# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import annotations
"""program_helper.py: Collection of common procedures to be carried out depending on underlying calculators"""
__copyright__ = """ This code is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.
Copyright ETH Zurich, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Reiher Group.
See LICENSE.txt for details.
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple, Union, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
from scine_puffin.utilities.imports import module_exists, MissingDependency
if module_exists("scine_database") or TYPE_CHECKING:
import scine_database as db
db = MissingDependency("scine_database")
if module_exists("scine_utilities") or TYPE_CHECKING:
import scine_utilities as utils
utils = MissingDependency("scine_utilities")
[docs]class ProgramHelper(ABC):
A common interface for all helper classes for specific Scine calculators
def __init__(self, *arg, **kwargs) -> None:
self.helper_settings: List[str] = []
[docs] @staticmethod
def program() -> str:
Must be implemented by every subclass.
Returns the name of the program the helper is written for.
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod
def get_correct_helper(
program: str,
manager: db.Manager,
structure: db.Structure,
calculation: db.Calculation,
) -> Optional[ProgramHelper]:
Returns the correct ProgramHelper Child class for the given program name or None if no suitable helper exists.
program : str
The name of the program, not case-sensitive.
manager : db.Manager (Scine::Database::Manager)
The manager of the database.
structure : db.Structure (Scine::Database::Structure)
The structure to be calculated, necessary for init of child.
calculation : db.Calculation (Scine::Database::Calculation)
The calculation that is carried out in the current job.
for Child in cls.__subclasses__()[1:]: # parent is first element
if Child.program().lower() == program.lower():
return Child(manager, structure, calculation)
return None
[docs] @abstractmethod
def calculation_preprocessing(
calculator: utils.core.Calculator,
calculation_settings: utils.ValueCollection,
) -> None:
Makes the necessary preparations before the calculation in a job.
This function has to be implemented by every subclass.
calculator : utils.core.calculator Scine::Core::Calculator)
The calculator to work on/with.
calculation_settings : utils.ValueCollection (Scine::Utils::ValueCollection)
The settings of the calculation in the database.
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod
def calculation_postprocessing(
calculation: db.Calculation,
old_structure: db.Structure,
new_structure: Union[db.Structure, None] = None,
) -> None:
Write additional information into the database after the calculation in a job.
This function has to be implemented by every subclass.
This function must not throw exceptions.
calculation : db.Calculation (Scine::Database::Calculation)
The calculation that triggered the execution of the job.
old_structure : db.Structure (Scine::Database::Structure)
The structure which was calculated
new_structure : db.Structure (Scine::Database::Structure)
An optional resulting structure from the Calculation (e.g. optimized structure)
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Cp2kHelper(ProgramHelper):
def __init__(self, manager: db.Manager, structure: db.Structure, calculation: db.Calculation) -> None:
self.helper_settings = [
self.cutoff_name = "plane_wave_cutoff"
self.rel_cutoff_name = "relative_multi_grid_cutoff"
self.structures = manager.get_collection("structures")
self.compounds = manager.get_collection("compounds")
self.properties = manager.get_collection("properties")
self.cutoff_optimization_necessary = False
self.cutoff_optimization_settings: Dict[str, Any] = {}
settings = calculation.get_settings()
self.cutoff_handling(structure, settings)
[docs] @staticmethod
def program() -> str:
return "cp2k"
[docs] def calculation_preprocessing(
calculator: utils.core.Calculator,
calculation_settings: utils.ValueCollection,
) -> None:
if self.cutoff_optimization_necessary:
self.optimize_cutoffs(calculator, calculation_settings)
[docs] def calculation_postprocessing(
calculation: db.Calculation,
old_structure: db.Structure,
new_structure: Union[db.Structure, None] = None,
) -> None:
if new_structure is None:
settings = calculation.get_settings()
cutoff: float = float(settings[self.cutoff_name]) # type: ignore
rel_cutoff: float = float(settings[self.rel_cutoff_name]) # type: ignore
if self.structure_has_cutoff_properties(old_structure):
if not self._compare_and_save_cutoff_properties(old_structure, new_structure, cutoff, rel_cutoff):
self.make_new_cutoff_properties(calculation, new_structure, cutoff, rel_cutoff)
self.make_new_cutoff_properties(calculation, new_structure, cutoff, rel_cutoff)
[docs] def cutoff_handling(self, structure: db.Structure, settings: utils.ValueCollection):
# error if only one of two cutoffs set
if (
self.cutoff_name not in settings
and self.rel_cutoff_name in settings
or self.cutoff_name in settings
and self.rel_cutoff_name not in settings
raise RuntimeError(
"Only specified one of the two cutoff settings in the settings. Either set both or "
"none to select them from previous structures if available or perform grid evaluation."
