Namespace Scine::Utils

namespace Utils


using PropertyTypeTuple = std::tuple<double, GradientCollection, HessianMatrix, Dipole, DipoleGradient, DipoleMatrix, DipoleMatrix, DensityMatrix, Eigen::MatrixXd, SpinAdaptedMatrix, Eigen::MatrixXd, MolecularOrbitals, SingleParticleEnergies, LcaoUtils::ElectronicOccupation, ThermochemicalComponentsContainer, SpinAdaptedElectronicTransitionResult, AtomsOrbitalsIndexes, std::vector<double>, BondOrderCollection, std::string, bool, std::string>
using Bohr = StrongType<double, struct BohrType>
using Angstrom = StrongType<double, struct AngstromType>
using Hartree = StrongType<double, struct HartreeType>
using kJPerMol = StrongType<double, struct kJPerMolType>
using kCalPerMol = StrongType<double, struct kCalPerMolType>
using eV = StrongType<double, struct eVType>
using SecondDerivative = AutomaticDifferentiation::Second3D
using EigenContainer = std::pair<Eigen::VectorXd, Eigen::MatrixXd>

Alias for a pair of eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

using Displacement = Eigen::RowVector3d
using DisplacementCollection = Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>
using ElementTypeCollection = std::vector<ElementType>
using Gradient = Eigen::RowVector3d
using GradientCollection = Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>
using HessianMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd
using Dipole = Eigen::RowVector3d
using DipoleGradient = Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>
using Position = Eigen::RowVector3d
using PositionCollection = Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>


enum Property

The properties contained are assigned a bit. This can be switched on or off to flag the presence or absence of the property.


Energy = (1 << 0)
Gradients = (1 << 1)
Hessian = (1 << 2)
Dipole = (1 << 3)
DipoleGradient = (1 << 4)
DipoleMatrixAO = (1 << 5)
DipoleMatrixMO = (1 << 6)
DensityMatrix = (1 << 7)
OneElectronMatrix = (1 << 8)
TwoElectronMatrix = (1 << 9)
OverlapMatrix = (1 << 10)
CoefficientMatrix = (1 << 11)
OrbitalEnergies = (1 << 12)
ElectronicOccupation = (1 << 13)
Thermochemistry = (1 << 14)
ExcitedStates = (1 << 15)
AOtoAtomMapping = (1 << 16)
AtomicCharges = (1 << 17)
BondOrderMatrix = (1 << 18)
Description = (1 << 19)
SuccessfulCalculation = (1 << 20)
ProgramName = (1 << 21)
enum ElementType

Enum class defining all elements and isotopes.


none = 0
H = 1
He = 2
Li = 3
Be = detail::isotope(4, )
B = 5
C = 6
N = 7
O = 8
F = detail::isotope(9, )
Ne = 10
Na = detail::isotope(11, )
Mg = 12
Al = detail::isotope(13, )
Si = 14
P = detail::isotope(15, )
S = 16
Cl = 17
Ar = 18
K = 19
Ca = 20
Sc = detail::isotope(21, )
Ti = 22
V = 23
Cr = 24
Mn = detail::isotope(25, )
Fe = 26
Co = detail::isotope(27, )
Ni = 28
Cu = 29
Zn = 30
Ga = 31
Ge = 32
As = detail::isotope(33, )
Se = 34
Br = 35
Kr = 36
Rb = 37
Sr = 38
Y = detail::isotope(39, )
Zr = 40
Nb = detail::isotope(41, )
Mo = 42
Tc = 43
Ru = 44
Rh = detail::isotope(45, )
Pd = 46
Ag = 47
Cd = 48
In = 49
Sn = 50
Sb = 51
Te = 52
I = detail::isotope(53, )
Xe = 54
Cs = detail::isotope(55, )
Ba = 56
La = 57
Ce = 58
Pr = detail::isotope(59, )
Nd = 60
Pm = 61
Sm = 62
Eu = 63
Gd = 64
Tb = detail::isotope(65, )
Dy = 66
Ho = detail::isotope(67, )
Er = 68
Tm = detail::isotope(69, )
Yb = 70
Lu = 71
Hf = 72
Ta = 73
W = 74
Re = 75
Os = 76
Ir = 77
Pt = 78
Au = detail::isotope(79, )
Hg = 80
Tl = 81
Pb = 82
Bi = detail::isotope(83, )
Po = 84
At = 85
Rn = 86
Fr = detail::isotope(87, )
Ra = 88
Ac = detail::isotope(89, )
Th = 90
Pa = detail::isotope(91, )
U = 92
Np = 93
Pu = 94
Am = 95
Cm = 96
Bk = 97
Cf = 98
Es = detail::isotope(99, )
Fm = detail::isotope(100, )
Md = 101
No = detail::isotope(102, )
Lr = detail::isotope(103, )
Rf = detail::isotope(104, )
Db = detail::isotope(105, )
Sg = detail::isotope(106, )
Bh = detail::isotope(107, )
Hs = detail::isotope(108, )
Mt = detail::isotope(109, )
Ds = detail::isotope(110, )
Rg = detail::isotope(111, )
Cn = detail::isotope(112, )
H1 = detail::isotope(1, )
D = detail::isotope(1, )
T = detail::isotope(1, )
He3 = detail::isotope(2, )
He4 = detail::isotope(2, )
Li6 = detail::isotope(3, )
Li7 = detail::isotope(3, )
Be9 = Be
B10 = detail::isotope(5, )
B11 = detail::isotope(5, )
C12 = detail::isotope(6, )
C13 = detail::isotope(6, )
C14 = detail::isotope(6, )
N14 = detail::isotope(7, )
N15 = detail::isotope(7, )
O16 = detail::isotope(8, )
O17 = detail::isotope(8, )
O18 = detail::isotope(8, )
F19 = F
Ne20 = detail::isotope(10, )
Ne21 = detail::isotope(10, )
Ne22 = detail::isotope(10, )
Na23 = Na
Mg24 = detail::isotope(12, )
Mg25 = detail::isotope(12, )
Mg26 = detail::isotope(12, )
Al27 = Al
Si28 = detail::isotope(14, )
Si29 = detail::isotope(14, )
Si30 = detail::isotope(14, )
P31 = P
S32 = detail::isotope(16, )
S33 = detail::isotope(16, )
S34 = detail::isotope(16, )
S36 = detail::isotope(16, )
Cl35 = detail::isotope(17, )
Cl37 = detail::isotope(17, )
Ar36 = detail::isotope(18, )
Ar38 = detail::isotope(18, )
Ar40 = detail::isotope(18, )
K39 = detail::isotope(19, )
K40 = detail::isotope(19, )
K41 = detail::isotope(19, )
Ca40 = detail::isotope(20, )
Ca42 = detail::isotope(20, )
Ca43 = detail::isotope(20, )
Ca44 = detail::isotope(20, )
Ca46 = detail::isotope(20, )
Ca48 = detail::isotope(20, )
Sc45 = Sc
Ti46 = detail::isotope(22, )
Ti47 = detail::isotope(22, )
Ti48 = detail::isotope(22, )
Ti49 = detail::isotope(22, )
Ti50 = detail::isotope(22, )
V50 = detail::isotope(23, )
V51 = detail::isotope(23, )
Cr50 = detail::isotope(24, )
Cr52 = detail::isotope(24, )
Cr53 = detail::isotope(24, )
Cr54 = detail::isotope(24, )
Mn55 = Mn
Fe54 = detail::isotope(26, )
Fe56 = detail::isotope(26, )
Fe57 = detail::isotope(26, )
Fe58 = detail::isotope(26, )
Co59 = Co
Ni58 = detail::isotope(28, )
Ni60 = detail::isotope(28, )
Ni61 = detail::isotope(28, )
Ni62 = detail::isotope(28, )
Ni64 = detail::isotope(28, )
Cu63 = detail::isotope(29, )
Cu65 = detail::isotope(29, )
Zn64 = detail::isotope(30, )
Zn66 = detail::isotope(30, )
Zn67 = detail::isotope(30, )
Zn68 = detail::isotope(30, )
Zn70 = detail::isotope(30, )
Ga69 = detail::isotope(31, )
Ga71 = detail::isotope(31, )
Ge70 = detail::isotope(32, )
Ge72 = detail::isotope(32, )
Ge73 = detail::isotope(32, )
Ge74 = detail::isotope(32, )
Ge76 = detail::isotope(32, )
As75 = As
Se74 = detail::isotope(34, )
Se76 = detail::isotope(34, )
Se77 = detail::isotope(34, )
Se78 = detail::isotope(34, )
Se80 = detail::isotope(34, )
Se82 = detail::isotope(34, )
Br79 = detail::isotope(35, )
Br81 = detail::isotope(35, )
Kr78 = detail::isotope(36, )
Kr80 = detail::isotope(36, )
Kr82 = detail::isotope(36, )
Kr83 = detail::isotope(36, )
Kr84 = detail::isotope(36, )
Kr86 = detail::isotope(36, )
Rb85 = detail::isotope(37, )
Rb87 = detail::isotope(37, )
Sr84 = detail::isotope(38, )
Sr86 = detail::isotope(38, )
Sr87 = detail::isotope(38, )
Sr88 = detail::isotope(38, )
Y89 = Y
Zr90 = detail::isotope(40, )
Zr91 = detail::isotope(40, )
Zr92 = detail::isotope(40, )
Zr94 = detail::isotope(40, )
Zr96 = detail::isotope(40, )
Nb93 = Nb
Mo92 = detail::isotope(42, )
Mo94 = detail::isotope(42, )
Mo95 = detail::isotope(42, )
Mo96 = detail::isotope(42, )
Mo97 = detail::isotope(42, )
Mo98 = detail::isotope(42, )
Mo100 = detail::isotope(42, )
Tc97 = detail::isotope(43, )
Tc98 = detail::isotope(43, )
Tc99 = detail::isotope(43, )
Ru96 = detail::isotope(44, )
Ru98 = detail::isotope(44, )
Ru99 = detail::isotope(44, )
Ru100 = detail::isotope(44, )
Ru101 = detail::isotope(44, )
Ru102 = detail::isotope(44, )
Ru104 = detail::isotope(44, )
Rh103 = Rh
Pd102 = detail::isotope(46, )
Pd104 = detail::isotope(46, )
Pd105 = detail::isotope(46, )
Pd106 = detail::isotope(46, )
Pd108 = detail::isotope(46, )
Pd110 = detail::isotope(46, )
Ag107 = detail::isotope(47, )
Ag109 = detail::isotope(47, )
Cd106 = detail::isotope(48, )
Cd108 = detail::isotope(48, )
Cd110 = detail::isotope(48, )
Cd111 = detail::isotope(48, )
Cd112 = detail::isotope(48, )
Cd113 = detail::isotope(48, )
Cd114 = detail::isotope(48, )
Cd116 = detail::isotope(48, )
In113 = detail::isotope(49, )
In115 = detail::isotope(49, )
Sn112 = detail::isotope(50, )
Sn114 = detail::isotope(50, )
Sn115 = detail::isotope(50, )
Sn116 = detail::isotope(50, )
Sn117 = detail::isotope(50, )
Sn118 = detail::isotope(50, )
Sn119 = detail::isotope(50, )
Sn120 = detail::isotope(50, )
Sn122 = detail::isotope(50, )
Sn124 = detail::isotope(50, )
Sb121 = detail::isotope(51, )
Sb123 = detail::isotope(51, )
Te120 = detail::isotope(52, )
Te122 = detail::isotope(52, )
Te123 = detail::isotope(52, )
Te124 = detail::isotope(52, )
Te125 = detail::isotope(52, )
Te126 = detail::isotope(52, )
Te128 = detail::isotope(52, )
Te130 = detail::isotope(52, )
I127 = I
Xe124 = detail::isotope(54, )
Xe126 = detail::isotope(54, )
Xe128 = detail::isotope(54, )
Xe129 = detail::isotope(54, )
Xe130 = detail::isotope(54, )
Xe131 = detail::isotope(54, )
Xe132 = detail::isotope(54, )
Xe134 = detail::isotope(54, )
Xe136 = detail::isotope(54, )
Cs133 = Cs
Ba130 = detail::isotope(56, )
Ba132 = detail::isotope(56, )
Ba134 = detail::isotope(56, )
Ba135 = detail::isotope(56, )
Ba136 = detail::isotope(56, )
Ba137 = detail::isotope(56, )
Ba138 = detail::isotope(56, )
La138 = detail::isotope(57, )
La139 = detail::isotope(57, )
Ce136 = detail::isotope(58, )
Ce138 = detail::isotope(58, )
Ce140 = detail::isotope(58, )
Ce142 = detail::isotope(58, )
Pr141 = Pr
Nd142 = detail::isotope(60, )
Nd143 = detail::isotope(60, )
Nd144 = detail::isotope(60, )
Nd145 = detail::isotope(60, )
Nd146 = detail::isotope(60, )
Nd148 = detail::isotope(60, )
Nd150 = detail::isotope(60, )
Pm145 = detail::isotope(61, )
Pm147 = detail::isotope(61, )
Sm144 = detail::isotope(62, )
Sm147 = detail::isotope(62, )
Sm148 = detail::isotope(62, )
Sm149 = detail::isotope(62, )
Sm150 = detail::isotope(62, )
Sm152 = detail::isotope(62, )
Sm154 = detail::isotope(62, )
Eu151 = detail::isotope(63, )
Eu153 = detail::isotope(63, )
Gd152 = detail::isotope(64, )
Gd154 = detail::isotope(64, )
Gd155 = detail::isotope(64, )
Gd156 = detail::isotope(64, )
Gd157 = detail::isotope(64, )
Gd158 = detail::isotope(64, )
Gd160 = detail::isotope(64, )
Tb159 = Tb
Dy156 = detail::isotope(66, )
Dy158 = detail::isotope(66, )
Dy160 = detail::isotope(66, )
Dy161 = detail::isotope(66, )
Dy162 = detail::isotope(66, )
Dy163 = detail::isotope(66, )
Dy164 = detail::isotope(66, )
Ho165 = Ho
Er162 = detail::isotope(68, )
Er164 = detail::isotope(68, )
Er166 = detail::isotope(68, )
Er167 = detail::isotope(68, )
Er168 = detail::isotope(68, )
Er170 = detail::isotope(68, )
Tm169 = Tm
Yb168 = detail::isotope(70, )
Yb170 = detail::isotope(70, )
Yb171 = detail::isotope(70, )
Yb172 = detail::isotope(70, )
Yb173 = detail::isotope(70, )
Yb174 = detail::isotope(70, )
Yb176 = detail::isotope(70, )
Lu175 = detail::isotope(71, )
Lu176 = detail::isotope(71, )
Hf174 = detail::isotope(72, )
Hf176 = detail::isotope(72, )
Hf177 = detail::isotope(72, )
Hf178 = detail::isotope(72, )
Hf179 = detail::isotope(72, )
Hf180 = detail::isotope(72, )
Ta180 = detail::isotope(73, )
Ta181 = detail::isotope(73, )
W180 = detail::isotope(74, )
W182 = detail::isotope(74, )
W183 = detail::isotope(74, )
W184 = detail::isotope(74, )
W186 = detail::isotope(74, )
Re185 = detail::isotope(75, )
Re187 = detail::isotope(75, )
Os184 = detail::isotope(76, )
Os186 = detail::isotope(76, )
Os187 = detail::isotope(76, )
Os188 = detail::isotope(76, )
Os189 = detail::isotope(76, )
Os190 = detail::isotope(76, )
Os192 = detail::isotope(76, )
Ir191 = detail::isotope(77, )
Ir193 = detail::isotope(77, )
Pt190 = detail::isotope(78, )
Pt192 = detail::isotope(78, )
Pt194 = detail::isotope(78, )
Pt195 = detail::isotope(78, )
Pt196 = detail::isotope(78, )
Pt198 = detail::isotope(78, )
Au197 = Au
Hg196 = detail::isotope(80, )
Hg198 = detail::isotope(80, )
Hg199 = detail::isotope(80, )
Hg200 = detail::isotope(80, )
Hg201 = detail::isotope(80, )
Hg202 = detail::isotope(80, )
Hg204 = detail::isotope(80, )
Tl203 = detail::isotope(81, )
Tl205 = detail::isotope(81, )
Pb204 = detail::isotope(82, )
Pb206 = detail::isotope(82, )
Pb207 = detail::isotope(82, )
Pb208 = detail::isotope(82, )
Bi209 = Bi
Po209 = detail::isotope(84, )
Po210 = detail::isotope(84, )
At210 = detail::isotope(85, )
At211 = detail::isotope(85, )
Rn211 = detail::isotope(86, )
Rn220 = detail::isotope(86, )
Rn222 = detail::isotope(86, )
Fr223 = Fr
Ra223 = detail::isotope(88, )
Ra224 = detail::isotope(88, )
Ra226 = detail::isotope(88, )
Ra228 = detail::isotope(88, )
Ac227 = Ac
Th230 = detail::isotope(90, )
Th232 = detail::isotope(90, )
Pa231 = Pa
U233 = detail::isotope(92, )
U234 = detail::isotope(92, )
U235 = detail::isotope(92, )
U236 = detail::isotope(92, )
U238 = detail::isotope(92, )
Np236 = detail::isotope(93, )
Np237 = detail::isotope(93, )
Pu238 = detail::isotope(94, )
Pu239 = detail::isotope(94, )
Pu240 = detail::isotope(94, )
Pu241 = detail::isotope(94, )
Pu242 = detail::isotope(94, )
Pu244 = detail::isotope(94, )
Am241 = detail::isotope(95, )
Am243 = detail::isotope(95, )
Cm243 = detail::isotope(96, )
Cm244 = detail::isotope(96, )
Cm245 = detail::isotope(96, )
Cm246 = detail::isotope(96, )
Cm247 = detail::isotope(96, )
Cm248 = detail::isotope(96, )
Bk247 = detail::isotope(97, )
Bk249 = detail::isotope(97, )
Cf249 = detail::isotope(98, )
Cf250 = detail::isotope(98, )
Cf251 = detail::isotope(98, )
Cf252 = detail::isotope(98, )
Es252 = Es
Fm257 = Fm
Md258 = detail::isotope(101, )
Md260 = detail::isotope(101, )
No259 = No
Lr262 = Lr
Rf267 = Rf
Db268 = Db
Sg271 = Sg
Bh272 = Bh
Hs270 = Hs
Mt276 = Mt
Ds281 = Ds
Rg280 = Rg
Cn285 = Cn
enum derivOrder


enum derivativeType


enum DavidsonDirectType


enum DavidsonBalancedType


enum SpinTransition


enum ZPVEInclusion

In NDDO semiempirical methods, the ZPVE is already included in the electronic energy due to the way they are parametrized.

In the thermochemical calculation it must then not be included again.


enum scf_mixer_t

Enum class describing the available Scf convergence accelerators (“mixers”).



Element representing no accelerator at all.


The Fock Direct Inversion of Iterative Subspace convergence accelerator (default).


The Energy DIIS convergence accelerator.


Combination of the previous two.


A simple fock extrapolation scheme. Does not work that well.


Very simple charge extrapolation scheme. Does not work that well.


constexpr unsigned getPropertyIndex(Property property)
constexpr const char *propertyTypeName(Property property)
constexpr Property operator|(Property v1, Property v2)

Returns a Property object that is the superset of the two properties given as argument.

Allow combination of properties.

constexpr bool operator&(Property v1, Property v2)

Returns a Property object that is the subset of the two properties given as argument.

Allow to check if there is a flag overlap.

constexpr double toAngstrom(Bohr b)

Conversion from Bohr to Angstrom.


constexpr double Returns the length in Angstrom.

  • b: Length in/as Bohr.

constexpr double toBohr(Angstrom a)

Conversion from Angstrom to Bohr.


constexpr double Returns the length in Bohr.

  • a: Length in/as Angstrom.

constexpr double toKJPerMol(Hartree h)

Conversion from Hartree to kJ/mol.


constexpr double Returns the energy in kJ/mol.

  • h: Energy in/as Hartree.

constexpr double toHartree(kJPerMol kjpm)

Conversion from kJ/mol to Hartree.


constexpr double Returns the energy in Hartree.

  • kjpm: Energy in/as kJ/mol.

constexpr double toKCalPerMol(Hartree h)

Conversion from Hartree to kcal/mol.


constexpr double Returns the energy in kcal/mol.

  • h: Energy in/as Hartree.

constexpr double toHartree(kCalPerMol kcpm)

Conversion from kcal/mol to Hartree.


constexpr double Returns the energy in Hartree.

  • kcpm: Energy in/as kcal/mol.

MatrixWithDerivatives::Matrix0 &get<derivOrder::zero>()
MatrixWithDerivatives::Matrix1 &get<derivOrder::one>()
MatrixWithDerivatives::Matrix2 &get<derivOrder::two>()
const MatrixWithDerivatives::Matrix0 &get<derivOrder::zero>() const
const MatrixWithDerivatives::Matrix1 &get<derivOrder::one>() const
const MatrixWithDerivatives::Matrix2 &get<derivOrder::two>() const
std::string generateChemicalFormula(const ElementTypeCollection &elements, const std::string &numberPrefix = "", const std::string &numberPostfix = "")

This function returns the elemental composition of a compound based on its ElementTypeCollection.

The convention is the Hill Order System. It starts with C, then H, then all the other elements in alphabetical order. Returns “(empty)” if elements is empty.


std::string The final string.

  • elements: The collection of elements to be transcribed.

  • numberPrefix: Characters to put before each number for rich text formats (Latex etc).

  • numberPostfix: Characters to put after each number for rich text formats (Latex etc).

std::string singleElementPartOfFormula(std::string symbol, int numberOccurrences, const std::string &numberPrefix, const std::string &numberPostfix)

This function transcribes a single element into a string.


std::string The final string.

  • symbol: The element symbol

  • numberOccurrences: The number of times the element is present in a given structure.

  • numberPrefix: Characters to put before each number for rich text formats (Latex etc).

  • numberPostfix: Characters to put after each number for rich text formats (Latex etc).

template<class MatrixType>
std::pair<int, int> getMatrixDimensions(const MatrixType &matrix)
std::pair<int, int> getMatrixDimensions(const Eigen::MatrixXd &matrix)
std::pair<int, int> getMatrixDimensions(const Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 3, Eigen::RowMajor> &matrix)
template<class MatrixType>
double getElement(int row, int col, const MatrixType &matrix)
double getElement(int row, int col, const Eigen::MatrixXd &matrix)
double getElement(int row, int col, const Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 3, Eigen::RowMajor> &matrix)
double getElement(int row, int col, const NormalModesContainer &matrix)
template<class MatrixType>
void matrixPrettyPrint(std::ostream &out, const MatrixType &matrix)
void printElement(std::ostream &out, const Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>::InnerIterator &it)
void matrixPrettyPrint(std::ostream &out, const Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> matrix, double threshold)
void matrixPrettyPrint(std::ostream &out, const NormalModesContainer &container, const ElementTypeCollection &elementTypes)
void prettyPrint(std::ostream &out, const ThermochemicalComponentsContainer &thermochemicalComponents)
template<typename ...Args>
std::string format(const std::string &format, Args... args)

Generates a std::string from a format expression.

Note that std::string arguments for ‘s’ expressions need to be given as ‘char*’ e.g. ‘foo’ as ‘foo.c_str()’.


std::string The resulting string.

Template Parameters
  • Args: The variable types to be formatted.

  • format: The string containing format identifiers.

  • args: The variables to be formatted.

static void nodeToSettings(Utils::Settings &settings, YAML::Node node, bool allowSuperfluous = false)

Parses data from a YAML::Node (yaml-cpp) into the value collection of a settings object.

  • settings: The settings.

  • node: The read yaml node.

  • allowSuperfluous: It true, the function will ignore kys in the node that are not present in the settings object. If false, the function will throw an error if such a case is encountered.

Tensor33 tensor(const Eigen::Vector3d &a, const Eigen::Vector3d &b)
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Core::Module>> moduleFactory()


constexpr std::array<Property, std::tuple_size<PropertyTypeTuple>::value> Scine::Utils::allProperties{{Property::Energy, Property::Gradients, Property::Hessian, Property::Dipole, Property::DipoleGradient, Property::DipoleMatrixAO, Property::DipoleMatrixMO, Property::DensityMatrix, Property::OneElectronMatrix, Property::TwoElectronMatrix, Property::OverlapMatrix, Property::CoefficientMatrix, Property::OrbitalEnergies, Property::ElectronicOccupation, Property::Thermochemistry, Property::ExcitedStates, Property::AOtoAtomMapping, Property::AtomicCharges, Property::BondOrderMatrix, Property::Description, Property::SuccessfulCalculation, Property::ProgramName}}
constexpr std::array<const char *, std::tuple_size<PropertyTypeTuple>::value> allPropertyNames{"energy", , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , }
class BondDetector
#include <BondDetector.h>

Detecting bonds from 3D structures using covalent radii.

The radii are stored in Scine::Utils::BondDetectorRadii .


  • DOI: 10.1002/jcc.540120716

  • DOI: 10.1186/1758-2946-4-26

  • DOI: 10.1002/jcc.24309

class BondDetectorRadii
#include <BondDetectorRadii.h>

Holds the covalent radii required in BondDetector.

class BondOrderCollection
#include <BondOrderCollection.h>

Class defining the bond orders between atoms of some molecular system.

class VanDerWaalsBondDetector
#include <VanDerWaalsBondDetector.h>

Implements the function to find bonds from a set of elements and positions, using the van der Waals radii.

class PropertyList
#include <PropertyList.h>

This class defines a list of properties that can be calculated in a single-point calculation.

class PropertyNotPresentException : public exception
#include <Results.h>

Exception thrown if a property is requested and it is not stored.

class Results
#include <Results.h>

Class for the properties obtained in a single-point calculation.

To obtain the properties:

  • ”get” methods return references to the results (also allows simple copy)

  • ”take” methods move the results (which will not be present in Results afterwards).

Template pattern does not allow for pImpl idiom without defining a specialized template for each Property.

class ResultsAutoCompleter
#include <ResultsAutoCompleter.h>

Provides functionality to autocomplete the results of a calculation.

class EmptyStatesHandlerContainer : public exception
#include <StatesHandler.h>

This exception is thrown if an empty states handler is popped.

class NoStateHandableObjectPresent : public exception
#include <StatesHandler.h>

This exception is thrown if an empty states handler is popped.

class StatesHandler
#include <StatesHandler.h>

Class responsible for saving, storing and loading object-specific states.

Core::State is an empty class. This base class is then implemented to have some meaningful definition of a state for an application. I could be, for instance, a density matrix for a Core::Calculator, a partially converged Markov Chain Montecarlo, a checkpoint,… . A Core::StateHandableObject interface exposes the functions for getting and loading a single state. The StatesHandler job is that of storing a list of these states and freely switching between them. This class is stand-alone, but can also be specialized to suit certain needs, this is why it exposes a virtual destructor.

class AtomicGtos
#include <AtomicGtos.h>

Class containing the GTO expansions for one atom.

class AtomsOrbitalsIndexes
#include <AtomsOrbitalsIndexes.h>

Structure containing the information about AO indexes and their corresponding atom indexes. TODO: separate state from construction (addAtom). In principle nextAtom_ and nextAO_ shouldn’t be members of this class.

class DensityMatrix
#include <DensityMatrix.h>

Class defining a density matrix for use in electronic structure calculation methods. Is adequate for both restricted and unrestricted formulations. Allows for an easy transfer of density matrices between different instances of a quantum chemical method. There is no overhead if only the restricted formulation is needed.

Accessors to the matrix elements.

Using template functions to allow perfect forwarding to the Eigen functions.

Arithmetic operations

In the case of functions for pairs of density matrices, the precondition is that they both have the same size and are either RHF-RHF or UHF-UHF.

class DensityMatrixIO
#include <DensityMatrixIO.h>

Class to write density matrices to disk or read them from disk, in binary format. TODO: save space and only write and read triangular matrix (since symmetric)? TODO: Make this class employ EigenMatrixIO? NB: then the memory layout would change

class DipoleMatrix

Class representing dipole matrix integrals with derivatives up to 2nd order.

This class stores the dipole integrals \(\langle mu|r|nu \rangle\) and their derivatives in their three components x, y, z.

