# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import annotations
__copyright__ = """ This code is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.
Copyright ETH Zurich, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Reiher Group.
See LICENSE.txt for details.
from ast import literal_eval
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from platform import python_version
from pymatgen.core import Lattice
from pymatgen.core.surface import Slab
import pymatgen
from scine_puffin.utilities.imports import module_exists, MissingDependency
if module_exists("scine_database") or TYPE_CHECKING:
import scine_database as db
db = MissingDependency("scine_database")
if module_exists("scine_utilities") or TYPE_CHECKING:
import scine_utilities as utils
utils = MissingDependency("scine_utilities")
[docs]def get_slab_dict(structure: db.Structure, properties: db.Collection) -> dict:
Generate the dictionary defining a pymatgen Slab object from a database Structure,
which must hold the required information as a property.
This code is taken from scine.chemoton.utilities.surfaces.pymatgen_interface
structure : db.Structure
The periodic Structure
properties : db.Collection
The properties collection to link the structure's properties
A dictionary that can be used as a constructor for the pymatgen.core.surface.Slab
The property 'slab_dict' not present
if not structure.has_property("slab_dict"):
raise RuntimeError(f"Slab information is missing for structure '{str(structure)}'")
dict_info = db.StringProperty(structure.get_property('slab_dict'), properties)
dict_info_string = dict_info.get_data()
# remove some specific extra strings from representation to be able to make dict out of string
dict_info_string = dict_info_string.replace("]])", "]]")
dict_info_string = dict_info_string.replace("array(", "")
# transform into dict
return literal_eval(dict_info_string)
[docs]def update_slab_dict(structure: db.Structure, properties: db.Collection, replace_property: bool = False) -> None:
Update the slab dict property of the given structure with its current
positions and periodic boundary conditions
This code is taken from scine.chemoton.utilities.surfaces.pymatgen_interface
structure : db.Structure
The structure holding the property
properties : db.Collection
The properties collection to link the structure's properties
replace_property : bool, optional
If the old property should be replaced with the new one
The structure is not periodic
slab_dict_name = "slab_dict"
slab = Slab.from_dict(get_slab_dict(structure, properties))
pbc_string = structure.get_model().periodic_boundaries
if not pbc_string or pbc_string.lower() == "none":
raise RuntimeError("Structure is missing periodic boundary conditions")
pbc = utils.PeriodicBoundaries(pbc_string)
atoms = structure.get_atoms()
ele = [utils.ElementInfo.symbol(e) for e in atoms.elements]
coords = pbc.transform(atoms.positions, False)
lattice = _construct_pmg_lattice(pbc)
new_slab = Slab(lattice, ele, coords, slab.miller_index, slab.oriented_unit_cell, slab.shift,
slab.scale_factor, coords_are_cartesian=False)
if not replace_property:
dict_property = db.StringProperty(structure.get_property(slab_dict_name), properties)
new_property = db.StringProperty.make(slab_dict_name, structure.get_model(),
str(new_slab.as_dict()), properties)
structure.set_property(slab_dict_name, new_property.id())
def _construct_pmg_lattice(pbc: utils.PeriodicBoundaries) -> Lattice:
matrix = pbc.matrix * utils.ANGSTROM_PER_BOHR
if python_version() >= "3.8":
from importlib.metadata import version
pymatgen_version = version(pymatgen.__name__)
elif hasattr(pymatgen, "__version__"):
pymatgen_version = getattr(pymatgen, "__version__")
pymatgen_version = "0"
if pymatgen_version >= "2022":
return Lattice(matrix, pbc.periodicity) # type: ignore # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args
return Lattice(matrix)