File StatesHandler.h


This code is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.

Copyright ETH Zurich, Laboratory for Physical Chemistry, Reiher Group.

See LICENSE.txt for details.

namespace Scine

This header file contains functions that allow for common notation for common things that can be done at a different degree of derivatives.

This header contains alias definitions defining which classes to use for the different degrees of derivatives.

namespace Utils
class EmptyStatesHandlerContainer : public exception
#include <StatesHandler.h>

This exception is thrown if an empty states handler is popped.

Private Functions

const char *what() const
class NoStateHandableObjectPresent : public exception
#include <StatesHandler.h>

This exception is thrown if an empty states handler is popped.

Private Functions

const char *what() const
class StatesHandler
#include <StatesHandler.h>

Class responsible for saving, storing and loading object-specific states.

Core::State is an empty class. This base class is then implemented to have some meaningful definition of a state for an application. I could be, for instance, a density matrix for a Core::Calculator, a partially converged Markov Chain Montecarlo, a checkpoint,… . A Core::StateHandableObject interface exposes the functions for getting and loading a single state. The StatesHandler job is that of storing a list of these states and freely switching between them. This class is stand-alone, but can also be specialized to suit certain needs, this is why it exposes a virtual destructor.

Public Types

using StatesContainer = std::deque<std::shared_ptr<Core::State>>

The data structure in which states are stored.

Public Functions

StatesHandler(std::shared_ptr<Core::StateHandableObject> object = nullptr)

Constructor of the class taking a StateHandableObject instance.

virtual ~StatesHandler()

Virtual default destructor.

void store(std::shared_ptr<Core::State> state)

Store an externally generated state as the newest state.

  • state: A pointer to the state to store.

void store()

Stores the current state of the Core::StateHandableObject instance in this class.

void load(std::shared_ptr<Core::State> state)

Loads an externally generated state.

  • state: The state to be loaded. The specifics of how exactly the state is stored is not implemented in this class, but is in the Core::StateHandableObject derived class. This just calls the load() method in Core::StateHandableObject instance of this class.

void load(int index)

Loads an internally stored state.

  • index: The index of the state to be loaded. The specifics of how exactly the state is stored is not implemented in this class, but is in the Core::StateHandableObject derived class. This just extracts the state and calls the load() method in Core::StateHandableObject instance of this class.

std::shared_ptr<Core::State> getState(int index) const

Gets the state at some index in the StatesContainer.


A polymorphic smart pointer to the Core::State at some index.

std::shared_ptr<Core::State> popOldestState()

Eliminates the oldest state from the StatesContainer and returns it.

std::shared_ptr<Core::State> popNewestState()

Eliminates the newest state from the underlying container and returns it.

void clear()

Clears all the internally saved states.

int size() const

Gets the current size of the state storage.

Protected Attributes

std::weak_ptr<Core::StateHandableObject> statesHandableObject_
StatesContainer states_