Molassembler  1.0.0
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Scine::Molassembler::Temple::Optional< T & > Class Template Reference

Public Member Functions

constexpr Optional ()
 Default constructor. More...
constexpr Optional (T &value)
 Value constructor.
PURITY_WEAK constexpr bool hasValue () const
 Returns whether the optional contains a value. More...
PURITY_WEAK constexpr T & value () const
 Returns the contained value unchecked. More...
template<class UnaryFunction >
constexpr auto map (UnaryFunction &&function) const
 Monadic bind with function of signature T -> U. More...
template<class UnaryFunction >
constexpr auto flatMap (UnaryFunction &&function) const
 Monadic bind with function of signature T -> Optional<U> More...
PURITY_WEAK constexpr T valueOr (const T &alternative) const
 Returns a value if initialized, and another if not. More...
PURITY_WEAK constexpr operator bool () const
 Convert-to-bool operator.
PURITY_WEAK constexpr bool operator== (const Optional &other) const
 Compares on basis of contained value. Nones do compare equal.
PURITY_WEAK constexpr bool operator!= (const Optional &other) const
 Compares on basis of contained value. Nones do compare equal.
PURITY_WEAK constexpr bool operator< (const Optional &other) const
 Lexicographical-like comparison.
PURITY_WEAK constexpr bool operator> (const Optional &other) const
 Lexicographical-like comparison.

Private Attributes

dummy_ = T{}
T & ref_
bool hasValue_ = false

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename T >
constexpr Scine::Molassembler::Temple::Optional< T & >::Optional ( )

Default constructor.

None value. Default constructs a contained type.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename T >
template<class UnaryFunction >
constexpr auto Scine::Molassembler::Temple::Optional< T & >::flatMap ( UnaryFunction &&  function) const

Monadic bind with function of signature T -> Optional<U>

Template Parameters
UnaryFunction,:Function of signature T -> Optional<U>
template<typename T >
PURITY_WEAK constexpr bool Scine::Molassembler::Temple::Optional< T & >::hasValue ( ) const

Returns whether the optional contains a value.

Complexity \(\Theta(1)\)

template<typename T >
template<class UnaryFunction >
constexpr auto Scine::Molassembler::Temple::Optional< T & >::map ( UnaryFunction &&  function) const

Monadic bind with function of signature T -> U.

Template Parameters
UnaryFunction,:Function of signature T -> U
template<typename T >
PURITY_WEAK constexpr T& Scine::Molassembler::Temple::Optional< T & >::value ( ) const

Returns the contained value unchecked.

Complexity \(\Theta(1)\)

If hasValue is false, this is UB.
template<typename T >
PURITY_WEAK constexpr T Scine::Molassembler::Temple::Optional< T & >::valueOr ( const T &  alternative) const

Returns a value if initialized, and another if not.

Complexity \(\Theta(1)\)

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