# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import annotations
__copyright__ = """ This code is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.
Copyright ETH Zurich, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Reiher Group.
See LICENSE.txt for details.
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union, Any, TYPE_CHECKING
import math
import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate
from .rms_input_file_creator import create_rms_yml_file, resolve_rms_phase, resolve_rms_solver
from ..programs.rms import JuliaPrecompiler
from scine_puffin.utilities.imports import module_exists, MissingDependency
if module_exists("scine_database") or TYPE_CHECKING:
import scine_database as db
db = MissingDependency("scine_database")
if module_exists("scine_utilities") or TYPE_CHECKING:
import scine_utilities as utils
db = MissingDependency("scine_utilities")
[docs]class RMSKineticModel:
This class provides an interface to the ReactionMechanismSimulator (RMS) for kinetic modeling.
def __init__(self, settings: Dict, manager: db.Manager, model: db.Model, rms_path: str, rms_file_name: str) -> None:
settings : Dict[str, Any]
The settings of the kinetic modeling calculation. This must contain:
* The activation energies 'ea'.
* The enthalpies 'enthalpies'.
* The entropies 'entropies'.
* The arrhenius prefactors 'arrhenius_prefactors'.
* The arrhenius temperature exponents 'arrhenius_temperature_exponents'.
* The lower and upper uncertainty bounds for the activation energies and enthalpies.
* General settings for the kinetic modeling: Diffusion limited, phase type, aggregate ids, reaction ids,
kinetic modeling solver, start concentrations, maximum integration time.
manager : db.Manager
The database manager.
model : db.Model
The main electronic structure model (used for default temperature and pressure).
rms_path : str
The path to the RMS shared library.
rms_file_name : str
The base file name for the RMS input file.
self.settings = settings
self.ea: List[float] = [float(s) for s in self.settings["ea"]]
self.h: List[float] = [float(s) for s in self.settings["enthalpies"]]
self.s: List[float] = [float(s) for s in self.settings["entropies"]]
self.a = [float(s) for s in self.settings["arrhenius_prefactors"]]
self.n = [float(s) for s in self.settings["arrhenius_temperature_exponents"]]
self.uq_ea_lower: List[float] = [0.0 for _ in self.ea]
self.uq_ea_upper: List[float] = [0.0 for _ in self.ea]
self.uq_h_lower: List[float] = [0.0 for _ in self.h]
self.uq_h_upper: List[float] = [0.0 for _ in self.h]
if "ea_lower_uncertainty" in self.settings:
self.uq_ea_lower = [float(u) for u in self.settings["ea_lower_uncertainty"]]
if "ea_upper_uncertainty" in self.settings:
self.uq_ea_upper = [float(u) for u in self.settings["ea_upper_uncertainty"]]
if "enthalpy_lower_uncertainty" in self.settings:
self.uq_h_lower = [float(u) for u in self.settings["enthalpy_lower_uncertainty"]]
if "enthalpy_upper_uncertainty" in self.settings:
self.uq_h_upper = [float(u) for u in self.settings["enthalpy_upper_uncertainty"]]
self.reactants: List[Tuple[List[str], List[str]]] = []
self.viscosity: Optional[float] = None
self.solvent_index: Optional[int] = None
self.solvent_aggregate_str_id: Optional[str] = None
self.diffusion_limited: bool = self.settings["diffusion_limited"]
self.phase_type: str = self.settings["phase_type"]
self._phase_options = ["ideal_dilute_solution", "ideal_gas"]
self.a_str_ids: List[str] = self.settings["aggregate_ids"]
self.r_str_ids: List[str] = self.settings["reaction_ids"]
self.aggregate_types = [db.CompoundOrFlask(a_type) for a_type in self.settings["aggregate_types"]]
self.solver: str = self.settings["solver"]
self.start_concentrations = [float(s) for s in self.settings["start_concentrations"]]
self.temperature = float(model.temperature) if self.settings["reactor_temperature"] == "none" else float(
self.pressure = float(model.pressure) if self.settings["reactor_pressure"] == "none" else float(