The derivatives are accessible through the .derivatives() method of the underlying AutomaticDifferentiation::First3D/Second3D class.

int arbitraryDimension = 10;
DipoleMatrix dippoleMatrixZero, dipoleMatrixFirst;

// Fill DipoleMatrix with random values and derivatives.
using DerivType = Eigen::Matrix<AutomaticDifferentiation::First3D, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>;

Eigen::MatrixXd XMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
Eigen::MatrixXd YMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
Eigen::MatrixXd ZMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
DerivType Xderivatives, Yderivatives, Zderivatives;
Xderivatives.resize(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
Yderivatives.resize(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
Zderivatives.resize(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
for (int i = 0; i < arbitraryDimension; ++i) {
  for (int j = 0; j < arbitraryDimension; ++j) {
    Xderivatives(i, j) = {XMatrix(i, j), Eigen::Vector3d::Random()};
    Yderivatives(i, j) = {YMatrix(i, j), Eigen::Vector3d::Random()};
    Zderivatives(i, j) = {ZMatrix(i, j), Eigen::Vector3d::Random()};
// Fill zeroth order dipole matrix

// Fill first order dipole matrix with the first derivative integrals

// Get the zeroth and first derivatives of the first element of the first derivative matrix
dipoleMatrixZero.x().get<derivOrder::zero>()(0, 0);
// Get the zeroth and first derivatives of the first element of the first derivative matrix
AutomaticDifferentiation::getValue3DAsDouble(dipoleMatrixFirst.x().get<derivOrder::one>()(0, 0));
// or
dipoleMatrixFirst.x().get<derivOrder::one>()(0, 0).value();
dipoleMatrixFirst.x().get<derivOrder::one>()(0, 0).derivatives();

class Gtf
#include <Gtf.h>

Class that contains one of the gaussian functions of a ,f.i., STO-nG expansion

class GtoExpansion
#include <GtoExpansion.h>

The class GTOExpansion is the container for the coefficients of a STO-nG expansion.

class MatrixWithDerivatives

Container for a matrix and the derivatives of its elements. This class contains 3 matrices: val: contains the 0th order derivative of the elements. der: contains the 1th order derivative of the elements. It is thus a Eigen::Matrix of AutomaticDifferentiation::First3D elements. hes: contains the 2th order derivative of the elements. It is thus a Eigen::Matrix of AutomaticDifferentiation::Second3D elements.

class MolecularOrbitals
#include <MolecularOrbitals.h>

Class for the coefficient (molecular orbital) matrix. Contains all the eigenfunctions (molecular orbitals) produced when solving the (generalized) eigenvalue problem. The contained matrices are therefore quadratic; their dimension is the number of basis functions. TODO: Take SingleParticleEnergies inside this class?



class OccupiedMolecularOrbitals
#include <OccupiedMolecularOrbitals.h>

Class for the occupied part of the coefficient (molecular orbital) matrix. Contains only the occupied eigenfunctions (molecular orbitals). The dimension of the matrices is the number of basis functions (rows) and the number of occupied orbitals (columns) TODO: Take SingleParticleEnergies inside this class?



class OctupoleMatrix

Class representing octupole matrix integrals with derivatives up to 2nd order.

This class stores the octupole integrals \(\langle mu|o_{rr}|nu \rangle\) The class stores only the upper diagonal of the octupole moment tensor: xxx, xxy, xxz, xyy, xyz, xzz, yyy, yyz, yzz, zzz. The derivatives are accessible through the .derivatives() method of the underlying AutomaticDifferentiation::First3D/Second3D class.

int arbitraryDimension = 10;
OctupoleMatrix octupoleMatrixZero, octupoleMatrixFirst;

// Fill OctupoleMatrix with random values and derivatives.
 Eigen::MatrixXd XXXMatrix, YYYMatrix, ZZZMatrix, XXYMatrix, XXZMatrix, XYZMatrix,
                 XYYMatrix, XZZMatrix, YYZMatrix, YZZMatrix;
Eigen::Matrix<AutomaticDifferentiation::First3D, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> XXXderivatives,
  YYYderivatives, ZZZderivatives, XXYderivatives, XXZderivatives, XYZderivatives,
  XYYderivatives, XZZderivatives, YYZderivatives, YZZderivatives;

XXXMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
YYYMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
ZZZMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
XXYMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
XXZMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
XYZMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
XYYMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
XZZMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
YYZMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
YZZMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
XYYderivatives.resize(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
XZZderivatives.resize(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
YYZderivatives.resize(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
YZZderivatives.resize(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
for (int i = 0; i < arbitraryDimension; ++i) {
  for (int j = 0; j < arbitraryDimension; ++j) {
    XXXderivatives(i, j) = {XXXMatrix(i, j), Eigen::Vector3d::Random()};
    YYYderivatives(i, j) = {YYYMatrix(i, j), Eigen::Vector3d::Random()};
    ZZZderivatives(i, j) = {ZZZMatrix(i, j), Eigen::Vector3d::Random()};
    XXYderivatives(i, j) = {XXYMatrix(i, j), Eigen::Vector3d::Random()};
    XXZderivatives(i, j) = {XXZMatrix(i, j), Eigen::Vector3d::Random()};
    XYZderivatives(i, j) = {XYZMatrix(i, j), Eigen::Vector3d::Random()};
    XYYderivatives(i, j) = {XYYMatrix(i, j), Eigen::Vector3d::Random()};
    XZZderivatives(i, j) = {XZZMatrix(i, j), Eigen::Vector3d::Random()};
    YYZderivatives(i, j) = {YYZMatrix(i, j), Eigen::Vector3d::Random()};
    YZZderivatives(i, j) = {YZZMatrix(i, j), Eigen::Vector3d::Random()};
// Fill with the zero-th derivative integrals<derivOrder::zero>(XXXXMatrix);

// Fill with the first derivative integrals<derivOrder::one>(XXXderivatives);

// Get the zeroth and first derivatives of the first element of the first derivative matrix<derivOrder::zero>()(0, 0);
// Get the zeroth and first derivatives of the first element of the first derivative matrix<derivOrder::one>()(0, 0).value();
// or
AutomaticDifferentiation::getValue3DAsDouble(<derivOrder::one>()(0, 0));<derivOrder::one>()(0, 0).derivatives();

class QuadrupoleMatrix

Class representing quadrupole matrix integrals with derivatives up to 2nd order.

This class stores the quadrupole integrals \(\langle mu|q_{rr}|nu \rangle\) and their derivatives in their three components x, y, z.

The class stores only the upper diagonal of the quadrupole moment tensor: xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, zz. The derivatives are accessible through the .derivatives() method of the underlying AutomaticDifferentiation::First3D/Second3D class. The templated getters and setters allow for efficient witing of generic code, independent from the desired derivative order. One just has to have specializations for all orders.

int arbitraryDimension = 10;
QuadrupoleMatrix quadrupoleMatrixZero, quadrupoleMatrixFirst;

// Fill QuadrupoleMatrix with random values and derivatives.
DerivType = Eigen::Matrix<AutomaticDifferentiation::First3D, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>;

Eigen::MatrixXd XXMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
Eigen::MatrixXd XYMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
Eigen::MatrixXd XZMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
Eigen::MatrixXd YYMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
Eigen::MatrixXd YZMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
Eigen::MatrixXd ZZMatrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
DerivType XXderivatives, XYderivatives, XZderivatives,
          YYderivatives, YZderivatives, ZZderivatives;
XXderivatives.resize(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
XYderivatives.resize(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
XZderivatives.resize(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
YYderivatives.resize(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
YZderivatives.resize(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
ZZderivatives.resize(arbitraryDimension, arbitraryDimension);
for (int i = 0; i < arbitraryDimension; ++i) {
  for (int j = 0; j < arbitraryDimension; ++j) {
    XXderivatives(i, j) = {XXMatrix(i, j), Eigen::Vector3d::Random()};
    XYderivatives(i, j) = {XYMatrix(i, j), Eigen::Vector3d::Random()};
    XZderivatives(i, j) = {XZMatrix(i, j), Eigen::Vector3d::Random()};
    YYderivatives(i, j) = {YYMatrix(i, j), Eigen::Vector3d::Random()};
    YZderivatives(i, j) = {YZMatrix(i, j), Eigen::Vector3d::Random()};
    ZZderivatives(i, j) = {ZZMatrix(i, j), Eigen::Vector3d::Random()};
// Fill with the zero-th derivative integrals

// Fill with the first derivative integrals

// Get the zeroth and first derivatives of the first element of the first derivative matrix
quadrupoleMatrixZero.xx().get<derivOrder::zero>()(0, 0);
// Get the zeroth and first derivatives of the first element of the first derivative matrix
quadrupoleMatrixFirst.xx().get<derivOrder::one>()(0, 0).value();
quadrupoleMatrixFirst.xx().get<derivOrder::one>()(0, 0).derivatives();

class SingleParticleEnergies
#include <SingleParticleEnergies.h>

Class handling the single-particle energies obtained as eigenvalues of the (generalized) eigenvalue problem. NB: no check is made if the correct (i.e., Restricted / Unrestricted) function variants are called.

class SlaterToGaussian
#include <SlaterToGaussian.h>

The class STO_nG delivers the coefficients of a STO-nG expansion for a given STO. Expansion coefficients reference: 1s-5g: Robert F. Stewart, Small Gaussian Expansions of Slater‐Type Orbitals, J. Chem. Phys. 52, 431 (1970). >= 6s: Prof. Dr. Jürg Hutter.

class SpinAdaptedMatrix
#include <SpinAdaptedMatrix.h>

Class defining a matrix and which can be used for both spin-restricted and spin-unrestricted formalisms in electronic structure calculation methods. There is only slight overhead if only the restricted formulation is needed.

Accessors to the matrix elements.

Using template functions to allow perfect forwarding to the Eigen functions.

Setters for the matrix elements.

Using template functions to allow perfect forwarding to the Eigen functions.

class HessianUtilities
#include <HessianUtilities.h>

A utility class for Hessians allowing easier access to eigenvalues and eigenvectors of transformed versions.

  • hessian: Hessian in cartesian coordinates (not mass-weighted, also not if massWeighted is set to true)

  • massWeighted: If supposed to yield mass-weighted results set to true This results into all getter functions returning mass weighted properties

class NormalMode
#include <NormalMode.h>

Container for a single normal mode.

class NormalModeAnalyzer
#include <NormalModeAnalyzer.h>

Class to calculate the normal modes of a molecule from its hessian matrix.

class NormalModesContainer
#include <NormalModesContainer.h>

Class that holds the and manages the normal modes.

class NumericalHessianCalculator
#include <NumericalHessianCalculator.h>

This class calculates the Hessian and, optionally, the dipole gradient (semi-)numerically.

Useful if analytic second derivatives are not available.

calculateFromEnergyDifferences uses the following, where D = delta / 2: d^2E/dx^2 = 1 / delta^2 * (E(x-2D) - 2 * E(x) + E(x+2D)) d^2E/dxdy = 1 / delta^2 * (E(x+D,y+D) - E(x+D,y-D) - E(x-D,y+D) + E(x-D,y-D))

calculateFromGradientDifferences uses the following, where D = delta / 2: d^2E/dxdy = 1 / (2*delta) * (g_j(i+D,j) - g_j(i-D,j) + g_i(i,j+D) - g_i(i,j-D))

The second formulation is more stable numerically and is used as default.

In order to calculate the dipole gradient, from each displacement the dipole is calculated. dmu/dx_i = 1 / (2*delta) * (mu_x(x_i + delta) - mu_x(x_i - delta)) Only 3N calculations are needed to fill the 3Nx3 dipole gradient matrix, as the dipole comes as a x,y,z vector at each single point calculation.

class Atom
#include <Atom.h>

A basic atom in the chemical sense.

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::Dftd3::Dftd3Atom

class AtomCollection
#include <AtomCollection.h>

A Collection of Atoms.

Has the same functionality as a std::vector<Atom>, but is implemented as a composition of a ElementTypeCollection and a PositionCollection.

class ElementSymbolNotFound : public runtime_error
#include <ElementInfo.h>

A runtime error specific to an element not being found.

class ElementInfo
#include <ElementInfo.h>

Provides information about elements, such as mass, van-der-Waals radius, etc.

This class only wraps around the actual data and their handling. For the underlying data see ElementInfoData.h and ElementInfoData.cpp.

class InternalCoordinates
#include <InternalCoordinates.h>

This class provides the option to convert from Cartesian into internal coordinates.

As default internal redundant coordinates will be used, as a backup a set of internal coordinates generated by only removing translation and rotational degrees of freedom can be chosen.

The redundant internal coordinates are generated using ‘libirc’:

class StructuralCompletion
#include <StructuralCompletion.h>

Contains function to generate positions from other positions.

F.i. to be applied to add hydrogen atoms to a carbon chain.

template<class OptimizerType>
class AfirOptimizer : public Scine::Utils::AfirOptimizerBase
#include <AfirOptimizer.h>

A version of the GeometryOptimizer that optimizes the underlying structure while applying an additional artificial force for the induction of reactions.

For more details about AFIR see the base class Utils::AfirOptimizerBase .

Template Parameters
  • OptimizerType: Expects any of the Optimizer classes. Note that some special optimizers may not yet be supported or may need additional specialization.

class AfirOptimizerBase
#include <AfirOptimizerBase.h>

The base class for all AFIR optimizers.

The main purpose of this base class is to hide the template parameter(s) of the derived class(es).

This optimizer is a version of the GeometryOptimizer that optimizes the underlying structure while applying an additional artificial force for the induction of reactions.

The artificial force induced reaction (AFIR) optimizer is based on the works by Maeda et. al. The implementation was done following this reference: J Comput Chem., 2018, 39, 233 [DOI: 10.1002/jcc.25106] (accessed 05.04.2019)

The original references are: J. Chem. Phys., 2010, 132, 241102 J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2011, 7, 2335

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::AfirOptimizer< OptimizerType >

template<class OptimizerType, class ConvergenceCheckType>
class AfirOptimizerSettings : public Scine::Utils::Settings
#include <AfirOptimizerSettings.h>

Settings for an AfirOptimizer.

Uses template arguments in order to automatically include the settings of underlying objects into the given settings.

Template Parameters

class GeometryOptimizerBase
#include <GeometryOptimizer.h>

The base class for all Geometry optimizers.

The purpose of the geometry optimizers is to wrap technical details needed for the actual optimization into a class that is easily used and has a small set of data needed in its constructor, is mainly configured via its settings, and then exposes the optimization through a simple function accepting a geometry (AtomCollection)

The main purpose of this base class is to hide the template parameter(s) of the derived class(es).

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::GeometryOptimizer< OptimizerType >

template<class OptimizerType, class ConvergenceCheckType>
class GeometryOptimizerSettings : public Scine::Utils::Settings
#include <GeometryOptimizer.h>

Settings for a GeometryOptimizer.

Uses template arguments in order to automatically include the settings of underlying objects into the given settings.

Template Parameters

template<class OptimizerType>
class GeometryOptimizer : public Scine::Utils::GeometryOptimizerBase
#include <GeometryOptimizer.h>

Basically just a templated version of the base class GeometryOptimizerBase, where the template defines the actual optimizer used in the geometry optimization.

Template Parameters
  • OptimizerType: Expects any of the Optimizer classes. Note that some special optimizers may not yet be supported or may need additional specialization.

class IrcOptimizerBase
#include <IrcOptimizer.h>

The base class for all IRC optimizers.

The main purpose of this base class is to hide the template parameter(s) of the derived class(es).

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::IrcOptimizer< OptimizerType >

template<class OptimizerType, class ConvergenceCheckType>
class IRCOptimizerSettings : public Scine::Utils::Settings
#include <IrcOptimizer.h>

Settings for an IRCOptimizer.

Uses template arguments in order to automatically include the settings of underlying objects into the given settings.

Template Parameters

template<class OptimizerType>
class IrcOptimizer : public Scine::Utils::IrcOptimizerBase
#include <IrcOptimizer.h>

A version of the GeometryOptimizer that optimizes along an internal reaction coordinate (IRC).

This optimizer mass-weights the actual gradient in order to optimize in the mass-weighted coordinate system.

Template Parameters
  • OptimizerType: Expects any of the Optimizer classes. Note that some special optimizers may not yet be supported or may need additional specialization.

class ChemicalFileHandler
#include <ChemicalFileHandler.h>

Handles the reading and writing of chemical file formats.

Matches suffixes to chemical file formats and then dispatches the calls to appropriate streaming I/O handlers. Catches I/O errors.

class FormattedStreamHandler
#include <FormattedStreamHandler.h>

The interface for all classes handling formatted streaming IO.

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::MolStreamHandler, Scine::Utils::OpenBabelStreamHandler, Scine::Utils::XyzStreamHandler

class MolStreamHandler : public Scine::Utils::FormattedStreamHandler
#include <MolStreamHandler.h>

Handler for MOL stream IO.

This class implements the FormattedStreamHandler interface for use with Core’s module management. The core stream IO functions are available as static functions, too.

class OpenBabelStreamHandler : public Scine::Utils::FormattedStreamHandler
#include <OpenBabelStreamHandler.h>

If obabel is in the PATH, supports IO to range of OpenBabel’s file formats.


Concerning the GPLv2 OpenBabel license, this StreamHandler very much communicates ‘at arms length’ with OpenBabel ( by merely calling it via system process-level interaction, if present.

class XyzStreamHandler : public Scine::Utils::FormattedStreamHandler
#include <XyzStreamHandler.h>

Handler for XYZ stream IO.

This class implements the FormattedStreamHandler interface for use with Core’s module management. The core stream IO functions are available as static functions, too.


Since the XYZ file format does not include bond information in any part, the read/write pair involving BondOrderCollections just throws in all cases.

class FilesystemHelpers
#include <FilesystemHelpers.h>

This class contains utility functions for dealing with files and directories.

Hides the use of Boost::filesystem.

class IOException : public runtime_error
#include <IOExceptions.h>

Base class for exceptions related to input-output.

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::InvalidAtomCountSpecification, Scine::Utils::InvalidAtomSpecification, Scine::Utils::InvalidFile

class InvalidFile : public Scine::Utils::IOException
#include <IOExceptions.h>

Exception when file cannot be opened.

class InvalidAtomCountSpecification : public Scine::Utils::IOException
#include <IOExceptions.h>

Exception thrown when the first line of a xyz input does not contain the number of atoms.

class InvalidAtomSpecification : public Scine::Utils::IOException
#include <IOExceptions.h>

Exception thrown when a line for an atom of a xyz input is invalid.

class Log
#include <Logger.h>

Static class for logging.

By default, logging is disabled. Logging can be started with startConsoleLogging() or startFileLogging(). It is possible to have several files for logging. The calls to Log are thread-safe.

class MolecularTrajectoryIO
#include <MolecularTrajectoryIO.h>

Class for input and output of MolecularTrajectory classes.

class NativeFilenames
#include <NativeFilenames.h>

This class contains utility functions for storing file paths in strings, and cares for cross-platform issues. Hides the use of Boost::filesystem.

class YAMLParsingException : public runtime_error
#include <Yaml.h>

A custom exception for YAML parsing errors.

class AtomicSecondDerivativeCollection
#include <AtomicSecondDerivativeCollection.h>

Container class for second derivatives.

Mainly an override of std::vector<SecondDerivative>. Generally used for storing the gradients of a molecular structure.

class VectorDerivatives3D
#include <VectorDerivatives3D.h>

Class to handle 3D derivatives of 3D vectors.

class FullSecondDerivativeCollection
#include <FullSecondDerivativeCollection.h>

Container class for full second derivatives (Hessian matrix + first derivatives).

template<class MatrixType, DavidsonBalancedType s = DavidsonBalancedType::standard>
class DavidsonDiagonalizer

Davidson-Liu iterative diagonalizer.

Two specialized variants of the algorithm are implemented:

  • Classical algorithm as implemented by Davidson

    • Davidson, E. R., J. Comput. Phys., 1975, 17, 87-94.

