| CISSigmaVectorEvaluator (CISData cisData, const ExcitedStatesParam &excitedStatesParam, const Utils::SpinAdaptedContainer< restrictedness, Eigen::VectorXd > &energyDifferenceVector, const std::vector< std::multimap< double, int, std::greater< double >>> &integralsThresholds, std::vector< int > orderMap, Utils::SpinTransition spinBlock=Utils::SpinTransition::Singlet) |
| Constructor: sets the cisData_ variable and calculates the energy difference-vector generation in the TimeDependentUtils class. More...
| ~CISSigmaVectorEvaluator () final |
| Destructor.
const Eigen::MatrixXd & | evaluate (const Eigen::MatrixXd &guessVectors) const final |
| Evaluates the sigma vectors in a loop over all new guess vectors and inserts them in the currentSigmaMatrix_ variable (specified for both references). More...
template<> |
const Eigen::MatrixXd & | evaluate (const Eigen::MatrixXd &guessVectors) const |
template<> |
const Eigen::MatrixXd & | evaluate (const Eigen::MatrixXd &guessVectors) const |
template<Utils::Reference restrictedness>
Constructor: sets the cisData_ variable and calculates the energy difference-vector generation in the TimeDependentUtils class.
- Parameters
template<Utils::Reference restrictedness>
Evaluates the sigma vectors in a loop over all new guess vectors and inserts them in the currentSigmaMatrix_ variable (specified for both references).
- Parameters
- Returns
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