self.site_density = None
if "site_density" in self.settings and self.settings["site_density"] != "none":
self.site_density = float(self.settings["site_density"])
self.solvent_species_added: bool = False
self.solvent: Optional[str] = self.settings["reactor_solvent"]
if self.solvent == "none":
self.solvent = model.solvent if model.solvent != "none" else None
if self.settings["solvent_aggregate_str_id"] != "none":
self.solvent_index = self.settings["aggregate_ids"].index(self.settings["solvent_aggregate_str_id"])
self.solvent_aggregate_str_id = self.settings["solvent_aggregate_str_id"]
reaction_collection = manager.get_collection("reactions")
for r_id_str in self.settings["reaction_ids"]:
reactants = db.Reaction(db.ID(r_id_str), reaction_collection).get_reactants(db.Side.BOTH)
self.reactants.append(([a_id.string() for a_id in reactants[0]], [a_id.string() for a_id in reactants[1]]))
self.a_str_ids = self.settings["aggregate_ids"]
self.max_time = float(self.settings["max_time"])
self.abs_tol = float(self.settings["absolute_tolerance"])
self.rel_tol = float(self.settings["relative_tolerance"])
self._aggregates_to_reactions: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None
self._rms_path = rms_path
self._rms_file_name: str = rms_file_name
self.calculate_adjoined = self.settings["sensitivity_analysis"] == "adjoined_sensitivities"
if "adjpined_sensitivites" in self.settings:
self.calculate_adjoined = self.settings["adjoined_sensitivities"]
enforce_mass_balance = True
if "enforce_mass_balance" in settings:
enforce_mass_balance = bool(settings["enforce_mass_balance"])
self.__sanity_checks(manager, enforce_mass_balance)
[docs] def create_yml_file(self, file_name: Optional[str], h: Optional[List[float]] = None,
s: Optional[List[float]] = None, a: Optional[List[float]] = None,
n: Optional[List[float]] = None, ea: Optional[Union[List[float], np.ndarray]] = None):
Create a RMS input file with the given enthalpies (h), entropies (s), prefactors (a), temperature exponents (n),
and activation energies (ea). Arguments not provided upon function call are set to their default values in
saved upon class construction.
All values musst be provided in SI units (e.g., J/mol for the enthalpies).
if file_name is None:
file_name = self._rms_file_name
if h is None:
h = self.h
if s is None:
s = self.s
if a is None:
a = self.a
if n is None:
n = self.n
if ea is None:
ea = self.ea
create_rms_yml_file(self.a_str_ids, h, s, a, n, ea, self.reactants, file_name, self.solvent, self.viscosity,
def _get_phase(self, file_name: Optional[str] = None, h: Optional[List[float]] = None,
s: Optional[List[float]] = None, a: Optional[List[float]] = None, n: Optional[List[float]] = None,
ea: Optional[Union[List[float], np.ndarray]] = None):
Getter for the RMS phase object. Values other than the original settings values may be provided for
enthalpies (h), entropies (s), etc.
All values musst be provided in SI units (e.g., J/mol for the enthalpies).
# pylint: disable=import-error
from julia import ReactionMechanismSimulator as rms
# pylint: enable=import-error
if file_name is None:
file_name = "chem.rms"
self.create_yml_file(file_name, h, s, a, n, ea)
phase_dict = rms.readinput(file_name)
rms_species = phase_dict["phase"]["Species"]
rms_reactions = phase_dict["phase"]["Reactions"]
rms_solvent = None
if "Solvents" in phase_dict:
rms_solvent = phase_dict["Solvents"][0]
n_rms_species = len(rms_species)
self.solvent_species_added = True if n_rms_species > len(self.a_str_ids) else False
return resolve_rms_phase(self.phase_type, rms_species, rms_reactions,
rms_solvent, self.diffusion_limited,
[docs] def get_initial_conditions(self) -> Dict:
Getter for the initial conditions dictionary.
initial_conditions = {"T": self.temperature}
for a_str_id, c in zip(self.a_str_ids, self.start_concentrations):
if c > 1e-16:
initial_conditions[a_str_id] = c
return initial_conditions
def _get_domain(self, phase: Any, initial_conditions: Dict):
Getter for the RMS domain object.
