Molassembler  3.0.0
Molecule graph and conformer library
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Scine::Molassembler::RankingTree Class Reference

Central class for unified IUPAC-like ranking of organic and inorganic structures. More...

#include <RankingTree.h>

Data Structures

struct  EdgeData
 Data class that sets which supplementary data is stored for a tree edge. More...
struct  JunctionInfo
 Data class to store junction vertex and paths from the source vertices. More...
struct  VertexData
 Data class that sets which supplementary data is stored for a tree vertex. More...

Public Types

Member types
enum  ExpansionOption { ExpansionOption::OnlyRequiredBranches, ExpansionOption::Full }
using BglType = boost::adjacency_list< boost::setS, boost::vecS, boost::bidirectionalS, VertexData, EdgeData >
 The BGL Graph type used to store the tree.

Public Member Functions

Special member functions
 RankingTree (const Graph &graph, const StereopermutatorList &stereopermutators, std::string molGraphviz, AtomIndex atomToRank, const std::vector< AtomIndex > &excludeIndices={}, ExpansionOption expansionMethod=ExpansionOption::OnlyRequiredBranches, const boost::optional< AngstromPositions > &positionsOption=boost::none)
 Performs ranking of a central atom's substituents. More...
std::vector< std::vector
< AtomIndex > > 
getRanked () const
std::string dumpGraphviz (const std::string &title="", const std::unordered_set< TreeVertexIndex > &squareVertices={}, const std::unordered_set< TreeVertexIndex > &colorVertices={}, const std::set< TreeEdgeIndex > &colorEdges={}) const

Private Types

using TreeVertexIndex = BglType::vertex_descriptor
 Type of tree vertex accessor.
using TreeEdgeIndex = BglType::edge_descriptor
 Type of tree edge accessor.
using VariantType = boost::variant< TreeVertexIndex, TreeEdgeIndex >
 Variant type of both.

Private Member Functions

TreeVertexIndex parent_ (const TreeVertexIndex &index) const
 Returns the parent of a node. Fails if called on the root!
std::vector< TreeVertexIndexadjacents_ (TreeVertexIndex index) const
 Returns an unordered list of all adjacent vertices (in- and out-adjacents)
unsigned adjacentTerminalHydrogens_ (const TreeVertexIndex &index) const
 Counts the number of terminal hydrogens on out-edges of the specified index.
bool isBondSplitDuplicateVertex_ (const TreeVertexIndex &index) const
 Checks whether a tree index is the result of a bond split.
bool isCycleClosureDuplicateVertex_ (const TreeVertexIndex &index) const
 Checks whether a tree index is the result of a cycle closure.
std::vector< TreeVertexIndexauxiliaryAdjacentsToRank_ (TreeVertexIndex sourceIndex, const std::vector< TreeVertexIndex > &excludeIndices) const
template<typename ComparisonSets >
bool notEmpty_ (const ComparisonSets &comparisonSets) const
 Returns whether any of the comparison multisets has an entry.
unsigned nonDuplicateDegree_ (const TreeVertexIndex &index) const
std::vector< TreeVertexIndexaddBondOrderDuplicates_ (const TreeVertexIndex &treeSource, const TreeVertexIndex &treeTarget)
< TreeVertexIndex
treeIndicesInBranch_ (TreeVertexIndex index) const
 Returns all tree indices in the branch from the specified index up to root.
std::unordered_set< AtomIndexmolIndicesInBranch_ (TreeVertexIndex index) const
 Returns all mol indices in the branch from the specified index up to root.
unsigned duplicateDepth_ (TreeVertexIndex index) const
 Returns a depth measure of a duplicate vertex for sequence rule 1.
unsigned depthOfNode_ (TreeVertexIndex index) const
 Returns the depth of a node in the tree.
unsigned mixedDepth_ (const TreeVertexIndex &vertexIndex) const
 Returns a mixed depth measure for ranking both vertices and edges.
unsigned mixedDepth_ (const TreeEdgeIndex &edgeIndex) const
 Returns a mixed depth measure for ranking both vertices and edges.
JunctionInfo junction_ (const TreeVertexIndex &a, const TreeVertexIndex &b) const
bool molIndexExistsInBranch_ (AtomIndex molIndex, TreeVertexIndex treeIndex) const
 Returns whether a molecular graph index exists in a specific branch.
std::vector< TreeVertexIndexexpand_ (const TreeVertexIndex &index, const std::unordered_set< AtomIndex > &molIndicesInBranch)
template<typename SetValueType , typename ComparatorType >
bool multisetCompare_ (const std::multiset< SetValueType, ComparatorType > &a, const std::multiset< SetValueType, ComparatorType > &b) const
template<typename SetValueType , typename ComparatorType >
void compareBFSSets_ (const std::map< TreeVertexIndex, std::multiset< SetValueType, ComparatorType > > &comparisonSets, const std::vector< std::vector< TreeVertexIndex > > &undecidedSets, OrderDiscoveryHelper< TreeVertexIndex > &orderingHelper) const
std::string toString (const TreeEdgeIndex &edge) const
std::string toString (const VariantType &vertexOrEdge) const
template<unsigned ruleNumber, bool bfsDownOnly, bool insertEdges, bool insertVertices, typename MultisetValueType , typename MultisetComparatorType >
void runBFS_ (TreeVertexIndex sourceIndex, OrderDiscoveryHelper< TreeVertexIndex > &orderingHelper, const boost::optional< unsigned > &depthLimitOptional=boost::none) const
template<typename ValueType , typename ComparatorType >
std::string makeBFSStateGraph_ (const std::string &title, const TreeVertexIndex &base, const std::map< TreeVertexIndex, std::multiset< ValueType, ComparatorType > > &comparisonSet, const std::vector< std::vector< TreeVertexIndex > > &undecidedSets) const
 Creates a graphviz representation of the BFS state.
std::string _make4BGraph (const TreeVertexIndex &sourceIndex, const std::map< TreeVertexIndex, std::set< VariantType > > &representativeStereodescriptors, const TreeVertexIndex &branchA, const TreeVertexIndex &branchB, const std::vector< std::vector< VariantType > > &branchAOrders, const std::vector< std::vector< VariantType > > &branchBOrders, const std::vector< std::vector< VariantType > >::reverse_iterator &branchAIter, const std::vector< std::vector< VariantType > >::reverse_iterator &branchBIter) const
 Creates graphviz representation of like/unlike pairing in sequence rule 4B.
std::vector< std::vector
< AtomIndex > > 
mapToAtomIndices_ (const std::vector< std::vector< TreeVertexIndex > > &treeRankingSets) const
 Maps sets returned by an OrderDiscoveryHelper from tree indices to atom indices.
void applySequenceRules_ (const boost::optional< AngstromPositions > &positionsOption)
std::vector< std::vector
< TreeVertexIndex > > 
auxiliaryApplySequenceRules_ (TreeVertexIndex sourceIndex, const std::vector< TreeVertexIndex > &adjacentsToRank, const boost::optional< unsigned > &depthLimitOptional=boost::none) const