    • Liu, B., The simultaneous expansion method for the iterative solution of large real-symmetric matrices, Numerical Algorithms in Chemistry: Algebraic Methods, Technical Report LBL-8158, pp 49-53.

    • R. M. Parrish, E. G. Hohenstein, T. J. Martinez, “Balancing” the Block Davidson-Liu Algorithm, J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2016, 12, 3003-3007.

  • Balanced version as described by Furche et al.:

    • R. M. Parrish, E. G. Hohenstein, T. J. Martinez, “Balancing” the Block Davidson-Liu Algorithm, J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2016, 12, 3003-3007.

    • F. Furche, B. T. Kull, B. D. Nguyen, J. Kwon, Accelerating molecular property with nonorthonormal Krylov space methods, J. Chem. Phys, 2016, 144.

While the “vanilla” implementation should work as an allrounder, the balanced specialization is particularly effective if used in combination with some density screening algorithm. For example, in direct CIS calculations the Fock matrix elements to compute are conditioned on a Cauchy-Schwarz screening. The non-normality condition of the balanced algorithm causes the norm of the residuals to steadily decrease as the iterations go. This correspond to a steady increase of the amount of elements of the Fock matrix that can be safely be ignored and the consequent acceleration of the sigma vector construction.

Template Parameters
  • MatrixType: The matrix type to use, can be either Eigen::MatrixXd or Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>.

  • s: Determines if a standard (default) or balanced implementation is used.

class IndirectPreconditionerEvaluator : public Scine::Utils::PreconditionerEvaluator

This preconditioner evaluator returns the diagonal preconditioner for the Davidson algorithm.

template<class MatrixType>
class IndirectSigmaVectorEvaluator : public Scine::Utils::SigmaVectorEvaluator<MatrixType>

This sigma vector evaluator calculates the sigma vector as described in Davidson’s iterative method paper.

E. R. Davidson, The iterative calculation of a few of the lowest eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of large real-symmetric matrices, J. Comput. Phys, 1975, 17, 87-94,

class PreconditionerEvaluator

Interface for the preconditioner evaluators in the Davidson iterative diagonalizer.

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::IndirectPreconditionerEvaluator

template<class MatrixType>
class SigmaVectorEvaluator

Interface for the sigma vector evaluators in the Davidson iterative diagonalizer.

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::IndirectSigmaVectorEvaluator< MatrixType >

struct ElectronicTransitionResult
#include <SpinAdaptedEigenContainer.h>

Data structure to store the results of an excited states calculation.

struct SpinAdaptedElectronicTransitionResult
#include <SpinAdaptedEigenContainer.h>

Data structure to store the results of an excited states calculation with closed-shell reference.

struct CouplingMatrix
#include <SpinAdaptedEigenContainer.h>

Coupling matrix needed by TD-DFTB and TD-DFT.

class QuaternionFit
#include <QuaternionFit.h>

Compares two sets of positions and calculates translation and rotation to go from one to the other.


class Tensor33
#include <Tensor33.h>

Simple algebra for a 3x3 tensor.

class GaussianModule : public Module
#include <GaussianModule.h>

Gaussian module provided by OSUtils.

class OrcaModule : public Module
#include <OrcaModule.h>

ORCA Module provided by OSUtils.

class EulerMD : public Scine::Utils::MDIntegrator
#include <EulerMD.h>

Class implementing the Euler algorithm for Molecular Dynamics.

The position is updated with \( r_i(t + \Delta t) = r_i(t) + \Delta t v_i(t) + \frac{\Delta t^2}{2m_i} f_i(t) + O(\Delta t^3) \) and the velocities with \( v_i(t + \Delta t) = v_i(t) + \frac{\Delta t}{m_i} f_i(t) + O(\Delta t^2) \)

class LeapFrogMD : public Scine::Utils::MDIntegrator
#include <LeapFrogMD.h>

Class implementing the LeapFrog algorithm for Molecular Dynamics.

The velocities are updated with \( v_i(t + \frac{1}{2} \Delta t) = v_i(t - \frac{1}{2} \Delta t) + \frac{\Delta t}{m_i} f_i(t) \) and the positions with \( r_i(t + \Delta t) = r_i(t) + \Delta t v_i(t + \frac{1}{2} \Delta t) \)

class MDIntegrator

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::EulerMD, Scine::Utils::LeapFrogMD, Scine::Utils::VelocityVerletMD

class MolecularDynamicsSettings : public Scine::Utils::Settings
#include <MolecularDynamicsSettings.h>

Settings for Molecular Dynamics simulations.

class VelocityVerletMD : public Scine::Utils::MDIntegrator
#include <VelocityVerletMD.h>

Class implementing the Velocity Verlet algorithm for Molecular Dynamics.

The position is updated with \( r_i(t + \Delta t) = r_i(t) + \Delta t v_i(t) + \frac{\Delta t^2}{2m_i} f_i(t) + O(\Delta t^3) \) and the velocities with \( v_i(t + \Delta t) = v_i(t) + \frac{\Delta t}{2 m_i} (f_i(t) + f_i(t + \Delta t)) + O(\Delta t^3) \)

class MolecularTrajectory
#include <MolecularTrajectory.h>

A container class for Scine::Utils::PositionCollection classes.

Mainly an override of std::vector<PositionCollection>, plus Element Type information. Generally used for storing the positions of several consecutive molecular structures.

class ConvergenceCheck
#include <ConvergenceCheck.h>

The base class for all convergence checks.

Similar to the actual Optimizer the convergence check is abstracted into a class that shall allow both usage via Settings object and as a ‘raw’ class using the public members to adjust the convergence criteria.

To this end the base class defines and enforces the presence of the functions that parse the

Settings into these members and vice versa.

In general, it is adviseable to derive classes that also only require the use of a default constructor, after all the convergence checks are mostly defined by a set of thresholds and any data should be required in the actual optimization cycles and not upon creation of the derived object.

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::GradientBasedCheck

class Bfgs : public Scine::Utils::Optimizer
#include <Bfgs.h>

An implementation of the BFGS optimization algorithm.

The implementation includes an optional GDIIS.

class Dimer : public Scine::Utils::Optimizer
#include <Dimer.h>

An implementation of the Dimer optimization algorithm for saddlepoints.

transition state search without hessian by finding minimum curvature by gradient calculations of a dimer on PES dimer is constructed by estimated eigenvector or random vector, then dimer is rotated iteratively until it is aligned with lowest curvature mode, then translation is performed this is repeated until converged

Implemented, as described in: Kaestner J. and Sherwood P., Journal of Chemical Physics, 2008 Shang C. and Liu ZP., Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2010

class Gdiis
#include <Gdiis.h>

An implementation of the GDIIS optimization acceleration algorithm.

class GradientBasedCheck : public Scine::Utils::ConvergenceCheck
#include <GradientBasedCheck.h>

A convergence check based on parameter, value and gradient information.

Checks the RMS of the gradient and step, the maximum coefficient of the gradient and step and also the change in value.

For convergence the value and a set number of the other four criteria need to converge.

class Lbfgs : public Scine::Utils::Optimizer
#include <Lbfgs.h>

An implementation of a limited memory BFGS optimization algorithm.

The implementation includes an optional linesearch using both Wolfe conditions.

class SteepestDescent : public Scine::Utils::Optimizer
#include <SteepestDescent.h>

An implementation of a steepest descent optimization algorithm.

The steepest descent algorithm is on of the most simple gradient based optimization algorithms. In each step the parameters are adjusted by subtracting the scaled negative gradient. The gradient is usually scaled by a factor that is smaller than 1.0 .

class Bofill : public Scine::Utils::Optimizer
#include <Bofill.h>

An implementation of the Bofill optimization algorithm for saddlepoints.

Minimizes along all coordinates except one, along which it maximizes.

Implemented, as described in: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2002, 4, 11–15 The original paper by Bofill is the following: J. Comput. Chem., 1994, 15, 1

class EigenvectorFollowing : public Scine::Utils::Optimizer
#include <EigenvectorFollowing.h>

An implementation of an Eigenvector following optimization algorithm.

This algorithm is intended to find the maximum along one single eigenvector and the minimum along all other eigenvectors of a given system/Hessian.

class NewtonRaphson : public Scine::Utils::Optimizer
#include <NewtonRaphson.h>

An implementation of a Newton-Raphson optimization algorithm.

class LevenbergMarquardt : public Scine::Utils::Optimizer
#include <LevenbergMarquardt.h>

Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm for a least squares optimization.

class UpdateFunctionManagerBase
#include <UpdateFunctionManagerBase.h>

This class manages the two different update functions that are neccessary for a least squares optimization using Eigen.

class Optimizer
#include <Optimizer.h>

The base class for all Optimizers.

Given the fact that optimizers can function in many different ways, this base class is somewhat slim and only unifies the usage of auxiliary functions.

In general the optimizers are intended to be used for internal optimizations where a fixed optimizer and a fixed set of options for that optimizer are used, and also those cases where user settings at runtime shall be used.

To this end, the optimizers should have their options given as public member variables which can alternatively be set using the

Optimizer::applySettings function. In order to then allow the addition of the encoded options into a Settings object a Optimizer::addSettingsDescriptors() function has to be generated in any derived class.

Furthermore all optimizers shall track the number of cycles they run and also call the

Optimizer::triggerObservers() function once in each iteration.

The specific function handling the optimization is dependent on the particular type of optimizer, however it should have the following properties:

  • it should return the final cycle count upon completion

  • it should accept the (in this order):

    1. the initial parameters

    2. a template lambda function for the update of needed variables

    3. an object derived from ConvergenceCheck to signal the end of the optimization

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::Bfgs, Scine::Utils::Bofill, Scine::Utils::Dimer, Scine::Utils::EigenvectorFollowing, Scine::Utils::Lbfgs, Scine::Utils::LevenbergMarquardt, Scine::Utils::NewtonRaphson, Scine::Utils::SteepestDescent

struct ThermochemicalContainer
#include <ThermochemistryCalculator.h>

Struct containing the single thermochemical properties of interest.

struct ThermochemicalComponentsContainer
#include <ThermochemistryCalculator.h>

Struct containing the vibrational, rotational, translational and the overall thermochemical components.

class ThermochemistryCalculator

This class calculates and stores the most important thermochemical data.