# pylint: disable=import-error
from julia import ReactionMechanismSimulator as rms
# pylint: enable=import-error
if self.phase_type == "ideal_gas":
initial_conditions["P"] = self.pressure
domain, y0, p = rms.ConstantTPDomain(phase=phase, initialconds=initial_conditions)
volume = y0[-1] # The reactor volume is calculated as V = nRT/P and provided as the last element of y0
return domain, y0, p, volume, initial_conditions
if self.phase_type == "ideal_dilute_solution":
volume = 1e-3 # 1 L
initial_conditions["V"] = volume
if self.solvent_index is None:
assert self.solvent
initial_conditions[self.solvent] = self.settings["solvent_concentration"]
domain, y0, p = rms.ConstantTVDomain(phase=phase, initialconds=initial_conditions)
return domain, y0, p, volume, initial_conditions
raise RuntimeError("Error: Unknown phase type.")
def __sanity_checks(self, manager: db.Manager, enforce_mass_balance: bool):
Perform sanity checks for the attributes.
if self.settings["max_time"] < 0.0:
raise AssertionError("The maximum time must be larger 0.0 for kinetic modeling.")
if self.phase_type not in self._phase_options:
raise LookupError("Unknown phase type. Options are: " + str(self._phase_options))
if self.phase_type == "ideal_dilute_solution" and self.solvent is None:
raise AssertionError("An ideal solution was requested but no solvent was specified. Please add an"
" appropriate\nentry to the model definition or the job settings.")
if len(self.reactants) != len(self.ea) or len(self.reactants) != len(self.a):
raise AssertionError("The number of activation energies/prefactors differs from the number of"
" reactions.")
if len(self.a_str_ids) != len(self.h) or len(self.a_str_ids) != len(self.s):
raise AssertionError("The number of aggregate entropies/enthalpies differs from the number of"
" aggregates.")
compounds = manager.get_collection("compounds")
flasks = manager.get_collection("flasks")
structures = manager.get_collection("structures")
if enforce_mass_balance:
for r_str_id, reactants in zip(self.r_str_ids, self.reactants):
if not self._balanced_reaction(reactants, compounds, flasks, structures):
raise RuntimeError("Mass unbalance for reaction", r_str_id)
def _balanced_reaction(reactants: Tuple[List[str], List[str]], compounds: db.Collection, flasks: db.Collection,
structures: db.Collection):
Check if the reaction conserves mass balance. This is used in sanity checks.
lhs_w = sum(RMSKineticModel._calculate_weight(a_id, compounds, flasks, structures) for a_id in reactants[0])
rhs_w = sum(RMSKineticModel._calculate_weight(a_id, compounds, flasks, structures) for a_id in reactants[1])
return abs(lhs_w - rhs_w) < 1e-6
def _calculate_weight(a_str_id: str, compounds: db.Collection, flasks: db.Collection,
structures: db.Collection) -> float:
Calculate the molecular weight of the given aggregate
a_id = db.ID(a_str_id)
aggregate: Union[db.Compound, db.Flask]
aggregate = db.Compound(a_id, compounds)
if not aggregate.exists():
aggregate = db.Flask(a_id, flasks)
structure = db.Structure(aggregate.get_centroid(), structures)
weight = sum(utils.ElementInfo.mass(e) for e in structure.get_atoms().elements)
return weight
[docs] def run_kinetic_modeling(self, rms_file_name: Optional[str] = None, h: Optional[List[float]] = None,
s: Optional[List[float]] = None, a: Optional[List[float]] = None,
n: Optional[List[float]] = None, ea: Optional[Union[List[float], np.ndarray]] = None):
Run the kinetic modeling. If no values for the enthalpies (h), entropies (s), activation energies (ea),
Arrhenius prefactors (a), temperature exponents (n) etc. are provided, the values stored in
this class are used.
