Molassembler  3.0.0
Molecule graph and conformer library
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Scine::Molassembler::Temple Namespace Reference

Template shorthands, optimizers and constexpr data types. More...


 Curiously recurring template pattern classes.
 Floating-point comparison helpers.
 Functors for transformations.
 Functionality common to multiple optimizers.
 Compile-time reflective trait objects.
 template metaprogramming metafunctions on tuple types

Data Structures

struct  Binding
 Type that will own rvalues, reference lvalues. More...
struct  BoundedNodeTrie
 Data structure to store chains of discrete choices with an finite range of choices at each position. More...
class  MinimalCache
 A minimal wrapper around a map class with cache semantics. More...
class  Cache
class  Array
struct  Bitmask
class  Bitset
 Constexpr bitset class. More...
class  BTree
 A constexpr B-Tree. More...
class  DynamicArray
class  DynamicMap
 A constexpr associative container with reasonably fast key-based lookup. More...
class  DynamicSet
 Tree-based set. More...
class  JSF
 General class enabling the construction of a pattern of PRNGs by Bob Jenkins. More...
struct  Generator
 Provides a seeded engine instance. More...
class  Optional
 An Option monadic type. More...
class  Optional< T & >
struct  Pair
 Heterogeneous pair type. More...
class  UpperTriangularMatrix
 Strictly upper triangular matrix. More...
struct  Vector
 Constexpr three-dimensional vector math class. More...
class  Lbfgs
 LBFGS optimizer with optional boxing. More...
struct  NelderMead
 Nelder-Mead optimization. More...
struct  NewtonRaphson
 A very basic newton-raphson minimizer. More...
struct  SO3NelderMead
 Nelder-Mead optimization on SO(3) manifold. More...
struct  TrustRegionOptimizer
 Trust region Newton-Raphson minimizer with 2D subspace minimization. More...
struct  OrderedPair
 A class that imitates std::pair<T, U>, but whose template arguments are homogeneous and the stored values ordered (.first < .second). More...
struct  Permutation
 Container-abstracted permutation. More...
class  Poset
 Data structure for partially ordered sets with support for gradual ordering discovery. More...
class  StrongIndex
 Type helper for creating strong index types that are type-level distinct from their fundamental types. More...
struct  StrongIndexPermutation
struct  TinyUnorderedSet
 An adapter class for std::vector that acts like an unordered set and stores its data in the underlying vector in an unordered fashion. More...
struct  TinySet
 An adapter class for std::vector that acts like an ordered set and stores its data in the underlying vector in order. More...


template<class ContainerType >
using getValueType = typename Detail::getValueTypeImpl< ContainerType >::type
 Figures out the value type of a container via its iterators.
using JSF32na = JSF< uint32_t, 27, 17, 0 >
using JSF32nb = JSF< uint32_t, 9, 16, 0 >
using JSF32nc = JSF< uint32_t, 9, 24, 0 >
using JSF32nd = JSF< uint32_t, 10, 16, 0 >
using JSF32ne = JSF< uint32_t, 10, 24, 0 >
using JSF32nf = JSF< uint32_t, 11, 16, 0 >
using JSF32ng = JSF< uint32_t, 11, 24, 0 >
using JSF32nh = JSF< uint32_t, 25, 8, 0 >
using JSF32ni = JSF< uint32_t, 25, 16, 0 >
using JSF32nj = JSF< uint32_t, 26, 8, 0 >
using JSF32nk = JSF< uint32_t, 26, 16, 0 >
using JSF32nl = JSF< uint32_t, 26, 17, 0 >
using JSF32nm = JSF< uint32_t, 27, 16, 0 >
using JSF32ra = JSF< uint32_t, 3, 14, 24 >
using JSF32rb = JSF< uint32_t, 3, 25, 15 >
using JSF32rc = JSF< uint32_t, 4, 15, 24 >
using JSF32rd = JSF< uint32_t, 6, 16, 28 >
using JSF32re = JSF< uint32_t, 7, 16, 27 >
using JSF32rf = JSF< uint32_t, 8, 14, 3 >
using JSF32rg = JSF< uint32_t, 11, 16, 23 >
using JSF32rh = JSF< uint32_t, 12, 16, 22 >
using JSF32ri = JSF< uint32_t, 12, 17, 23 >
using JSF32rj = JSF< uint32_t, 13, 16, 22 >
using JSF32rk = JSF< uint32_t, 15, 25, 3 >
using JSF32rl = JSF< uint32_t, 16, 9, 3 >
using JSF32rm = JSF< uint32_t, 17, 9, 3 >
using JSF32rn = JSF< uint32_t, 17, 27, 7 >
using JSF32ro = JSF< uint32_t, 19, 7, 3 >
using JSF32rp = JSF< uint32_t, 23, 15, 11 >
using JSF32rq = JSF< uint32_t, 23, 16, 11 >
using JSF32rr = JSF< uint32_t, 23, 17, 11 >
using JSF32rs = JSF< uint32_t, 24, 3, 16 >
using JSF32rt = JSF< uint32_t, 24, 4, 16 >
using JSF32ru = JSF< uint32_t, 25, 14, 3 >
using JSF32rv = JSF< uint32_t, 27, 16, 6 >
using JSF32rw = JSF< uint32_t, 27, 16, 7 >
using JSF32n = JSF32na
using JSF32r = JSF32rq
using JSF32 = JSF32n
using JSF64na = JSF< uint64_t, 39, 11, 0 >
using JSF64ra = JSF< uint64_t, 7, 13, 37 >
using JSF64n = JSF64na
using JSF64r = JSF64ra
using JSF64 = JSF64r


template<class Container , typename T >
void addToContainer (Container &container, const T &value)
 Adds an lvalue element to a container by calling the container's insert or push_back member functions, if one of either exists.
template<class Container , typename T >
void addToContainer (Container &container, T &&value)
 Adds an rvalue to a container by calling the container's emplace or emplace_back member functions, if one of either exists.
template<class TargetContainer , class SourceContainer , class SizeModifierUnary = Functor::Identity>
void reserveIfPossible (TargetContainer &target, const SourceContainer &source, SizeModifierUnary &&sourceModifierUnary=SizeModifierUnary{})
 Rerves the space required in the target container if size can be determined from the source container. More...
template<typename T , typename... Tail>
constexpr auto makeArray (T head, Tail...tail) -> Array< T, 1+sizeof...(Tail)>
template<typename EnumType >
constexpr Bitmask< EnumType > make_bitmask (EnumType a)
template<template< typename, std::size_t > class ArrayType, typename T , std::size_t size, class UnaryFunction >
constexpr auto map (const ArrayType< T, size > &array, UnaryFunction &&function)
 Maps all elements of any array-like container with a unary function. More...
template<template< typename, std::size_t > class ArrayType, typename T , std::size_t size, class BinaryFunction >
constexpr T reduce (const ArrayType< T, size > &array, T init, BinaryFunction &&reduction)
 Reduce an array-like container with a binary function. More...
template<template< typename, std::size_t > class ArrayType, typename T , std::size_t size>
constexpr T sum (const ArrayType< T, size > &array)
 Sum up all elements of an array-like class. More...
template<template< typename, std::size_t > class ArrayType, typename T , std::size_t size>
< std::is_arithmetic< T >
::value, ArrayType< T, size >> 
iota ()
 Iota for any array type.
template<template< typename, std::size_t > class ArrayType, typename T , std::size_t begin, std::size_t end>
constexpr ArrayType< T,(end-begin)> range ()
 Range for any array type.
template<template< typename, std::size_t > class ArrayType, typename T , std::size_t N1, std::size_t N2>
constexpr ArrayType< T, N1+N2 > arrayConcatenate (const ArrayType< T, N1 > &a, const ArrayType< T, N2 > &b)
 Concatenation of two instances of an array-like class.
template<template< typename, std::size_t > class ArrayType, typename T , std::size_t N, std::size_t... Ns>
constexpr auto arrayConcatenate (const ArrayType< T, N > &startingArray, const ArrayType< T, Ns > &...remainingArrays)
 Variadic concatenation of multiple array-like class instances.
template<template< typename, std::size_t > class ArrayType, typename T , std::size_t size>
constexpr bool arraysEqual (const ArrayType< T, size > &a, const ArrayType< T, size > &b)
 Array-like container lexicographic equality comparaotr. More...
template<template< typename, std::size_t > class ArrayType, typename T , std::size_t sizeA, std::size_t sizeB>
constexpr std::enable_if_t
< (sizeA > sizeB), bool > 
arraysLess (const ArrayType< T, sizeA > &a, const ArrayType< T, sizeB > &b)
 Lexicographical comparison for two instances of an array-like class. More...
template<typename T , class LessThanPredicate , class Iter >
constexpr Iter lowerBound (Iter bound, Iter last, const T &item, LessThanPredicate predicate)
 Constexpr lower bound algorithm from STL. More...
template<class Container , typename T , class LessThanPredicate = std::less<>>
constexpr Container::const_iterator binarySearch (const Container &container, const T &item, LessThanPredicate predicate=LessThanPredicate())
 Binary search an order container. More...
template<class ContainerType , class LessThanComparator = std::less< getValueType<ContainerType> >>
constexpr bool isPartiallyOrdered (const ContainerType &container, LessThanComparator comparator=LessThanComparator{})
 Checks if a container is partially ordered. More...
template<class ContainerType , class LessThanComparator = std::less< getValueType<ContainerType> >>
constexpr bool isTotallyOrdered (const ContainerType &container, LessThanComparator comparator=LessThanComparator{})
 Checks if the container hold strictly increasing values. More...
template<template< typename, std::size_t > class ArrayType, typename T , std::size_t N, class BinaryFunction >
constexpr DynamicArray
< DynamicArray< T, N >, N > 
groupByEquality (const ArrayType< T, N > &data, BinaryFunction &&equalityComparator)
template<typename T , std::size_t N>
DynamicArray< T, N > merge (const DynamicArray< T, N > &a, const DynamicArray< T, N > &b)
template<size_t nItems, typename T , template< typename, size_t > class ArrayType, class LessThanPredicate = std::less<T>, class EqualityPredicate = std::equal_to<T>>
constexpr DynamicSet< T,
nItems, LessThanPredicate > 
makeDynamicSet (const ArrayType< T, nItems > &array)
 Helper function to create a DynamicSet specifying only the maximum size.
template<typename T >
constexpr bool testLogicalOperators (const T &a, const T &b)
 For any two types, check consistency of their logical operators.
template<typename T >
constexpr bool testOperatorSmaller (const T &a, const T &b)
 Limited variant of testLogicalOperators.
template<class ContainerType >
constexpr Traits::getValueType
< ContainerType > 
sum (const ContainerType &container)
 Summation with zero-initialization. More...
template<class ContainerType >
constexpr std::enable_if_t
< std::is_floating_point
< Traits::getValueType
< ContainerType > >::value,
< ContainerType >> 
average (const ContainerType &container)
template<class ContainerType >
constexpr std::enable_if_t
< !std::is_floating_point
< Traits::getValueType
< ContainerType > >::value,
double > 
average (const ContainerType &container)
template<class ContainerType >
constexpr std::enable_if_t
< std::is_floating_point
< Traits::getValueType
< ContainerType > >::value,
< ContainerType >> 
geometricMean (const ContainerType &container)
 Geometric average of all values in a container. More...
template<class ContainerType , typename FloatingType >
constexpr std::enable_if_t
< std::is_floating_point
< FloatingType >::value,
FloatingType > 
stddev (const ContainerType &container, const FloatingType averageValue)
 Calculate the standard deviation of a container with a known average. More...
template<class ContainerType >
constexpr auto stddev (const ContainerType &container)
template<class ContainerType >
constexpr auto min (const ContainerType &container)
 Composable min_element function. Returns the smallest value of any container. More...
template<class ContainerType >
constexpr auto max (const ContainerType &container)
 Composable max function. Returns the smallest value of any container. More...
template<typename T , size_t size>
std::array< T, size > toSTL (const Array< T, size > &array)
 Converts an Array into a std::array.
template<typename T , size_t size>
std::vector< T > toSTL (const DynamicArray< T, size > &dynamicArray)
 Converts a DynamicArray into a std::vector.
template<typename T , size_t size>
std::set< T > toSTL (const DynamicSet< T, size > &dynamicSet)
 Converts a DynamicSet into a std::set.
template<template< typename, size_t > class ArrayType, typename ValueType , size_t size>
< ValueType, size > 
makeUpperTriangularMatrix (const ArrayType< ValueType, size > &data)
 Helper constructing function that deduces the required type signature.
PURITY_WEAK constexpr double angle (const Vector &a, const Vector &b)
 Constexpr binary angle in radians calculation. More...
template<class Container , std::enable_if_t< Traits::hasSize< Container >::value, int > = 0>
auto size (const Container &container)
template<class UnaryFunction , typename T , template< typename, typename...> class Container, template< typename > class... Dependents>
auto map_stl (const Container< T, Dependents< T >...> &container, UnaryFunction &&function)
template<template< typename...> class Tuplelike, typename Unary , typename... Ts, std::enable_if_t<!Traits::isPairlike< Tuplelike< Ts...>>::value &&Traits::isTuplelike< Tuplelike< Ts...>>::value > * = nullptr>
constexpr auto map (Tuplelike< Ts...> &&tup, Unary &&f)
template<typename Pairlike , typename Unary , std::enable_if_t< Traits::isPairlike< Pairlike >::value &&!Traits::isTuplelike< Pairlike >::value > * = nullptr>
constexpr auto map (Pairlike &&pair, Unary &&f)
template<class Container , class UnaryFunction , std::enable_if_t<!Traits::isPairlike< Container >::value &&!Traits::isTuplelike< Container >::value > * = nullptr>
auto map (Container &&container, UnaryFunction &&function)
 Maps all values of a container using a unary function. Returns a vector. More...
template<class Container , class Callable >
void forEach (const Container &container, Callable &&callable)
 Apply a callable for all values of a container.
template<class Container , typename ComparisonFunction , typename MappingFunction >
Container::const_iterator select (const Container &container, ComparisonFunction &&comparator, MappingFunction &&mapFunction)
 Select a value from a container. More...
template<class Container , typename T , class BinaryFunction >
accumulate (const Container &container, T init, BinaryFunction &&reductionFunction)
 Accumulate shorthand. More...
template<class Container , class UnaryPredicate = Functor::Identity>
bool all_of (const Container &container, UnaryPredicate &&predicate=UnaryPredicate{})
 all_of shorthand More...
template<class Container , class UnaryPredicate = Functor::Identity>
bool any_of (const Container &container, UnaryPredicate &&predicate=UnaryPredicate{})
 any_of shorthand More...
template<class Container >
void sort (Container &container)
 Calls std::sort on a container.
template<class Container , typename Comparator >
void sort (Container &container, Comparator &&comparator)
 Calls std::sort with a custom comparator on a container.
template<class Container >
void reverse (Container &container)
 In-place reversal.
template<class Container , typename T >
void remove (Container &container, const T &value)
 Applies erase-remove idiom in-place to container.
template<class Container , class UnaryFunction >
void remove_if (Container &container, UnaryFunction &&predicate)
 Applies erase-remove idiom in-place to container with a predicate function.
template<class Container , class Predicate >
Container copy_if (const Container &container, Predicate &&predicate)
template<class Container >
Container sorted (Container container)
template<class Container , typename Comparator >
Container sorted (Container container, Comparator &&comparator)
template<class Container , typename T >
auto find (const Container &container, const T &needle)
 std::find shorthand
template<class Container , typename UnaryPredicate >
auto find_if (const Container &container, UnaryPredicate &&predicate)
 std::find_if shorthand
template<class Container , typename T >
std::size_t index (const Container &container, const T &needle)
template<class Container , typename UnaryPredicate >
std::size_t index_if (const Container &container, UnaryPredicate &&predicate)
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > iota (unsigned upperBound)
 vector iota shorthand
template<class Container >
auto makeContainsPredicate (const Container &container)
 Creates a predicate that uses std::find for the container's value type.
template<class Container , class UnaryFunction >
std::vector< std::vector
< Traits::getValueType
< Container > >> 
groupByMapping (const Container &container, UnaryFunction &&function)
template<class Container , class BinaryFunction >
std::vector< std::vector
< Traits::getValueType
< Container > >> 
groupByEquality (const Container &container, BinaryFunction &&compareEqual)
template<typename HT , typename TT , typename Function >
auto invoke (Function &&function, const boost::tuples::cons< HT, TT > &tuple)
 Invokes a function with all values in a given boost tuple.
template<typename Fn , typename TupleType , std::enable_if_t< Detail::isTupleCallable< Fn, TupleType >::value, int > = 0>
auto invoke (Fn &&function, const TupleType &tuple)
 If a callable can be called by unpacking a supplied tuple of arguments, the tuple is called. More...
template<typename Fn , typename... Args, std::enable_if_t< sizeof...(Args)!=1||!Detail::isTupleCallable< Fn, Args...>::value, int > = 0>
auto invoke (Fn &&function, Args &&...args)
template<typename Functor >
auto make_tuple_callable (Functor &&functor)
template<typename Derived >
bool positiveDefinite (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &matrix)
 Determine whether a matrix is positive definite. More...
template<typename Derived >
bool positiveSemidefinite (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &matrix)
 Determine whether a matrix is positive semidefinite. More...
template<class Container >
constexpr std::size_t permutationIndex (const Container &container)
 Calculate the index of permutation of elements in a container. More...
template<typename Container >
constexpr void inPlaceSwap (Container &data, const std::size_t a, const std::size_t b)
 Index-based in-place swapping of elements in an array-like container. More...
template<typename Container >
constexpr void inPlaceReverse (Container &data, const std::size_t indexFrom, const std::size_t indexTo)
 Index-based in-place reversal of elements in an array-like container. More...
template<typename Container >
constexpr bool inPlaceNextPermutation (Container &data, const std::size_t first, const std::size_t last)
 In-place next permutation. More...
template<typename Container >
constexpr bool inPlaceNextPermutation (Container &data)
template<typename Container >
constexpr bool inPlacePreviousPermutation (Container &data, const std::size_t first, const std::size_t last)
 In-place previous permutation. More...
template<typename Container >
constexpr bool inPlacePreviousPermutation (Container &data)
template<class Container >
bool next_permutation (Container &container)
 Calls std::next_permutation.
template<class Container >
bool prev_permutation (Container &container)
 Calls std::prev_permutation.
template<class Container >
bool nextCombinationPermutation (Container &toPermute, const Container &limits)
 For when you have to implement variable-depth for loops, each with different limits. More...
template<typename T , template< typename > class Comparator, template< typename >class Allocator>
std::set< T, Comparator< T >
, Allocator< T > > 
set_intersection (const std::set< T, Comparator< T >, Allocator< T >> &a, const std::set< T, Comparator< T >, Allocator< T >> &b)
template<typename T , template< typename > class Comparator, template< typename >class Allocator>
std::set< T, Comparator< T >
, Allocator< T > > 
set_union (const std::set< T, Comparator< T >, Allocator< T >> &a, const std::set< T, Comparator< T >, Allocator< T >> &b)
template<typename T , template< typename > class Comparator, template< typename >class Allocator>
std::set< T, Comparator< T >
, Allocator< T > > 
set_symmetric_difference (const std::set< T, Comparator< T >, Allocator< T >> &a, const std::set< T, Comparator< T >, Allocator< T >> &b)
std::vector< std::string > split (const std::string &s, char delimiter)
template<class Container >
< !std::is_same
< Traits::getValueType
< Container >, std::string >
::value, std::string > 
condense (const Container &container, const std::string &joiningChar=",")
template<class Container >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same
< Traits::getValueType
< Container >, std::string >
::value, std::string > 
condense (const Container &container, const std::string &joiningChar=",")
std::string stringify (const std::string &x)
template<typename T >
std::string stringify (const boost::optional< T > &optional)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum
< T >::value, std::string > 
stringify (const T &enumType)
template<typename T >
< std::is_arithmetic< T >
::value, std::string > 
stringify (const T &a)
template<typename T , typename U >
std::string stringify (const std::pair< T, U > &pair)
template<typename T >
std::string stringify (const std::vector< T > &vec)
template<typename T , std::size_t size>
std::string stringify (const std::array< T, size > &arr)
template<typename T >
std::string stringify (const std::set< T > &set)
template<typename T >
std::string stringify (const std::unordered_set< T > &set)
template<typename T >
std::string stringify (const std::list< T > &list)
template<typename T >
std::string stringify (const std::forward_list< T > &list)
template<typename T , typename U >
std::string stringify (const std::map< T, U > &map)
template<typename T , typename U >
std::string stringify (const std::unordered_map< T, U > &map)
template<typename... Ts>
std::string stringify (const std::tuple< Ts...> &tuple)
template<typename T >
< Detail::isMapType< T >
::value, std::string > 
stringifyMap (const T &map)
template<typename T >
std::string stringifyContainer (const T &container)
template<typename Container , class ElementStringifier >
std::string stringifyContainer (const Container &container, ElementStringifier &&stringifier)
template<typename TupleType , size_t... Inds>
std::string stringifyTuple (const TupleType &tuple, std::index_sequence< Inds...>)
template<typename Tag , typename T >
std::size_t hash_value (const StrongIndex< Tag, T > &v)
 Hash support function for strong index types. More...
template<class UnorderedSetContainer >
UnorderedSetContainer unorderedSetSymmetricDifference (const UnorderedSetContainer &a, const UnorderedSetContainer &b)
template<class UnorderedSetContainer >
UnorderedSetContainer unorderedSetDifference (const UnorderedSetContainer &a, const UnorderedSetContainer &b)
template<class UnorderedSetContainer >
UnorderedSetContainer unorderedSetIntersection (const UnorderedSetContainer &a, const UnorderedSetContainer &b)
template<class UnorderedSetContainer >
UnorderedSetContainer unorderedSetUnion (const UnorderedSetContainer &a, const UnorderedSetContainer &b)

Detailed Description

Template shorthands, optimizers and constexpr data types.

Function Documentation

template<class Container , typename T , class BinaryFunction >
T Scine::Molassembler::Temple::accumulate ( const Container container,
BinaryFunction &&  reductionFunction 

Accumulate shorthand.

Complexity \(\Theta(N)\)

template<class Container , class UnaryPredicate = Functor::Identity>
bool Scine::Molassembler::Temple::all_of ( const Container container,
UnaryPredicate &&  predicate = UnaryPredicate {} 

all_of shorthand

Complexity \(O(N)\)

PURITY_WEAK constexpr double Scine::Molassembler::Temple::angle ( const Vector &  a,
const Vector &  b 

Constexpr binary angle in radians calculation.

Complexity \(\Theta(1)\)

template<class Container , class UnaryPredicate = Functor::Identity>
bool Scine::Molassembler::Temple::any_of ( const Container container,
UnaryPredicate &&  predicate = UnaryPredicate {} 

any_of shorthand

Complexity \(O(N)\)

template<template< typename, std::size_t > class ArrayType, typename T , std::size_t size>
constexpr bool Scine::Molassembler::Temple::arraysEqual ( const ArrayType< T, size > &  a,
const ArrayType< T, size > &  b 

Array-like container lexicographic equality comparaotr.

Complexity \(O(N)\)

template<template< typename, std::size_t > class ArrayType, typename T , std::size_t sizeA, std::size_t sizeB>
constexpr std::enable_if_t< (sizeA > sizeB), bool> Scine::Molassembler::Temple::arraysLess ( const ArrayType< T, sizeA > &  a,
const ArrayType< T, sizeB > &  b 

Lexicographical comparison for two instances of an array-like class.

Complexity \(O(N)\)

template<class ContainerType >
constexpr std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point<Traits::getValueType<ContainerType> >::value, Traits::getValueType<ContainerType>> Scine::Molassembler::Temple::average ( const ContainerType &  container)

Composable average function. Returns the average (always as a double) of any basic data type. An assert checks whether the function receives an empty container.

Container must implement begin, end and size members, the contained type must have operator+ and be convertible to double.

Complexity \(\Theta(N)\)

template<class ContainerType >
constexpr std::enable_if_t< !std::is_floating_point<Traits::getValueType<ContainerType> >::value, double> Scine::Molassembler::Temple::average ( const ContainerType &  container)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

template<class Container , typename T , class LessThanPredicate = std::less<>>
constexpr Container::const_iterator Scine::Molassembler::Temple::binarySearch ( const Container container,
const T &  item,
LessThanPredicate  predicate = LessThanPredicate() 

Binary search an order container.

Binary searches within an ordered container. Returns an iterator to the sought element if found, otherwise returns the end iterator.

Complexity \(\Theta(N log N)\)

template<class Container >
std::enable_if_t< !std::is_same< Traits::getValueType<Container>, std::string >::value, std::string> Scine::Molassembler::Temple::condense ( const Container container,
const std::string &  joiningChar = "," 

Condenses an iterable container into a comma-separated string of string representations of its contents. Requires container iterators to satisfy ForwardIterators and the contained type to be a valid template argument for std::to_string, which in essence means this works only for (a few) STL containers and (most) built-in datatypes.

template<class ContainerType >
constexpr std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point<Traits::getValueType<ContainerType> >::value, Traits::getValueType<ContainerType>> Scine::Molassembler::Temple::geometricMean ( const ContainerType &  container)

Geometric average of all values in a container.

containerComplexity \(\Theta(N)\)
template<class Container , class BinaryFunction >
std::vector< std::vector< Traits::getValueType<Container> >> Scine::Molassembler::Temple::groupByEquality ( const Container container,
BinaryFunction &&  compareEqual 

Split a container's values by a binary comparison function. Returns a ragged 2D vector.

Requires that the equality comparison is symmetric and transitive!
template<template< typename, std::size_t > class ArrayType, typename T , std::size_t N, class BinaryFunction >
constexpr DynamicArray< DynamicArray<T, N>, N> Scine::Molassembler::Temple::groupByEquality ( const ArrayType< T, N > &  data,
BinaryFunction &&  equalityComparator 

Groups data by equality.

template<class Container , class UnaryFunction >
std::vector< std::vector< Traits::getValueType<Container> >> Scine::Molassembler::Temple::groupByMapping ( const Container container,
UnaryFunction &&  function 

Split a container's values by a mapping function whose return value elements are compared with. Matching mapped values are grouped and returned in a ragged 2D vector.

template<typename Tag , typename T >
std::size_t Scine::Molassembler::Temple::hash_value ( const StrongIndex< Tag, T > &  v)

Hash support function for strong index types.

Allows the use of strong index types in unordered STL containers like so:

struct foo_tag;
using Foo = StrongIndex<foo_tag, unsigned>;
using UnorderedSetType = std::unordered_set<Foo, boost::hash<Foo>>;
template<typename Container >
constexpr bool Scine::Molassembler::Temple::inPlaceNextPermutation ( Container data,
const std::size_t  first,
const std::size_t  last 

In-place next permutation.

In-place next permutation of elements in an array-like type. 1:1 index-based variant of std::next_permutation NOTE: works with std::array only in C++17 (missing constexpr markers)

Complexity \(O(N/2)\)

template<typename Container >
constexpr bool Scine::Molassembler::Temple::inPlaceNextPermutation ( Container data)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

template<typename Container >
constexpr bool Scine::Molassembler::Temple::inPlacePreviousPermutation ( Container data,
const std::size_t  first,
const std::size_t  last 

In-place previous permutation.