# if none specified, try to find properties
if self.cutoff_name not in settings and self.rel_cutoff_name not in settings:
cutoff, rel_cutoff = self.cutoffs_from_properties(structure)
if cutoff is not None and rel_cutoff is not None:
settings[self.cutoff_name] = cutoff
settings[self.rel_cutoff_name] = rel_cutoff
self.cutoff_optimization_necessary = True
# do nothing if cutoffs present in settings
[docs] def cutoffs_from_properties(self, structure: db.Structure) -> Union[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[None, None]]:
property_id1 = None
property_id2 = None
possible_ref = None
# check structure for existing cutoffs
if structure.has_property(self.cutoff_name) and structure.has_property(self.rel_cutoff_name):
property_id1 = structure.get_property(self.cutoff_name)
property_id2 = structure.get_property(self.rel_cutoff_name)
# check all structures of compound for existing cutoffs
elif structure.has_compound():
compound = db.Compound(structure.get_compound())
for struc_id in compound.get_structures():
struc = db.Structure(struc_id)
if struc.has_property(self.cutoff_name) and struc.has_property(self.rel_cutoff_name):
if possible_ref is not None and possible_ref.olderThan(struc, modification=True):
property_id1 = struc.get_property(self.cutoff_name)
property_id2 = struc.get_property(self.rel_cutoff_name)
possible_ref = struc
property_id1 = struc.get_property(self.cutoff_name)
property_id2 = struc.get_property(self.rel_cutoff_name)
possible_ref = struc
# set properties for the currently calculated structure to avoid lookup next time
if property_id1 is not None and property_id2 is not None:
structure.set_property(self.cutoff_name, property_id1)
structure.set_property(self.rel_cutoff_name, property_id2)
if property_id1 is not None and property_id2 is not None:
prop = db.NumberProperty(property_id1, self.properties)
cutoff = prop.get_data()
prop = db.NumberProperty(property_id2, self.properties)
rel_cutoff = prop.get_data()
return cutoff, rel_cutoff
return None, None
def _compare_and_save_cutoff_properties(
old_structure: db.Structure,
new_structure: db.Structure,
cutoff: float,
rel_cutoff: float,
eps: float = 1e-12,
) -> bool:
prop1 = db.NumberProperty(old_structure.get_property(self.cutoff_name))
prop2 = db.NumberProperty(old_structure.get_property(self.rel_cutoff_name))
if abs(prop1.get_data() - cutoff) < eps and abs(prop2.get_data() - rel_cutoff) < eps:
new_structure.set_property(self.cutoff_name, prop1.id())
new_structure.set_property(self.rel_cutoff_name, prop2.id())
return True
return False
[docs] def make_new_cutoff_properties(
calculation: db.Calculation,
structure: db.Structure,
cutoff: float,
rel_cutoff: float,
) -> None:
p1 = db.NumberProperty.make(
p2 = db.NumberProperty.make(
structure.set_property(self.cutoff_name, p1.id())
structure.set_property(self.rel_cutoff_name, p2.id())
[docs] def structure_has_cutoff_properties(self, structure: db.Structure) -> bool:
return structure.has_property(self.cutoff_name) and structure.has_property(self.rel_cutoff_name)
[docs] def optimize_cutoffs(self, system: utils.core.Calculator, settings: utils.ValueCollection) -> None:
optimizer = utils.Cp2kCutoffOptimizer(system)
# update calculation settings for later property saving
settings.update({self.cutoff_name: system.settings[self.cutoff_name]})
settings.update({self.rel_cutoff_name: system.settings[self.rel_cutoff_name]})