Molassembler  3.0.0
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Scine::Molassembler::DistanceGeometry::RefinementTraits< RefinementType > Struct Template Reference

This is for when you have a fully qualified Refinement typename but want to get the template arguments back. More...

#include <EigenRefinement.h>

Public Types

using TemplateArgumentsTuple = decltype(templateArgumentHelper(std::declval< RefinementType >()))
using DimensionalityConstant = std::tuple_element_t< 0, TemplateArgumentsTuple >
using FloatingPointType = std::tuple_element_t< 1, TemplateArgumentsTuple >
using SimdConstant = std::tuple_element_t< 2, TemplateArgumentsTuple >

Static Public Member Functions

template<template< unsigned, typename, bool > class BaseClass, unsigned dimensionality, typename FloatingPointType , bool SIMD>
static auto templateArgumentHelper (BaseClass< dimensionality, FloatingPointType, SIMD >) -> std::tuple< std::integral_constant< unsigned, dimensionality >, FloatingPointType, std::integral_constant< bool, SIMD > >

Detailed Description

template<typename RefinementType>
struct Scine::Molassembler::DistanceGeometry::RefinementTraits< RefinementType >

This is for when you have a fully qualified Refinement typename but want to get the template arguments back.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: