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Scine::Molassembler::Cycles::UrfIdsCycleIterator Class Reference

Iterator for cycles of specific universal ring families. More...

#include <Cycles.h>

Public Types

using difference_type = unsigned
using value_type = const std::vector< BondIndex > &
using pointer = const std::vector< BondIndex > *
using reference = value_type
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag

Public Member Functions

 UrfIdsCycleIterator (const UrfIdsCycleIterator &other)
 UrfIdsCycleIterator (UrfIdsCycleIterator &&other) noexcept
UrfIdsCycleIteratoroperator= (const UrfIdsCycleIterator &other)
UrfIdsCycleIteratoroperator= (UrfIdsCycleIterator &&other) noexcept
 UrfIdsCycleIterator (AtomIndex soughtIndex, const std::shared_ptr< RdlDataPtrs > &dataPtr)
 UrfIdsCycleIterator (const BondIndex &soughtBond, std::vector< unsigned > urfs, const std::shared_ptr< RdlDataPtrs > &dataPtr)
 UrfIdsCycleIterator (const std::vector< BondIndex > &soughtBonds, std::vector< unsigned > urfs, const std::shared_ptr< RdlDataPtrs > &dataPtr)
UrfIdsCycleIteratoroperator++ ()
UrfIdsCycleIterator operator++ (int)
value_type operator* () const
pointer operator-> () const
void advanceToEnd ()
bool operator== (const UrfIdsCycleIterator &other) const
bool operator!= (const UrfIdsCycleIterator &other) const

Private Member Functions

void advanceToNextPermissibleCycle_ ()
void initializeCyclesFromUrfId_ ()
void matchCycleState_ (const UrfIdsCycleIterator &other)

Private Attributes

std::shared_ptr< RdlDataPtrs > rdlPtr_
std::unique_ptr< UrfHelper > urfsPtr_
std::unique_ptr< RdlCyclePtrs > cyclePtr_

Detailed Description

Iterator for cycles of specific universal ring families.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: