Class Scine::Sparrow::AM1TypeMethodWrapper

template<class AM1Type>
class AM1TypeMethodWrapper : public Utils::CloneInterface<Utils::Abstract<AM1TypeMethodWrapper<AM1Type>>, NDDOMethodWrapper>

A parent class for all AM1-type methods using the same formalism but different parameters (AM1, RM1, PM3).

This class uses the curiously recurrent template pattern to have compile-time resolution of the model names, as well as the use of the right constructor. The constructors are method-dependant, having independent classes would lead to unwanted code duplication.

Public Functions


Constructor initializing the NDDOMethodWrapper with this instance of the class.


Default Destructor.

std::string name() const

Getter for the name of the method.


Returns the name of the method.

void applySettings()

Function to apply the settings to the underlying method.

Protected Functions

void initialize()

Initializes a method with the parameter file present in the settings.