Static Private Member Functions

static std::string adaptMolGraph_ (std::string molGraph)
static void writeGraphvizFiles_ (const std::vector< std::string > &graphvizStrings)
 Writes graphviz log files from graph strings.
static std::string toString (TreeVertexIndex vertex)
static std::unordered_set
< TreeVertexIndex
collectSeeds_ (const std::map< TreeVertexIndex, std::vector< TreeVertexIndex > > &seeds, const std::vector< std::vector< TreeVertexIndex > > &undecidedSets)
static bool relevantSeeds_ (const std::map< TreeVertexIndex, std::vector< TreeVertexIndex > > &seeds, const std::vector< std::vector< TreeVertexIndex > > &undecidedSets)

Private Attributes

BglType tree_
 The BGL Graph representing the acyclic tree.
< TreeVertexIndex
 The helper instance for discovering the ordering of the to-rank branches.
const Graphgraph_
const StereopermutatorListstereopermutatorsRef_
const std::string adaptedMolGraphviz_

Static Private Attributes

static unsigned debugMessageCounter_
static constexpr TreeVertexIndex rootIndex = 0
 A readbility-improving constexpr replacement for the root index 0 in code.

Detailed Description

Central class for unified IUPAC-like ranking of organic and inorganic structures.

The general procedure is that any cycles are broken down in a BFS iteration through the molecular graph at the atom vertex of instantiation. Afterwards, all branches are expanded in a DFS-like manner to ensure that cycle closures are properly reported as duplicate atoms. In the rank() member function, the actual ranking as demanded by the IUPAC sequence rules (adapted for the mixed inorganic/organic molecular graphs) is performed.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Option deciding in what manner the ranking tree is expanded

The optimized expansion only expands positions that are needed for ranking while applying sequence rule 1 immediately. Full expansion expands the entire tree indiscriminately of whether the information will ever be needed prior to applying any sequence rules.


Expand the tree only as needed.


Exhaustively expand all vertices until completion before ranking.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Scine::Molassembler::RankingTree::RankingTree ( const Graph graph,
const StereopermutatorList stereopermutators,
std::string  molGraphviz,
AtomIndex  atomToRank,
const std::vector< AtomIndex > &  excludeIndices = {},
ExpansionOption  expansionMethod = ExpansionOption::OnlyRequiredBranches,
const boost::optional< AngstromPositions > &  positionsOption = boost::none 

Performs ranking of a central atom's substituents.

Complexity Theoretical complexity is unclear to me. No idea if the IUPAC sequence rules imply an upper bound on theoretical complexity. Given a sufficiently complicated molecule, a single ranking can be immensely complicated and time intensive. For practical cases however, ranking is constant-time.

Member Function Documentation

static std::string Scine::Molassembler::RankingTree::adaptMolGraph_ ( std::string  molGraph)

Modifies the graphviz molgraph into a digraph so that it can be combined with all the other digraphs using gvpack

std::vector<TreeVertexIndex> Scine::Molassembler::RankingTree::addBondOrderDuplicates_ ( const TreeVertexIndex treeSource,
const TreeVertexIndex treeTarget 

Adds the required duplicate atoms for bonds of high bond orders

This adds the appropriate amount of duplicate atoms to the source and target vertices according to the bond order (if integral). Returns the new duplicate tree vertex indices of duplicate nodes added to the source vertex only, not those added to the target vertex.

void Scine::Molassembler::RankingTree::applySequenceRules_ ( const boost::optional< AngstromPositions > &  positionsOption)

Ranks the direct substituents of the root atom, applying sequence rules 2-5

This function ranks the direct substituents of the atom this RankingTree was instantiated upon by the sequential application of the 2013 IUPAC Blue Book sequence rules 2-5 (the ctor applies #1). They are somewhat adapted since the priority of asymmetric centers of higher (and also lower) shape must also be considered because transition metal chemistry is also included in this library.

std::vector<TreeVertexIndex> Scine::Molassembler::RankingTree::auxiliaryAdjacentsToRank_ ( TreeVertexIndex  sourceIndex,
const std::vector< TreeVertexIndex > &  excludeIndices 
) const

Determines which tree indices are to be ranked

Determines which tree indices are to be ranked based on the central index and a list of index excludes

std::vector< std::vector<TreeVertexIndex> > Scine::Molassembler::RankingTree::auxiliaryApplySequenceRules_ ( TreeVertexIndex  sourceIndex,
const std::vector< TreeVertexIndex > &  adjacentsToRank,
const boost::optional< unsigned > &  depthLimitOptional = boost::none 
) const

This function ranks the direct substituents of a selected central tree vertex by the sequential application of the 2013 IUPAC Blue Book sequence rules. They are somewhat adapted since the priority of asymmetric centers of higher (and also lower) shape must also be considered because transition metal chemistry is also included in this library.

It returns a sorted vector of vectors, in which every sub-vector represents a set of equal-priority tree vertices. The sorting is ascending, meaning from lowest priority to highest priority.

The main differences to rank() are that all sequence rule BFS progressions can begin at any vertex in the tree and therefore must consider both in- and out-edges at every vertex. Additionally, this function assumes that any auxiliary stereodescriptors have already been instantiated, while rank() explicitly instantiates them prior to the application of sequence rule three.

sourceIndexThe tree vertex from which to rank substituents
adjacentsToRankA list of adjacent tree vertices to rank
depthLimitOptionalAn optional limitation on depth of sequence rule application
A ranked nested list of tree vertex sets as a ragged vector
template<typename SetValueType , typename ComparatorType >
void Scine::Molassembler::RankingTree::compareBFSSets_ ( const std::map< TreeVertexIndex, std::multiset< SetValueType, ComparatorType > > &  comparisonSets,
const std::vector< std::vector< TreeVertexIndex > > &  undecidedSets,
OrderDiscoveryHelper< TreeVertexIndex > &  orderingHelper 
) const

Compares all possible pairs of multisets of yet undecided branches and adds less-than relationships to the orderingHelper in case new relationships are discovered.

NOTE: This is a common pattern in the application of sequence rules, although the multiset value type and the applied comparator may vary, so it is extracted here.

Template Parameters
SetValueTypeThe multisets may contain different value types depending on the sequence rule being applied, but the semantics of how they are compared are always the same, so we abstract over this type.
ComparatorTypeThe multisets may have differing comparators depending on the sequence rule being applied, but the semantics of how they are compared are always the same, so we abstract over this type.
comparisonSetsA mapping from branch indices that are ranked in the OrderDiscoveryHelper to multisets containing values that establish relative priority in the sequence rule currently being applied
undecidedSetsThis is a const reference to an up-to-date result value of the OrderDiscoveryHelper's getUndecidedSets() function. This is useful since undecidedSets is a commonly required variable in the application of sequence rules and can therefore be used across all of them
orderingHelperThis is a reference to the OrderDiscoveryHelper currrently in use to rank branches of the acyclic tree. This function adds new relationships (if discovered) to this reference.
std::string Scine::Molassembler::RankingTree::dumpGraphviz ( const std::string &  title = "",
const std::unordered_set< TreeVertexIndex > &  squareVertices = {},
const std::unordered_set< TreeVertexIndex > &  colorVertices = {},
const std::set< TreeEdgeIndex > &  colorEdges = {} 
) const

