Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import annotations
__copyright__ = """ This code is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.
Copyright ETH Zurich, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Reiher Group.
See LICENSE.txt for details.

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple, Dict, List, Optional
import sys

import numpy as np

from scine_puffin.config import Configuration
from .templates.job import breakable, calculation_context, job_configuration_wrapper
from .templates.scine_hessian_job import HessianJob
from .templates.scine_optimization_job import OptimizationJob
from .templates.scine_connectivity_job import ConnectivityJob
from .templates.scine_job_with_observers import ScineJobWithObservers
from scine_puffin.utilities.imports import module_exists, requires, MissingDependency
from scine_puffin.utilities.scine_helper import SettingsManager
from scine_puffin.utilities.task_to_readuct_call import SubTaskToReaductCall

if module_exists("scine_database") or TYPE_CHECKING:
    import scine_database as db
    db = MissingDependency("scine_database")
if module_exists("scine_utilities") or TYPE_CHECKING:
    import scine_utilities as utils
    utils = MissingDependency("scine_database")

[docs]class ScineGeometryValidation(ScineJobWithObservers, HessianJob, OptimizationJob, ConnectivityJob): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() = "Scine Geometry Validation Job" self.validation_key = "val" self.opt_key = "opt" val_defaults = { "imaginary_wavenumber_threshold": 0.0, "fix_distortion_step_size": -1.0, "distortion_inversion_point": 0.2, "optimization_attempts": 0, } opt_defaults = { "stop_on_error": False, "convergence_max_iterations": 50, "geoopt_coordinate_system": "cartesianWithoutRotTrans" } self.settings: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = { **self.settings, self.validation_key: val_defaults, self.opt_key: opt_defaults, } self.start_graph = "" self.start_key = "" self.end_graph = "" self.end_key = "" Dict[str, Optional[utils.core.Calculator]] = {} self.inputs: List[str] = [] self.optimization_attempts_count = 0
[docs] @job_configuration_wrapper def run(self, manager: db.Manager, calculation: db.Calculation, config: Configuration) -> bool: import scine_readuct as readuct import scine_molassembler as masm # Everything that calls SCINE is enclosed in a try/except block with breakable(calculation_context(self)): # preprocessing of structure structure = db.Structure(calculation.get_structures()[0], self._structures) settings_manager, program_helper = self.create_helpers(structure), _ = settings_manager.prepare_readuct_task( structure, calculation, calculation.get_settings(), config["resources"] ) # default keys are ['system'] self.inputs = [key for key in] self.start_key = self.inputs[0] # Safety check if not structure.has_graph("masm_cbor_graph"): self.raise_named_exception("Given structure has no graph.") self.start_graph = structure.get_graph("masm_cbor_graph") if program_helper is not None: program_helper.calculation_preprocessing(self.get_calc(self.start_key,, calculation.get_settings()) # # # # Extract Job settings self.sort_settings(settings_manager.task_settings) print("Validation Settings:") print(self.settings[self.validation_key], "\n") # Boolean's for logic in while loop opt_success = True clear_to_write = False self.end_key = self.start_key exception_message = "" # Enter Run Loop for number of allowed attempts while self.optimization_attempts_count <= self.settings[self.validation_key]['optimization_attempts']: """ HESSIAN JOB""", success = readuct.run_hessian_task(, self.inputs) self.throw_if_not_successful( success,, self.inputs, ["energy", "hessian", "thermochemistry"], "Hessian calculation failed.\n", ) # Process hessian calculation self.calculation_postprocessing(success,, self.inputs, [ "energy", "hessian", "thermochemistry"]) # Frequency check hessian_results = self.get_calc(self.end_key, false_minimum, mode_container = self.has_wavenumber_below_threshold( hessian_results, self.get_calc(self.end_key,, self.settings[self.validation_key]["imaginary_wavenumber_threshold"] ) if not false_minimum and opt_success: """ SP JOB """ # Copy calculator and delete its previous results end_sp_key = self.end_key + "_sp" end_calc = self.get_calc(self.end_key, end_calc.delete_results()[end_sp_key] = end_calc # Check graph self.end_graph, = self.make_graph_from_calc(, end_sp_key) print("Start Graph:") print(self.start_graph) print("End Graph:") print(self.end_graph) # Compare start and end graph if not masm.JsonSerialization.equal_molecules(self.start_graph, self.end_graph): exception_message += "Final structure does not match starting structure. " clear_to_write = False else: clear_to_write = True # # # Leave while loop break # Still counts left to optimize and false minium elif (false_minimum or not opt_success) and self.optimization_attempts_count < \ self.settings[self.validation_key]["optimization_attempts"]: """ DISTORT AND OPT JOB """ self.optimization_attempts_count += 1 print("Optimization Attempt: " + str(self.optimization_attempts_count)) # # # Distort only, if it is still a false minimum if false_minimum: # # # Distort, write into calculator self._distort_structure_and_load_calculator(mode_container, settings_manager) print("Optimization Settings:") print(self.settings[self.opt_key], "\n") # Prepare optimization end_opt_key = "distorted_opt_" + str(self.optimization_attempts_count) self.settings[self.opt_key]["output"] = [end_opt_key] # # # Optimization, per default stop on error is false, opt_success = self.observed_readuct_call( SubTaskToReaductCall.OPT,, self.inputs, **self.settings[self.opt_key]) # Update inputs and end key for next round self.inputs = self.settings[self.opt_key]["output"] self.end_key = self.inputs[0] # One could adjust the convergence criteria of the optimization here else: sys.stderr.write("Warning: Unable to do anything with this structure.") break # Verify before writing self.verify_connection() if clear_to_write: final_sp_results = self.get_calc(end_sp_key, if final_sp_results.bond_orders is None: self.raise_named_exception("No bond orders found in results.") raise RuntimeError("Unreachable") # for linters # # # Store Energy and Bond Orders overwrites existing results of identical model self.store_energy(self.get_calc(end_sp_key,, structure) self.store_property(self._properties, "bond_orders", "SparseMatrixProperty", final_sp_results.bond_orders.matrix, self._calculation.get_model(), self._calculation, structure) # Store hessian information self.store_hessian_data(self.get_calc(self.end_key,, structure) # Only overwrite positions, if an optimization was attempted if self.optimization_attempts_count != 0: # Overwrite positions org_atoms = structure.get_atoms() position_shift = self.get_calc(self.end_key, - org_atoms.positions # # # Store Position Shift self.store_property(self._properties, "position_shift", "DenseMatrixProperty", position_shift, self._calculation.get_model(), self._calculation, structure) structure.set_atoms(self.get_calc(self.end_key, # # # Overwrite graph if structure has changed, decision list and idx map might have changed self.add_graph(structure, final_sp_results.bond_orders) else: self.store_hessian_data([self.start_key], structure) self.capture_raw_output() self.raise_named_exception( exception_message + "Structure could not be validated to be a minimum. Hessian information is stored anyway." ) return self.postprocess_calculation_context()
[docs] @requires("utilities") def has_wavenumber_below_threshold(self, calc_results: utils.Results, atoms: utils.AtomCollection, wavenumber_threshold: float) -> Tuple[bool, utils.normal_modes.container]: false_minimum = False if calc_results.hessian is None: self.raise_named_exception("Results are missing a Hessian") raise RuntimeError("Unreachable") # for linters # Get normal modes and frequencies modes_container = utils.normal_modes.calculate(calc_results.hessian, atoms.elements, atoms.positions) # Wavenumbers in cm-1 wavenumbers = modes_container.get_wave_numbers() # Get minimal frequency min_wavenumber = np.min(wavenumbers) if min_wavenumber < 0.0 and abs(min_wavenumber) > wavenumber_threshold: false_minimum = True return false_minimum, modes_container
@requires("utilities") def _distort_structure_and_load_calculator(self, mode_container: utils.normal_modes.container, settings_manager: SettingsManager) -> None: wavenumbers = np.asarray(mode_container.get_wave_numbers()) img_wavenumber_indices = np.where(wavenumbers < 0.0)[0] modes = [utils.normal_modes.mode(wavenumbers[i], mode_container.get_mode(i)) for i in img_wavenumber_indices] max_steps = [utils.normal_modes.get_harmonic_inversion_point( wavenumbers[i], self.settings[self.validation_key]['distortion_inversion_point']) for i in img_wavenumber_indices] # Distortion according to inversion point if self.settings[self.validation_key]['fix_distortion_step_size'] != -1.0: max_steps = np.array(max_steps) / np.max(max_steps) * \ self.settings[self.validation_key]['fix_distortion_step_size'] # Only one direction, could be improved by distorting in other direction # # # Displace along modes with img wavenumbers and load calculator distorted_positions = utils.geometry.displace_along_modes( self.get_calc(self.end_key,, modes, max_steps) distorted_key = "distorted_guess_" + str(self.optimization_attempts_count) xyz_name = distorted_key + ".xyz" # Write file and load into calculator distorted_atoms = utils.AtomCollection( self.get_calc(self.end_key,, distorted_positions), distorted_atoms) distorted_calculator = utils.core.load_system_into_calculator( xyz_name, self._calculation.get_model().method_family, **settings_manager.calculator_settings, ) # Load into systems and update inputs for next step[distorted_key] = distorted_calculator self.inputs = [distorted_key]