Molassembler  1.0.0
Molecule graph and conformer library
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Scine::Molassembler::AtomInfo Namespace Reference

Information on particular element types. More...

Data Structures

class  ElementInfo
 Stores information about an element. More...


double bondRadius (Utils::ElementType elementType)
bool isMainGroupElement (Utils::ElementType elementType)
boost::optional< unsigned > mainGroupVE (Utils::ElementType elementType)
unsigned dElectronCount (Utils::ElementType elementType)
double vdwRadius (Utils::ElementType elementType)
 Accessor function to fetch the vdw radius directly from elementData.


const std::array< double, 110 > bondRadii
std::array< ElementInfo, 110 > elementData

Detailed Description

Information on particular element types.

Function Documentation

boost::optional<unsigned> Scine::Molassembler::AtomInfo::mainGroupVE ( Utils::ElementType  elementType)

Returns a count of valence electrons if the specified element type is a main group element. Otherwise, returns boost::none.

Variable Documentation

const std::array<double, 110> Scine::Molassembler::AtomInfo::bondRadii

Bond radii for each element from the original UFF paper:

Rappé, Anthony K., et al. "UFF, a full periodic table force field for molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics simulations." Journal of the American chemical society 114.25 (1992): 10024-10035.

std::array<ElementInfo, 110> Scine::Molassembler::AtomInfo::elementData

ElementData instances for each element type. This is populated with the following data:

  • VdW radius, from online CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, Nov. 16,
    1. ed.
  • Electron occupation of orbital types s, p, d, f above largest noble core, populated using Madelung's rule and corrected using Meek, Allen: Configuration Irregularities, Chem Phys Lett 362, 5-6, August 2002