Struct Scine::Utils::LevenbergMarquardt::LMFunctorΒΆ

struct LMFunctor

Public Functions

LMFunctor(UpdateFunctionManagerBase &updateFunctionManager)

Constructor from the update function manager.

int operator()(const Eigen::VectorXd &parameters, Eigen::VectorXd &fvec) const

Calculates the errors for a given set of parameters.

int df(const Eigen::VectorXd &parameters, Eigen::MatrixXd &fjac) const

Calculates the Jacobian of the errors for a given set of parameters.

int values() const

Getter for values.


Number of values m.

int inputs() const

Getter for inputs.


Number of inputs n.

Public Members

int m

Number of data points, i.e.


int n

The number of parameters, i.e.


UpdateFunctionManagerBase &updateFunctionManager_

The underlying update function manager.