In-place previous permutation of elements in an array-like type. 1:1 index-based variant of std::prev_permutation NOTE: works with std::array only in C++17

Complexity \(O(N/2)\)

template<typename Container >
constexpr bool Scine::Molassembler::Temple::inPlacePreviousPermutation ( Container data)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

template<typename Container >
constexpr void Scine::Molassembler::Temple::inPlaceReverse ( Container data,
const std::size_t  indexFrom,
const std::size_t  indexTo 

Index-based in-place reversal of elements in an array-like container.

Complexity \(\Theta(N)\)

template<typename Container >
constexpr void Scine::Molassembler::Temple::inPlaceSwap ( Container data,
const std::size_t  a,
const std::size_t  b 

Index-based in-place swapping of elements in an array-like container.

Complexity \(\Theta(1)\)

template<typename Fn , typename TupleType , std::enable_if_t< Detail::isTupleCallable< Fn, TupleType >::value, int > = 0>
auto Scine::Molassembler::Temple::invoke ( Fn &&  function,
const TupleType &  tuple 

If a callable can be called by unpacking a supplied tuple of arguments, the tuple is called.

This function is SFINAE-friendly in that if TupleType isn't tuple-like or the function does not accept the unpacked arguments, this will only cause a substitution failure and not a compilation error.
template<class ContainerType , class LessThanComparator = std::less< getValueType<ContainerType> >>
constexpr bool Scine::Molassembler::Temple::isPartiallyOrdered ( const ContainerType &  container,
LessThanComparator  comparator = LessThanComparator {} 

Checks if a container is partially ordered.

Checks if a container holds strictly non-decreasing sequential values, i.e. its values are partially ordered.

Partially ordered: 1, 1, 2, 3 Totally ordered: 1, 2, 3 (no duplicates) Neither: 2, 1, 3

Complexity \(O(N)\)

template<class ContainerType , class LessThanComparator = std::less< getValueType<ContainerType> >>
constexpr bool Scine::Molassembler::Temple::isTotallyOrdered ( const ContainerType &  container,
LessThanComparator  comparator = LessThanComparator {} 

Checks if the container hold strictly increasing values.

Checks if a container holds strictly increasing values, i.e. its values are totally ordered.

Partially ordered: 1, 1, 2, 3 Totally ordered: 1, 2, 3 (no duplicates) Neither: 2, 1, 3

Complexity \(O(N)\)

template<typename T , class LessThanPredicate , class Iter >
constexpr Iter Scine::Molassembler::Temple::lowerBound ( Iter  bound,
Iter  last,
const T &  item,
LessThanPredicate  predicate 

Constexpr lower bound algorithm from STL.

Returns an index within the passed array-like container whose element at that index is not less than the passed vaue. Proceeds via binary search. 1:1 constexpr variant of std::lower_bound.

Complexity \(\Theta(N log N)\)

template<template< typename, std::size_t > class ArrayType, typename T , std::size_t size, class UnaryFunction >
constexpr auto Scine::Molassembler::Temple::map ( const ArrayType< T, size > &  array,
UnaryFunction &&  function 

Maps all elements of any array-like container with a unary function.

Complexity \(\Theta(N)\)

template<class Container , class UnaryFunction , std::enable_if_t<!Traits::isPairlike< Container >::value &&!Traits::isTuplelike< Container >::value > * = nullptr>
auto Scine::Molassembler::Temple::map ( Container &&  container,
UnaryFunction &&  function 

Maps all values of a container using a unary function. Returns a vector.

Complexity \(\Theta(N)\)

template<class UnaryFunction , typename T , template< typename, typename...> class Container, template< typename > class... Dependents>
auto Scine::Molassembler::Temple::map_stl ( const Container< T, Dependents< T >...> &  container,
UnaryFunction &&  function 

Maps the values in a container using a unary function.


  • Container must have template parameters of the form: Container<ValueType, A<ValueType>, B<ValueType>, ...>, where zero dependent template parameters (A, B, ...) are also acceptable
  • Any dependent template parameters (A, B, ..) must be instantiable for the function return type.
  • Container implements begin and end forward iterators.
  • Container implements either insert, emplace, push_back or emplace_back
  • UnaryFunction must be unary and callable with Container's ValueType

Besides custom containers that fulfill the required criteria, this function should be valid for the following STL containers:

  • vector
  • deque
  • list, forward_list
  • set, multiset, unordered_set, unordered_multiset

Notably absent: array, map, multimap, unordered_multimap (some are covered by specializations below!)

Complexity \(\Theta(N)\)

template<class ContainerType >
constexpr auto Scine::Molassembler::Temple::max ( const ContainerType &  container)

Composable max function. Returns the smallest value of any container.

Container must implement begin, end iterators. The iterators must be copy-assignable. The contained type must implement operator <.

