
class scine_molassembler.Molecule

Models a molecule as a Graph and a StereopermutatorList.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule) -> None

    Initialize a hydrogen molecule

    >>> h2 = Molecule()
    >>> h2.graph.V
    >>> h2.graph.E
  2. __init__(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, arg0: Scine::Utils::ElementType) -> None

    Initialize a single-atom molecule.

    This is a bit of a paradox, yes, and it might have been preferable for the concept of a molecule to contain at least two bonded atoms, but unfortunately single atoms occur everywhere and enforcing the concept would complicate many interfaces.

    >>> import scine_utilities as utils
    >>> f = Molecule(utils.ElementType.F)
    >>> f.graph.V
    >>> f.graph.E
  3. __init__(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, first_element: Scine::Utils::ElementType, second_element: Scine::Utils::ElementType, bond_type: scine_molassembler.BondType = <BondType.Single: 0>) -> None

    Initialize a molecule from two element types and a mutual BondType

    >>> # Make H-F
    >>> import scine_utilities as utils
    >>> hf = Molecule(utils.ElementType.H, utils.ElementType.F)
    >>> hf.graph.V == 2
  4. __init__(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, graph: scine_molassembler.Graph) -> None

    Initialize a molecule from connectivity alone, inferring shapes and stereopermutators from the graph.

    >>> # Rebuild a molecule with an assigned stereopermutator from just the graph
    >>> a = io.experimental.from_smiles("[C@](F)(Cl)(C)[H]")
    >>> a.stereopermutators.has_unassigned_permutators()
    >>> b = Molecule(a.graph)
    >>> b.stereopermutators.has_unassigned_permutators()
add_atom(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, element: Scine::Utils::ElementType, adjacent_to: int, bond_type: scine_molassembler.BondType = <BondType.Single: 0>) → int

Add an atom to the molecule, attaching it to an existing atom by a specified bond type.

  • element – Element type of the new atom

  • adjacent_to – Atom to which the new atom is added

  • bond_typeBondType with which the new atom is attached

>>> # Let's make linear H3
>>> import scine_utilities as utils
>>> mol = Molecule() # Default constructor makes H2
>>> _ = mol.add_atom(utils.ElementType.H, 0) # Make linear H3
add_bond(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, first_atom: int, second_atom: int, bond_type: scine_molassembler.BondType = <BondType.Single: 0>)scine_molassembler.BondIndex

Adds a bond between two existing atoms.

  • first_atom – First atom to bond

  • second_atom – Second atom to bond

  • bond_typeBondType with which to bond the atoms

>>> # Let's make triangular H3
>>> import scine_utilities as utils
>>> mol = Molecule() # Default constructor makes H2
>>> _ = mol.add_atom(utils.ElementType.H, 0) # Make linear H3
>>> _ = mol.add_bond(1, 2) # Make triangular H3
add_permutator(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, bond: scine_molassembler.BondIndex, alignment: scine_molassembler.BondStereopermutator.Alignment = scine_molassembler.BondStereopermutator.Alignment.Eclipsed)scine_molassembler.BondStereopermutator

Add a BondStereopermutator to the molecule


You can’t add AtomStereopermutators to the molecule manually. These are automatically present on non-terminal atoms.

  • bond – Bond to place the permutator at

  • alignment – Alignment with which to construct the permutator


A reference to the added stereopermutator


RuntimeError – If there is already a permutator present at this bond

static apply_canonicalization_map(canonicalization_index_map: List[int], atom_collection: Scine::Utils::AtomCollection) → Scine::Utils::AtomCollection

Reorders an atom collection according to an index mapping from canonicalization.

  • canonicalization_index_map – Index mapping saved from previous canonicalization

  • atom_collection – Atom collection to reorder


Reordered atom collection

assign_stereopermutator(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. assign_stereopermutator(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, atom: int, assignment_option: Optional[int]) -> None

    Sets the atom stereopermutator assignment at a particular atom

    param atom

    Atom index of the AtomStereopermutator to set

    param assignment_option

    An assignment integer if the stereopermutator is to be assigned or None if the stereopermutator is to be dis-assigned.

    >>> # Assign an unspecified asymmetric carbon atom and then dis-assign it
    >>> mol = io.experimental.from_smiles("F[CH1](Br)C")
    >>> asymmetric_carbon_index = 1
    >>> mol.assign_stereopermutator(asymmetric_carbon_index, 0)
    >>> mol.stereopermutators.option(asymmetric_carbon_index).assigned
    >>> mol.assign_stereopermutator(asymmetric_carbon_index, None)
    >>> mol.stereopermutators.option(asymmetric_carbon_index).assigned is None
  2. assign_stereopermutator(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, bond_index: scine_molassembler.BondIndex, assignment_option: Optional[int]) -> None

    Sets the bond stereopermutator assignment at a particular bond

    param bond_index

    BondIndex of the BondStereopermutator to set

    param assignment_option

    An assignment integer if the stereopermutator is to be assigned or None if the stereopermutator is to be dis-assigned.

    >>> # Dis-assign an assigned bond stereopermutator
    >>> ethene = io.experimental.from_smiles("C/C=C\C")
    >>> double_bond_index = BondIndex(1, 2)
    >>> assert ethene.graph.bond_type(double_bond_index) == BondType.Double
    >>> ethene.stereopermutators.option(double_bond_index).assigned is not None
    >>> ethene.assign_stereopermutator(double_bond_index, None)
    >>> ethene.stereopermutators.option(double_bond_index).assigned is not None
assign_stereopermutator_randomly(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. assign_stereopermutator_randomly(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, atom: int) -> None

    Assigns an AtomStereopermutator at random (assignments are weighted by relative statistical occurence).

    param atom

    Atom index of the stereopermutator to assign randomly.


    This function advances molassembler’s global PRNG state.

    >>> # Assign an unspecified chiral center
    >>> mol = io.experimental.from_smiles("S[As](F)(Cl)(Br)(N)[H]")
    >>> as_index = 1
    >>> mol.stereopermutators.option(as_index).assigned is None
    >>> mol.assign_stereopermutator_randomly(1)
    >>> mol.stereopermutators.option(as_index).assigned is None
  2. assign_stereopermutator_randomly(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, bond_index: scine_molassembler.BondIndex) -> None

    Assigns a BondStereopermutator at random.

    param bond_index

    BondIndex of the stereopermutator to assign randomly.


    This function advances molassembler’s global PRNG state.

    >>> # Assign an unspecified double bond randomly
    >>> mol = io.experimental.from_smiles("CC=CC")
    >>> double_bond_index = BondIndex(1, 2)
    >>> assert mol.graph.bond_type(double_bond_index) == BondType.Double
    >>> mol.stereopermutators.option(double_bond_index).assigned is None
    >>> mol.assign_stereopermutator_randomly(double_bond_index)
    >>> mol.stereopermutators.option(double_bond_index).assigned is None
canonical_compare(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, other: scine_molassembler.Molecule, components_bitmask: scine_molassembler.AtomEnvironmentComponents = <AtomEnvironmentComponents.All: 15>) → bool

Modular comparison of this Molecule with another, assuming that both are in some (possibly partial) canonical form.

For comparisons of fully canonical molecule pairs, regular equality comparison will just call this function with all environment components considered instead of performing a full isomorphism.

This function is similar to modular_isomorphism, but faster, since if both molecules are in a canonical form, comparison does not require an isomorphism, but merely a same-graph test over the components used.

  • other – The other (canonical) molecule to compare against

  • components_bitmask – The components of an atom’s environment to include in the comparison. You should use the same bitmask as when canonicalizing the molecules you are comparing here. It may be possible to use a bitmask with fewer components, but certainly not one with more.

>>> # Bring two molecules into a partial canonical form and compare them
>>> a = io.experimental.from_smiles("OCC")
>>> b = io.experimental.from_smiles("SCC")
>>> a == b
>>> # A and B are identical when considered purely by their graph
>>> part = AtomEnvironmentComponents.Connectivity
>>> _ = a.canonicalize(part)
>>> _ = b.canonicalize(part)
>>> a.canonical_compare(b, part)
>>> a == b # Partial canonicalization does not change the meaning of strict equality
>>> # Another pair that is identical save for a stereopermutation
>>> c = io.experimental.from_smiles("N[C@](Br)(O)C")
>>> d = io.experimental.from_smiles("N[C@@](Br)(O)C")
>>> c == d # Strict equality includes stereopermutation
>>> part = AtomEnvironmentComponents.ElementsBondsAndShapes
>>> _ = c.canonicalize(part)
>>> _ = d.canonicalize(part)
>>> c.canonical_compare(d, part) # Limited comparison yields equality
property canonical_components

Yields the components of the molecule that were used in a previous canonicalization. Can be None if the molecule was never canonicalized.

Return type

AtomEnvironmentComponents or None

>>> # Canonicalize something and retrieve its canonical components
>>> mol = io.experimental.from_smiles("C12(CCC1)COCC2")
>>> mol.canonical_components is None
>>> _ = mol.canonicalize()
>>> mol.canonical_components == AtomEnvironmentComponents.All
canonicalize(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, components_bitmask: scine_molassembler.AtomEnvironmentComponents = <AtomEnvironmentComponents.All: 15>) → List[int]

Transform the molecule to a canonical form.


Invalidates all external atom and bond indices.

Molecule instances can be canonicalized. Graph canonicalization is an algorithm that reduces all isomorphic forms of an input graph into a canonical form. After canonicalization, isomorphism tests are reduced to mere identity tests.

The canonicalization itself, however, is computationally at least as expensive as an isomorphism itself. Therefore, no expense is saved if an isomorphism test is to be computed only once for two molecules by canonizing both. Only if a molecule instance is to be a repeated candidate for isomorphism tests is there value in canonizing it.

This library takes the approach of adding a tag to molecules that identifies which components of the graph and stereocenters have been used in the generation of the canonical form. This tag is voided with the use of any non-const member function. Pay close attention to the documentation of comparison member functions and operators to ensure that you are making good use of the provided shortcuts.

Note that canonicalization information is only retained across IO boundaries using the JSON serialization variations.


components_bitmask – The components of the molecular graph to include in the canonicalization procedure.


Flat index mapping/permutation from old indices to new

>>> # Create two different representations of the same molecule
>>> a = io.experimental.from_smiles("N[C@](Br)(O)C")
>>> b = io.experimental.from_smiles("Br[C@](O)(N)C")
>>> # a and be represent the same molecule, but have different vertex order
>>> a == b # Equality operators perform an isomorphism for non-canonical pairs
>>> amap = a.canonicalize()
>>> bmap = b.canonicalize()
>>> amap == bmap # This shows the vertex order was different
>>> a == b # Equality operators perform a same-graph test for canonical pairs (faster)
dump_graphviz(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule) → str

Returns a graphviz string representation of the molecule

property graph

Read only access to the graph representation

Return type


hash(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule) → int

Calculates a convoluted hash of a molecule. The molecule must be at least partially canonical. Hashes between molecules of different canonicity are not comparable.

>>> # Show that hash values differ at various levels of canonicity
>>> from copy import copy
>>> spiro = io.experimental.from_smiles("C12(CCC1)CCC2")
>>> # We make two variants of the molecule that have different canonicalization states
>>> # to demonstrate that their hashes are unequal. We discard the mappings
>>> # we get from canonicalize()
>>> partially_canonical = copy(spiro)
>>> _ = partially_canonical.canonicalize(AtomEnvironmentComponents.ElementsAndBonds)
>>> fully_canonical = copy(spiro)
>>> _ = fully_canonical.canonicalize()
>>> partially_canonical == fully_canonical
>>> partially_canonical.hash() == fully_canonical.hash()
modular_isomorphism(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, other: scine_molassembler.Molecule, components_bitmask: scine_molassembler.AtomEnvironmentComponents) → Optional[List[int]]

Modular comparison of this Molecule with another.

This permits detailed specification of which elements of the molecular information you want to use in the comparison.

Equality comparison is performed in several stages: First, at each atom position, a hash is computed that encompasses all local information that is specified to be used by the components_bitmask parameter. This hash is then used during graph isomorphism calculation to avoid finding an isomorphism that does not consider the specified factors.

If an isomorphism is found, it is then validated. Bond orders and stereopermutators across both molecules are compared using the found isomorphism as an index map.

Shortcuts to canonical_compare if components_bitmask matches the canonical components of both molecules (see canonical_components).

  • other – The molecule to compare against

  • components_bitmask – The components of the molecule to use in the comparison


None if the molecules are not isomorphic, a List[int] index mapping from self to other if the molecules are isomorphic.

>>> a = io.experimental.from_smiles("OCC")
>>> b = io.experimental.from_smiles("SCC")
>>> a == b
>>> # A and B are identical when considered purely by their graph
>>> a.modular_isomorphism(b, AtomEnvironmentComponents.Connectivity) is not None
>>> # Another pair that is identical save for a stereopermutation
>>> c = io.experimental.from_smiles("N[C@](Br)(O)C")
>>> d = io.experimental.from_smiles("N[C@@](Br)(O)C")
>>> c == d # Strict equality includes stereopermutation
>>> c.modular_isomorphism(d, AtomEnvironmentComponents.ElementsBondsAndShapes) is not None
remove_atom(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, atom: int) → None

Remove an atom from the graph, including bonds to it, after checking that removing it is safe, i.e. the removal does not disconnect the graph.


Invalidates all external atom and bond indices.


atom – Atom to remove

>>> m = Molecule() # Make H2
>>> [a for a in m.graph.atoms()]
[0, 1]
>>> m.graph.can_remove(0) # We can remove a hydrogen from H2
>>> m.remove_atom(0)
>>> m.graph.V  # We are left with just a hydrogen atom
>>> m.graph.E
remove_bond(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. remove_bond(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, first_atom: int, second_atom: int) -> None

    Remove a bond from the graph, after checking that removing it is safe, i.e. the removal does not disconnect the graph.