Returns an annotated graphviz graph of the tree

Creates a graphviz representation of the tree, with optional title string, and sets of vertices represented as squares or colored in.

std::vector<TreeVertexIndex> Scine::Molassembler::RankingTree::expand_ ( const TreeVertexIndex index,
const std::unordered_set< AtomIndex > &  molIndicesInBranch 

Adds missing adjacents to vertex, returning new and existing tree children

Expands a tree node by checking the existing node children plus its parent and comparing this against the adjacent indices from the molecule. Returns all new and existing child tree vertex indices of the newly expanded node. Pre-expansion existing children may come about due to the addition of multiple bond order duplicate atoms.

std::vector< std::vector<AtomIndex> > Scine::Molassembler::RankingTree::getRanked ( ) const

Fetches the ranked result

Returns the ranked result as a sorted vector of vectors, in which every sub-vector represents a set of equal-priority substituents. The sorting is ascending, meaning from lowest priority to highest priority.

JunctionInfo Scine::Molassembler::RankingTree::junction_ ( const TreeVertexIndex a,
const TreeVertexIndex b 
) const

Returns the deepest vertex in the tree in whose child branches both a and b are located

template<typename SetValueType , typename ComparatorType >
bool Scine::Molassembler::RankingTree::multisetCompare_ ( const std::multiset< SetValueType, ComparatorType > &  a,
const std::multiset< SetValueType, ComparatorType > &  b 
) const

Since multiset's operator < does not actually USE the custom comparator when comparing the contained values, we have to call lexicographical_compare with a supplied comparator!

unsigned Scine::Molassembler::RankingTree::nonDuplicateDegree_ ( const TreeVertexIndex index) const

Returns the node degree, excluding edges to or from nodes marked as duplicate

static bool Scine::Molassembler::RankingTree::relevantSeeds_ ( const std::map< TreeVertexIndex, std::vector< TreeVertexIndex > > &  seeds,
const std::vector< std::vector< TreeVertexIndex > > &  undecidedSets 

In all BFS-like iterations, we need to check that there are suitable seeds to continue the BFS expansion for all branches that are yet undifferentiated. This is required in pretty much every sequence rule application, so it is generalized here.

seedsA mapping from branch indices that are being ranked to a set of tree vertices that are suitable continuations of the current BFS iteration.
undecidedSetsThis is a const reference to an up-to-date result value of the OrderDiscoveryHelper's getUndecidedSets() function. This is useful since undecidedSets is a commonly required variable in the application of sequence rules and can therefore be used across all of them
Whether any of the branches that are yet considered equal (and thus together in one of the undecided sets) have any seeds for another BFS iteration
template<unsigned ruleNumber, bool bfsDownOnly, bool insertEdges, bool insertVertices, typename MultisetValueType , typename MultisetComparatorType >
void Scine::Molassembler::RankingTree::runBFS_ ( TreeVertexIndex  sourceIndex,
OrderDiscoveryHelper< TreeVertexIndex > &  orderingHelper,
const boost::optional< unsigned > &  depthLimitOptional = boost::none 
) const

Performs a BFS traversal through the tree, performing ranking of a single rule

Performs a BFS traversal through the tree, adding encountered edges and/or vertices into a multiset with a custom comparator, and comparing those multisets at every iteration to discover ordering relations between the corresponding original branches.

Template Parameters
ruleNumberFor logging purposes, indicate which sequence rule is being tested with this BFS traversal
BfsDownOnlyIf set true, only out-edges of any BFS seeds are considered for the multisets and seed continuations. This has the effect that the traversal is unidirectional, going "down" from the root of the tree, which is drawn at the top of the graphical representation (see dumpGraphviz). If set false, in- and out-edges are considered for BFS continuations, so that BFS proceeds in all directions simultaneously from every seed starting at the source index.
insertEdgesIf set true, edge indices are inserted into the multiset.
insertVerticesIf set true, vertex indices are inserted into the multiset.
MultisetValueTypeThe value type of the multiset used for comparison.
MultisetComparatorTypeThe Comparator supplied as constructing argument for the multiset and any lexicographical comparisons involving multiple multisets. Here, the edge or vertex properties being compared in the current sequence rule must be encoded.

Field Documentation

unsigned Scine::Molassembler::RankingTree::debugMessageCounter_

For properly naming all the log files emitted in case the appropriate log particular is set.

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