# pylint: disable=import-error
from julia import ReactionMechanismSimulator as rms
from diffeqpy import de
# pylint: enable=import-error
start = datetime.now()
phase = self._get_phase(rms_file_name, h, s, a, n, ea)
initial_conditions = self.get_initial_conditions()
# We could add more domains here: ConstantVDomain, ConstantPDomain, ParametrizedTPDomain,
# ParametrizedVDomain, ParametrizedPDomain, ConstantTVDomain, ParametrizedTConstantVDomain,
# ConstantTAPhiDomain
# Variables created here:
# volume: reactor volume
# domain: RMS reactor domain object
# y0: initial conditions
# p: ODE parameters: (gibbs of each point, forward rate constants of each reaction)
domain, y0, p, volume, initial_conditions = self._get_domain(phase, initial_conditions)
reactor = rms.Reactor(domain, y0, (0.0, self.max_time), p=p)
solution = de.solve(reactor.ode, resolve_rms_solver(self.solver, reactor),
if not self.valid_model_solution(solution):
return None, None, None, None, None
# RMS just hangs here if multiprocessing is used.
simulation = rms.Simulation(solution, domain)
end = datetime.now()
print("RMS Input file + Solving", end - start, rms_file_name)
return simulation, reactor, volume, p, solution
[docs] def calculate_adjoined_sensitivities(self, simulation, reactor, absolute_vertex_flux: np.ndarray,
n_params: int) -> np.ndarray:
Run an adjoined sensitivity analysis for the microkinetic model.
# pylint: disable=import-error
from julia import ReactionMechanismSimulator as rms
# pylint: enable=import-error
solver = resolve_rms_solver(self.solver, reactor)
target_species = absolute_vertex_flux > float(self.settings["adjoined_sensitivity_threshold"])
n_target = np.count_nonzero(target_species)
all_sensitivities: np.ndarray = np.zeros((n_target, n_params))
high_flux_aggregates = []
abs_tolerance = float(self.settings["absolute_tolerance_sensitivity"])
rel_tolerance = float(self.settings["relative_tolerance_sensitivity"])
counter = 0
for i, (a_id, a_type) in enumerate(zip(self.a_str_ids, self.aggregate_types)):
if absolute_vertex_flux[i] > self.settings["adjoined_sensitivity_threshold"]\
and a_type == db.CompoundOrFlask.COMPOUND:
# Calculate the adjoined sensitivities of the aggregate's concentration with respect to all
# ODE parameters (parameter sorting: Gibb's free energies, forward reaction rates)
# More information:
# https://docs.sciml.ai/SciMLSensitivity/stable/manual/direct_adjoint_sensitivities/#SciMLSensitivity.adjoint_sensitivities
# https://epubs.siam.org/doi/epdf/10.1137/S1064827501380630
all_sensitivities[counter, :] = rms.getadjointsensitivities(simulation, a_id, solver,
abstol=abs_tolerance, reltol=rel_tolerance)
counter += 1
abs_max_sensitivities = np.amax(np.abs(all_sensitivities), axis=0)
if math.isnan(np.sum(abs_max_sensitivities)):
raise RuntimeError("Error: NaN detected after sensitivity analysis. The ODE solver probably ran into"
" problems")
return abs_max_sensitivities
[docs] def calculate_fluxes_and_concentrations(self, rms_file_name: Optional[str] = None,
time_points: Optional[List[float]] = None)\
-> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]:
Run the microkinetic modeling simulation and analyse the resulting concentration trajectories. A set of time
points may be provided at which the concentrations for each aggregate is extracted. Default values for
enthalpies, entropies, activation energies etc. are assumed (see class members).
if rms_file_name is None:
rms_file_name = self._rms_file_name
simulation, reactor, volume, p, solution = self.run_kinetic_modeling(rms_file_name)
if simulation is None:
raise RuntimeError("Numerical integration of the ODE failed. The system of ODEs may be ill conditioned.")
c_max, c_final, absolute_vertex_flux, absolute_edge_flux, additional_c = self.integrate_results(
simulation, volume, time_points, solution)
abs_max_sens = None
if self.calculate_adjoined:
abs_max_sens = self.calculate_adjoined_sensitivities(simulation, reactor, absolute_vertex_flux, len(p))
return c_max, c_final, absolute_vertex_flux, absolute_edge_flux, abs_max_sens, additional_c
[docs] def valid_model_solution(self, solution: Any) -> bool:
Returns true if the solution (julia object) is valid for the kinetic model, i.e., the numerical integration
of the ODE system was successful.
if all(solution.t < 0.99 * self.max_time):
return False
return True
[docs] @staticmethod
def concentrations(simulation, volume, time_points: Optional[List[float]] = None)\
-> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray]]:
Getter for the concentrations, max concentrations, and final concentrations from a finished simulation run.
Note that this functions assumes that Julia was imported previously.
# pylint: disable=import-error
from julia import ReactionMechanismSimulator as rms
# pylint: enable=import-error
concentrations: np.ndarray = rms.concentrations(simulation)
if concentrations.shape[1] == 1:
raise RuntimeError("The numerical integration failed! The system of ODEs is probably ill conditioned.")
concentrations *= volume
maximum_concentrations = np.amax(concentrations, axis=1)
final_concentrations = concentrations[:, -1]
additional_c: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
if time_points is not None and time_points:
additional_c = np.array([rms.concentrations(simulation, t) for t in time_points])
additional_c *= volume
return maximum_concentrations, final_concentrations, additional_c
[docs] def integrate_results(self, simulation, volume, times: Optional[List[float]] = None,
Integrate the absolute reaction rates to get vertex and edge fluxes and calculate final and maximum
start = datetime.now()
maximum_concentrations, final_concentrations, additional_c = self.concentrations(simulation, volume, times)
absolute_edge_flux = self._calculate_absolute_edge_flux(simulation, self.max_time, solution)
# The initial conditions parsed to RMS are understood as particle numbers N. The concentrations are
# therefore c = N/V. We want to retrieve the particle number again and must multiply with V.
# Note however, that V may not be constant during the kinetic modeling if not explicitly enforced.
# For practical reasons we use the initial reactor volume here.
absolute_vertex_flux = self._calculate_absolute_vertex_flux(absolute_edge_flux)
end = datetime.now()
print("Integration timing:", end - start)
return maximum_concentrations, final_concentrations, absolute_vertex_flux, absolute_edge_flux, additional_c
def _calculate_absolute_vertex_flux(self, absolute_edge_flux: np.ndarray):
Calculate the absolute vertex fluxes.
n_aggregates = len(self.a_str_ids)
vertex_flux = np.zeros(n_aggregates)
for i, reactants in enumerate(self.reactants):
all_reactant_str_ids = [a_id for a_id in reactants[0] + reactants[1]]
edge_flux = absolute_edge_flux[i]
for a_str_id in all_reactant_str_ids:
a_index = self.a_str_ids.index(a_str_id)
vertex_flux[a_index] += edge_flux
return vertex_flux
def _calculate_absolute_edge_flux(self, simulation, t_max: float, solution=None):
Calculate the absolute edge fluxes.
# pylint: disable=import-error
from julia import ReactionMechanismSimulator as rms
# pylint: enable=import-error
n_reactions = len(self.reactants)
edge_flux = np.zeros(n_reactions, dtype=float)
# The concentrations (usually) become smooth after the first few seconds. Therefore, we use a logarithmic
# spacing of the integration points.
if solution is None:
n_steps = int(np.log10(t_max) * 5e+2)
times: Union[np.ndarray, List[float]] = np.logspace(np.log10(1e-12), np.log10(t_max), num=n_steps,
rates = np.zeros((n_reactions, n_steps))
for i, t in enumerate(times):
rates[:, i] = rms.rates(simulation, min(t, t_max))
raw_times = solution.t
raw_rates = rms.rates(simulation)
# Sometimes the ODE solver is "stuck" for a few steps on a tiny dt. This would lead to "nan" in the
# flux integration. Therefore, we eliminate all dt =< 1e-12 before integrating.
time_list = [i for i in range(len(raw_times)) if i == 0 or abs(raw_times[i] - raw_times[i - 1]) > 1e-12]
times = [raw_times[i] for i in time_list]
rates = np.transpose(np.array([raw_rates[:, i] for i in time_list]))
for i in range(n_reactions):
abs_rates_i = np.abs(rates[i, :])
edge_flux[i] = integrate.simps(abs_rates_i, times)
return edge_flux
[docs] def get_aggregate_to_reaction_map(self):
Getter for the aggregate string id to reaction string id map.
if self._aggregates_to_reactions is None:
self._aggregates_to_reactions = {a_id: [] for a_id in self.a_str_ids}
for reactants, r_str_id in zip(self.reactants, self.r_str_ids):
for a_id in reactants[0] + reactants[1]:
return self._aggregates_to_reactions
[docs] def translate_minimum_change_to_barriers(self, ea: np.ndarray, h: Union[List[float], np.ndarray],
s: Union[List[float], np.ndarray], a_str_id: str) -> np.ndarray:
Ensure that changing the enthalpy of the aggregate with string id a_str_id did not lead to a negative reverse
reaction barrier. If this is the case, the reaction barrier is increased to make the reverse reaction barrier
ea : np.ndarray
The activation energies (in J/mol).
h : Union[List[float], np.ndarray]
The enthalpies.
s : Union[List[float], np.ndarray]
The entropies.
a_str_id : str
The aggregate for which the enthalpy is changed.
Returns the updated activation energies.
for r_str_id in self.get_aggregate_to_reaction_map()[a_str_id]:
r_index = self.r_str_ids.index(r_str_id)
reactants = self.reactants[r_index]
lhs_indices = [self.a_str_ids.index(a_id) for a_id in reactants[0]]
rhs_indices = [self.a_str_ids.index(a_id) for a_id in reactants[1]]
g_lhs = sum([h[i] - self.temperature * s[i] for i in lhs_indices])
g_rhs = sum([h[i] - self.temperature * s[i] for i in rhs_indices])
g_ts = g_lhs + ea[r_index]
g_ts = max(g_ts, g_lhs, g_rhs)
ea[r_index] = g_ts - g_lhs
return ea
[docs] def ensure_non_negative_barriers(self, ea: np.ndarray, h: Union[List[float], np.ndarray],
s: Union[List[float], np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray:
Ensure that a change in the enthalpies or activation energies did not lead to negative reverse reaction barriers
for any reaction.
ea : np.ndarray
The activation energies (in J/mol).
h : Union[List[float], np.ndarray]
The enthalpies.
s : Union[List[float], np.ndarray]
The entropies.
Returns the updated activation energies.
for a_str_id in self.a_str_ids:
ea = self.translate_minimum_change_to_barriers(ea, h, s, a_str_id)
return ea
[docs] def get_n_aggregates(self, with_solvent: bool = True):
Get the number of aggregates in the RMS kinetic modeling. Note that this number may be larger than the
number of input aggregates if a solvent species was added to the kinetic modeling. This additional species
can be excluded by with_solvent=False
n_aggregates = len(self.h)
if self.solvent_species_added and with_solvent:
n_aggregates += 1
return n_aggregates
[docs] def get_n_reactions(self):
Getter for the number of reactions.
return len(self.ea)
[docs] def get_n_parameters(self) -> int:
Getter for the total number of microkinetic model parameters.
return self.get_n_aggregates(with_solvent=False) + self.get_n_reactions()
[docs] def get_all_parameters(self):
Getter for the full list of parameters.
full_parameters = np.empty(self.get_n_parameters())
full_parameters[:self.get_n_aggregates(with_solvent=False)] = self.h
full_parameters[self.get_n_aggregates(with_solvent=False):] = self.ea
return full_parameters