Complexity \(\Theta(N)\)

template<class ContainerType >
constexpr auto Scine::Molassembler::Temple::min ( const ContainerType &  container)

Composable min_element function. Returns the smallest value of any container.

Container must implement begin, end iterators. The iterators must be copy-assignable. The contained type must implement operator <.

Complexity \(\Theta(N)\)

template<class Container >
bool Scine::Molassembler::Temple::nextCombinationPermutation ( Container toPermute,
const Container limits 

For when you have to implement variable-depth for loops, each with different limits.

Increments a container containing indices for each depth according to a const container containing the limits for each. Limits are exclusive!

E.g. for the limits 232, increments through the sequence 000 -> 001 -> 010 -> 011 -> 020 -> 021 -> 100 -> 101 -> 110 -> 111 -> 120 ...

Requires that Container implements operator[](U), where U is implicitly convertible from unsigned.

Complexity \(\Theta(N)\)

template<class Container >
constexpr std::size_t Scine::Molassembler::Temple::permutationIndex ( const Container container)

Calculate the index of permutation of elements in a container.

The elements in the container must be comparable with a weak ordering.

Complexity \(\Theta(N^2)\)

Requires that Container implements operator[](U), where U is implicitly convertible from std::size_t.
template<typename Derived >
bool Scine::Molassembler::Temple::positiveDefinite ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  matrix)

Determine whether a matrix is positive definite.

matrix must be hermitian
template<typename Derived >
bool Scine::Molassembler::Temple::positiveSemidefinite ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  matrix)

Determine whether a matrix is positive semidefinite.

matrix must be hermitian
template<template< typename, std::size_t > class ArrayType, typename T , std::size_t size, class BinaryFunction >
constexpr T Scine::Molassembler::Temple::reduce ( const ArrayType< T, size > &  array,
BinaryFunction &&  reduction 

Reduce an array-like container with a binary function.

Reduction of any array-like container with a binary function. This function is somewhat restricted, in that the type of the reduction must be identical to the value type of the array-like container. The binary function must have the signature T(const T& reduction, const T& element).

Complexity \(\Theta(N)\)

template<class TargetContainer , class SourceContainer , class SizeModifierUnary = Functor::Identity>
void Scine::Molassembler::Temple::reserveIfPossible ( TargetContainer &  target,
const SourceContainer &  source,
SizeModifierUnary &&  sourceModifierUnary = SizeModifierUnary {} 

Rerves the space required in the target container if size can be determined from the source container.

If the source container implements a size() const member and the target container implements a reserve() member, the target container reserves space according to the result of the source container size() call modified by the sourceModifierUnary.

Template Parameters
TargetContainerthe Container type in which space should be reserved
SourceContainerThe Container type whose size is used to calculate required size of the target
SizeModifierUnaryA unary callable type that transforms the type returned by SourceContainer.size(), if applicable
targetThe container in which space should be reserved
sourceThe container whose size should determined for reservation in the target
sourceModifierUnaryA unary function that transforms the size determined from the source container. This is for if you expect to generate more or less elements in the target container.
template<class Container , typename ComparisonFunction , typename MappingFunction >
Container::const_iterator Scine::Molassembler::Temple::select ( const Container container,
ComparisonFunction &&  comparator,
MappingFunction &&  mapFunction 

Select a value from a container.

Template Parameters
ContainerContainer type
ComparisonFunctionComparison between members of the value
MappingFunctionMap function from ValueType to ComparableType
containercontainer with values
comparatorComparator instance
mapFunctionMap function
An iterator to the value whose mapped value is smallest value according to the comparator
template<class ContainerType , typename FloatingType >
constexpr std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point<FloatingType>::value, FloatingType> Scine::Molassembler::Temple::stddev ( const ContainerType &  container,
const FloatingType  averageValue 

Calculate the standard deviation of a container with a known average.

Complexity \(\Theta(N)\)

template<class ContainerType >
constexpr auto Scine::Molassembler::Temple::stddev ( const ContainerType &  container)

Calculates standard deviation without an existing average value

Container must implement begin, end and size members, the contained type must have operator+.

Complexity \(\Theta(2N)\)

template<class ContainerType >
constexpr Traits::getValueType<ContainerType> Scine::Molassembler::Temple::sum ( const ContainerType &  container)

Summation with zero-initialization.

Composable sum function. Returns the type the container contains, assuming monadic behavior on operator + (value_type + value_type = value_type). Container must implement begin and end members.

Complexity \(\Theta(N)\)

template<template< typename, std::size_t > class ArrayType, typename T , std::size_t size>
constexpr T Scine::Molassembler::Temple::sum ( const ArrayType< T, size > &  array)

Sum up all elements of an array-like class.

Summation of all elements of an array-like class. Requires operator + and zero-initialization of the contained type

Complexity \(\Theta(N)\)