    Invalidates all external atom and bond indices.

    param first_atom

    First atom of the bond to be removed

    param second_atom

    Second atom of the bond to be removed

    >>> cyclopropane = io.experimental.from_smiles("C1CC1")
    >>> # In cyclopropane, we can remove a C-C bond without disconnecting the graph
    >>> cyclopropane.graph.can_remove(BondIndex(0, 1))
    >>> V_before = cyclopropane.graph.V
    >>> E_before = cyclopropane.graph.E
    >>> cyclopropane.remove_bond(BondIndex(0, 1))
    >>> V_before - cyclopropane.graph.V # The number of atoms is unchanged
    >>> E_before - cyclopropane.graph.E # We really only removed a bond
    >>> # Note that now the valence of the carbon atoms where we removed
    >>> # the bond is... funky
    >>> expected_bonds = [BondType.Single, BondType.Single, BondType.Single]
    >>> g = cyclopropane.graph
    >>> [g.bond_type(b) for b in g.bonds(0)] == expected_bonds
    >>> cyclopropane.stereopermutators.option(0).shape == shapes.Shape.VacantTetrahedron
  2. remove_bond(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, bond_index: scine_molassembler.BondIndex) -> None

    Remove a bond from the graph, after checking that removing it is safe, i.e. the removal does not disconnect the graph.

    param bond_index

    BondIndex of the bond to be removed

remove_permutator(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, bond_index: scine_molassembler.BondIndex) → bool

Remove a bond stereopermutator from the molecule, if present


bond_index – Bond from which to remove the stereopermutator


Whether a stereopermutator was removed

set_bond_type(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, first_atom: int, second_atom: int, bond_type: scine_molassembler.BondType) → bool

Change the bond type between two atoms. Inserts the bond if it doesn’t yet exist.

  • first_atom – First atom of the bond to be changed

  • second_atom – Second atom of the bond to be changed

  • bond_type – The new BondType


Whether the bond already existed

>>> # You really do have full freedom when it comes to your graphs:
>>> h2 = Molecule()
>>> _ = h2.set_bond_type(0, 1, BondType.Double) # Double bonded hydrogen atoms!
set_element_type(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, atom: int, element: Scine::Utils::ElementType) → None

Change the element type of an atom.

  • atom – Atom index of the atom to alter

  • element – New element type to set

>>> # Transform H2 into HF
>>> import scine_utilities as utils
>>> from copy import copy
>>> H2 = Molecule()
>>> HF = copy(H2)
>>> HF.set_element_type(0, utils.ElementType.F)
>>> HF == H2
set_shape_at_atom(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, atom: int, shape: scine_molassembler.shapes.Shape) → None

Change the local shape at an atom.

This sets the local shape at a specific atom index. There are a number of cases that this function treats differently, besides faulty arguments: If there is already a AtomStereopermutator instantiated at this atom index, its underlying shape is altered. If there is no AtomStereopermutator at this index, one is instantiated. In all cases, new or modified stereopermutators are default-assigned if there is only one possible assignment.

>>> # Make methane square planar
>>> from copy import copy
>>> methane = io.experimental.from_smiles("C")
>>> square_planar_methane = copy(methane)
>>> square_planar_methane.set_shape_at_atom(0, shapes.Shape.Square)
>>> methane == square_planar_methane
property stereopermutators

Read only access to the list of stereopermutators

Return type


thermalize_stereopermutator(self: scine_molassembler.Molecule, atom_index: int, thermalization: bool = True) → None

Change the thermalization at an atom stereopermutator

Alters the thermalization of stereopermutations at an atom stereopermutator.

  • atom_index – Atom whose atom stereopermutator’s thermalization to change

  • thermalization – New status of thermalization to set

class scine_molassembler.AtomEnvironmentComponents

Denotes information parts of molecules. Relevant for molecular comparison and hashing.


Connectivity : Consider only the graph

ElementTypes : Element types

BondOrders : Bond orders

Shapes : Shapes

Stereopermutations : Stereopermutations

ElementsAndBonds : Consider element types and bond orders

ElementsBondsAndShapes : Consider element types, bond orders and shapes

All : Consider element types, bond orders, shapes and stereopermutations

All = <AtomEnvironmentComponents.All: 15>
BondOrders = <AtomEnvironmentComponents.BondOrders: 2>
Connectivity = <AtomEnvironmentComponents.Connectivity: 0>
ElementTypes = <AtomEnvironmentComponents.ElementTypes: 1>
ElementsAndBonds = <AtomEnvironmentComponents.ElementsAndBonds: 3>
ElementsBondsAndShapes = <AtomEnvironmentComponents.ElementsBondsAndShapes: 7>
Shapes = <AtomEnvironmentComponents.Shapes: 4>
Stereopermutations = <AtomEnvironmentComponents.Stereopermutations: 8>
__init__(self: scine_molassembler.AtomEnvironmentComponents, value: int) → None
property name
property value