The class calculates important thermochemical descriptors, as the Zero Point Vibrational Energy, the standard enthalpy of formation, the system entropy, the heat capacity and the Gibbs’ free energy from the results of a vibrational analysis.

By default a temperature of 298.15 K and a molecular symmetry number of one are assumed. They can be adapted via the functions setTemperature() and setMolecularSymmetryNumber(), respectively. Using an incorrect symmetry number results into a wrong rotational entropy.

class ConvergenceAcceleratorFactory
#include <ConvergenceAcceleratorFactory.h>

The ConvergenceAcceleratorFactory class provides the register of the available convergence accelerators.

This class also creates pointer to the desired Scf convergence accelerators. In the code convergence accelerators are often referred to as “mixers”.

class DiisError
#include <DiisError.h>

Class to handle the error vectors used in DIIS.

class Ecqpp
#include <Ecqpp.h>

Equality Constrained Quadratic Programming Problem solver for EDIIS. This class solves the optimization problem for an EDIIS iteration. It minimizes the expression E*c - 0.5 c^T*B*c with the constraint that sum(c_i) = 1. To do so, it solves the above equation for all subsets of c, rejects inadmissible solutions (c_i < 0) and keeps the best one.

class Ediis
#include <Ediis.h>

Class performing the calculation of a Fock matrix based on the EDIIS algorithm.

class EdiisCoefficientOptimizer
#include <EdiisCoefficientOptimizer.h>

Calculates optimal coefficients to use in EDIIS. It solves the optimization problem given the B matrix and energies and calculates the coefficients with the Reduced Gradient Method.

class EdiisDiisModifier : public Scine::Utils::ScfModifier
#include <EdiisDiisModifier.h>

Class to use the EDIIS + DIIS combination as in Gaussian. Garza, Scuseria, J Chem Phys 137 (2012) 054110: “In the default EDIIS + DIIS procedure in Gaussian, EDIIS is used when the largest DIIS error (errMax) is greater than 10^-1 a.u. but DIIS is employed when this error goes below 10^-4 a.u. In between these values, the EDIIS and DIIS coefficients are weighted such that c = 10(errorMax) C(EDIIS) + (1-10(errorMax))c(DIIS); however, if the error of the last cycle is 10% greater than the minimum error, pure EDIIS is used.”

class EdiisModifier : public Scine::Utils::ScfModifier
#include <EdiisModifier.h>

ScfModifier for the EDIIS algorithm. This class does not perform directly the EDIIS algorithm, it is like an interface between the SCF method and the class for the actual EDIIS algorithm.

class FockDiis
#include <FockDiis.h>

Class performing the calculation of a Fock matrix based on the direct inversion of the iterative subspace (DIIS) algorithm.

class FockDiisModifier : public Scine::Utils::ScfModifier
#include <FockDiisModifier.h>

ScfModifier for the DIIS algorithm. This class does not perform directly the DIIS algorithm, it is like an interface between the Scf method and the class for the actual DIIS algorithm.

class AdditiveElectronicContribution

This class represents an additive electronic contribution.

On one sides it stores the matrix with the matrix elements, on the other side it is an interface for the addDerivatives<Utils::derivativeType O> methods in the derived classes.

class ConvergenceChecker
#include <ConvergenceChecker.h>

Class for a density matrix based convergence checker. It looks at the RMS change in density matrix elements.

class DensityMatrixGuessCalculator
#include <DensityMatrixGuessCalculator.h>

Interface for the calculation of the density matrix guess in SCF calculations.

class ElectronicContributionCalculator
#include <ElectronicContributionCalculator.h>

Interface for the computation of the Fock matrix.

TODO: Separate for non-SCF and SCF specializations?

class ElectronicEnergyCalculator
#include <ElectronicEnergyCalculator.h>

Interface for the calculation of the electronic energy.

class LcaoMethod : public Scine::Utils::SinglePointMethod
#include <LcaoMethod.h>

Base class describing a method based on a LCAO ansatz.

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::ScfMethod

class OverlapCalculator
#include <OverlapCalculator.h>

Abstract class for the calculation of the overlap matrix.

class RepulsionCalculator

Class representing a repulsion calculator between (classical) nuclei.

class ScfConvergenceAccelerator
#include <ScfConvergenceAccelerator.h>

This class sets up the convergence acceleration for a SCF method.

class ScfMethod : public Scine::Utils::LcaoMethod

Base class for self-consistent-field methods.

class ScfModifier
#include <ScfModifier.h>

Base class for SCF modifiers. SCF modifiers allow to act in between the different steps of a SCF calculations. The functions it defines are anchors and are called after the corresponding steps of a SCF calculation.



Subclassed by Scine::Utils::ChargeSimple, Scine::Utils::EdiisDiisModifier, Scine::Utils::EdiisModifier, Scine::Utils::FockDiisModifier, Scine::Utils::FockSimple

class SinglePointMethod
#include <SinglePointMethod.h>

This class is the base class of any method to be used in Real-time quantum chemistry. It contain declarations for variables methods concerning energy and gradients.

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::LcaoMethod

class StructureDependentInitializer
#include <StructureDependentInitializer.h>

Interface for method-specific settings which must be updated f.i. when the molecular structure changes.

template<class IntegerType>
class UniqueRandomNumbersGenerator
#include <UniqueRandomNumbersGenerator.h>

Class to sample without replacement N numbers from a range bounded by min_ and max_.

The user gives a minimum number and a maximum number as the boundaries of a range of possible numbers. Upon calling the UniqueRandomNumbersGenerator::generate(unsigned N) function, N values are sampled without replacement from the possible values.

class Settings : public Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::ValueCollection
#include <Settings.h>

An interface for settings of all sorts.

This interface allows all other interfaces in Scine::Core to have a central place for Settings, while their implementations maintain their specific settings independently.

Implementation Notes:

  • A derived class of the Settings class has to define a construcor that populates the protected _fields member with a set of possible options and their default/descriptions.

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::AfirOptimizerSettings< OptimizerType, ConvergenceCheckType >, Scine::Utils::ExternalQC::GaussianCalculatorSettings, Scine::Utils::ExternalQC::OrcaCalculatorSettings, Scine::Utils::GeometryOptimizerSettings< OptimizerType, ConvergenceCheckType >, Scine::Utils::IRCOptimizerSettings< OptimizerType, ConvergenceCheckType >, Scine::Utils::MolecularDynamicsSettings

template<class T>
class Abstract
#include <CloneInterface.h>

Strong typing for the abstract level class.

To provide template parameter resolution at compile time, a strong type is provided to differentiate the leaf class from the abstract, middle class.

template<class Derived, class ...Bases>
class CloneInterface : public Bases
#include <CloneInterface.h>

Class serving the purpose of a generic clone interface.

This class provides the clone method for any interface in core needing it. It uses the curiously recurrent template pattern (CRTP) to acquire infos at compile time about both the interface and the derived class. This allows for the one-time-only generation of code for the clone method, avoiding unnecessary code duplication. Basically, a derived class must just inherit from the CloneInterface with template parameters Derived = derived class and Base = interface class to have a functioning clone method. See for further details.

Note that classes deriving from CloneInterface<Derived, Base> do implicitly derive from Base, hence they do not need an additional ‘public Base’ statement.

template<class Derived, class ...Bases>
class CloneInterface<Abstract<Derived>, Bases...> : public Bases
#include <CloneInterface.h>

Specialization for abstract classes.

This is necessary, because otherwise the inheritance pattern would not work. It would not be necessary if the inheritance would just have 2 level: interface class and derived class. From the moment that there are also abstract classes between interface and derived class, as the Core::Calculator in the Sparrow module is the most notorious example, the cloneImpl() method must be virtualized in the abstract class.

class ScopedLocale
#include <ScopedLocale.h>

Introduces a scope to change the locale, the original locale will be set back upon destruction.

template<typename T, typename Parameter>
class StrongType
#include <StrongType.h>


Template Parameters
  • T: The underlying type.

  • Parameter: A “phantom type” serves the purpose of specializing the type.

class UniqueIdentifier
#include <UniqueIdentifier.h>

Class for a unique identifier (handle).

It can f.i. be used to identify an instance unequivocally. Uses pimpl idiom to hide boost::uuid dependency.

class Displacement
#include <Typenames.h>

Another name for an Eigen::RowVector3d .

class DisplacementCollection
#include <Typenames.h>

Another name for a row-major Eigen::MatrixX3d .

class ElementTypeCollection
#include <Typenames.h>

Another name for an std::vector<ElementType> .

class Gradient
#include <Typenames.h>

Another name for an Eigen::RowVector3d .

class GradientCollection
#include <Typenames.h>

Another name for a row-major Eigen::MatrixX3d.

class HessianMatrix
#include <Typenames.h>

Another name for a Eigen::MatrixXd .

class Dipole
#include <Typenames.h>

Another name for an Eigen::RowVector3d .

class DipoleGradient
#include <Typenames.h>

Another name for a row-major Eigen::MatrixX3d.

class Position
#include <Typenames.h>

Another name for an Eigen::RowVector3d .

class PositionCollection
#include <Typenames.h>

Another name for a row-major Eigen::MatrixX3d .

namespace AutomaticDifferentiation


using Value1DType = typename Value1DOrder<o>::ValueType

Templated type for a value in 1 dimension.

using Value3DType = typename Value3DOrder<o>::ValueType

Templated type for a value in 3 dimension.

using DerivativeType = typename Derivative3DImpl<o>::ValueType

Templated type for a derivative.

using DerivativeContainerType = typename DerivativeContainer3DImpl<o>::ValueType

Templated type for a derivative container.


derivOrder getDerivativeOrderEnum(unsigned order)

Get the enum corresponding to the derivative order.

int getDerivativeOrder(derivOrder order)

Get the integer corresponding to the derivative order.

template<derivOrder o>
Value1DType<o> getFromFull(double v, double firstDer, double secondDer)

Create a value with derivatives in 1 dimension and neglect the unnecessary derivatives.

template<derivOrder o>
Value1DType<o> constant1D(double c)

Transform a double to a ValueWithDerivative in one dimension, with derivatives equal to zero.

template<derivOrder o>
Value1DType<o> variableWithUnitDerivative(double v)

Transform v to a ValueWithDerivative in one dimension, with first derivative 1 and second derivative 0.

template<derivOrder o>
Value3DType<o> constant3D(double c)

Transform a double to a ValueWithDerivative in three dimensions, with derivatives equal to zero.

template<derivOrder o>
Value3DType<o> toX(double x)

Get X as a value with derivatives in three dimensions.

The only non-zero derivative is the first derivative in x-direction.

template<derivOrder o>
Value3DType<o> toY(double y)

Get Y as a value with derivatives in three dimensions.

The only non-zero derivative is the first derivative in y-direction.

template<derivOrder o>
Value3DType<o> toZ(double z)

Get Z as a value with derivatives in three dimensions.

The only non-zero derivative is the first derivative in z-direction.

template<derivOrder o>
Value3DType<o> toRSquared(double x, double y, double z)

Get R-squared as a value with derivatives in three dimensions.

template<derivOrder o>
Value3DType<o> get3Dfrom1D(Value1DType<o> v, const Eigen::Vector3d &R)

Get a value with derivatives in 3 dimensions from the value with derivatives in one dimension, given a vector R.

template<derivOrder o>
Value3DType<o> getValueWithOppositeDerivative(const Value3DType<o> &v)

Get the value with inverted derivatives (useful for pairs of derivatives for two atoms).

The sign of the first derivatives changes.

template<derivOrder o>
double getValue1DAsDouble(const Value1DType<o> &v)

Extract the value with derivatives in 1 dimension as a double.

template<derivOrder o>
double getValue3DAsDouble(const Value3DType<o> &v)

Extract the value with derivatives in 3 dimension as a double.

double constant1D<derivOrder::zero>(double c)
double variableWithUnitDerivative<derivOrder::zero>(double v)
double getFromFull<derivOrder::zero>(double v, double, double)
double constant3D<derivOrder::zero>(double c)
double toX<derivOrder::zero>(double x)
double toY<derivOrder::zero>(double y)
double toZ<derivOrder::zero>(double z)
double toRSquared<derivOrder::zero>(double x, double y, double z)
double get3Dfrom1D<derivOrder::zero>(double v, const Eigen::Vector3d&)
double getValueWithOppositeDerivative<derivOrder::zero>(const double &v)
double getValue1DAsDouble<derivOrder::zero>(const double &v)
double getValue3DAsDouble<derivOrder::zero>(const double &v)
First1D constant1D<derivOrder::one>(double c)
First1D variableWithUnitDerivative<derivOrder::one>(double v)
First1D getFromFull<derivOrder::one>(double v, double firstDer, double)
First3D constant3D<derivOrder::one>(double c)
First3D toX<derivOrder::one>(double x)
First3D toY<derivOrder::one>(double y)
First3D toZ<derivOrder::one>(double z)
First3D toRSquared<derivOrder::one>(double x, double y, double z)
First3D get3Dfrom1D<derivOrder::one>(First1D v, const Eigen::Vector3d &R)
First3D getValueWithOppositeDerivative<derivOrder::one>(const First3D &v)
double getValue1DAsDouble<derivOrder::one>(const First1D &v)
double getValue3DAsDouble<derivOrder::one>(const First3D &v)
Second1D constant1D<derivOrder::two>(double c)
Second1D variableWithUnitDerivative<derivOrder::two>(double v)
Second1D getFromFull<derivOrder::two>(double v, double firstDer, double secondDer)
Second3D constant3D<derivOrder::two>(double c)
Second3D toX<derivOrder::two>(double x)
Second3D toY<derivOrder::two>(double y)
Second3D toZ<derivOrder::two>(double z)
Second3D toRSquared<derivOrder::two>(double x, double y, double z)
Second3D get3Dfrom1D<derivOrder::two>(Second1D v, const Eigen::Vector3d &R)
Second3D getValueWithOppositeDerivative<derivOrder::two>(const Second3D &v)
double getValue1DAsDouble<derivOrder::two>(const Second1D &v)
double getValue3DAsDouble<derivOrder::two>(const Second3D &v)
template<typename DerivativeT, typename Crtp>
Crtp operator+(double v, const FirstBase<DerivativeT, Crtp> &rhs)
template<typename DerivativeT, typename Crtp>
Crtp operator-(double v, const FirstBase<DerivativeT, Crtp> &rhs)
template<typename DerivativeT, typename Crtp>
Crtp operator*(double f, const FirstBase<DerivativeT, Crtp> &rhs)
template<typename DerivativeT, typename Crtp>
Crtp operator/(double f, const FirstBase<DerivativeT, Crtp> &rhs)
template<typename DerivativeT, typename Crtp>
Crtp square(const FirstBase<DerivativeT, Crtp> &value)
template<typename DerivativeT, typename Crtp>
Crtp sqrt(const FirstBase<DerivativeT, Crtp> &value)
template<typename DerivativeT, typename Crtp>
Crtp exp(const FirstBase<DerivativeT, Crtp> &value)
template<derivativeType o>
DerivativeType<o> getOppositeDerivative(const DerivativeType<o> &v)

Get opposed derivatives.

i.e. sign of first derivative changes.

template<derivativeType o>
DerivativeType<o> getDerivativeFromValueWithDerivatives(const Value3DType<UnderlyingOrder<o>> &v)

Extract the derivatives from a value type with derivatives.

template<derivativeType o>
void addDerivativeToContainer(DerivativeContainerType<o> &container, int a, int b, const DerivativeType<o> &v)

Add derivatives to a derivative container.

  • v: Derivative for the pair of indexes a-b. Considering the direction a->b.

DerivativeType<derivativeType::first> getOppositeDerivative<derivativeType::first>(const DerivativeType<derivativeType::first> &v)
DerivativeType<derivativeType::second_atomic> getOppositeDerivative<derivativeType::second_atomic>(const DerivativeType<derivativeType::second_atomic> &v)
DerivativeType<derivativeType::second_full> getOppositeDerivative<derivativeType::second_full>(const DerivativeType<derivativeType::second_full> &v)
DerivativeType<derivativeType::first> getDerivativeFromValueWithDerivatives<derivativeType::first>(const Value3DType<derivOrder::one> &v)
DerivativeType<derivativeType::second_atomic> getDerivativeFromValueWithDerivatives<derivativeType::second_atomic>(const Value3DType<derivOrder::two> &v)
DerivativeType<derivativeType::second_full> getDerivativeFromValueWithDerivatives<derivativeType::second_full>(const Value3DType<derivOrder::two> &v)
void addDerivativeToContainer<derivativeType::first>(DerivativeContainerType<derivativeType::first> &container, int a, int b, const DerivativeType<derivativeType::first> &v)
void addDerivativeToContainer<derivativeType::second_atomic>(DerivativeContainerType<derivativeType::second_atomic> &container, int a, int b, const DerivativeType<derivativeType::second_atomic> &v)
void addDerivativeToContainer<derivativeType::second_full>(DerivativeContainerType<derivativeType::second_full> &container, int a, int b, const DerivativeType<derivativeType::second_full> &v)
Second1D operator*(double f, const Second1D &der)
Second1D operator+(double f, const Second1D &h)
Second1D operator+(const Second1D &h, double f)
Second1D operator-(double f, const Second1D &h)
Second1D operator-(const Second1D &h, double f)
Second1D operator/(double v, const Second1D &der)
Second1D sqrt(const Second1D &der)
Second1D exp(const Second1D &der)
Second1D cos(const Second1D &der)
Second3D operator*(double f, const Second3D &der)
Second3D sqrt(const Second3D &der)
Second3D exp(const Second3D &der)
Second3D arccos(const Second3D &der)


constexpr derivOrder UnderlyingOrder = UnderlyingOrderImpl<O>::o

Template variable for the derivative order corresponding to a derivative type.

template<derivOrder O>
struct Value3DOrder
#include <AutomaticDifferentiationTypesHelper.h>

Values in 3 dimensions.

template<derivOrder O>
struct Value1DOrder
#include <AutomaticDifferentiationTypesHelper.h>

Values in 1 dimension.

class First1D : public Scine::Utils::AutomaticDifferentiation::FirstBase<double, First1D>
#include <First1D.h>

Class representing values in one dimension and allowing for the automatic calculation of first derivatives.

class First3D : public Scine::Utils::AutomaticDifferentiation::FirstBase<Eigen::Vector3d, First3D>
#include <First3D.h>

Class representing values in one dimensions and allowing for the automatic calculation of first derivatives.

template<typename DerivativeT, typename Crtp>
class FirstBase
#include <FirstBase.h>

Base class representing values with some derivative type and allowing for the automatic calculation of first derivatives.

This class makes use of CRTP so that the functions will directly have the correct return type for the derived classes.

class FirstND : public Scine::Utils::AutomaticDifferentiation::FirstBase<Eigen::MatrixXd, FirstND>
#include <FirstND.h>

Class representing values in N dimensions and allowing for the automatic calculation of first derivatives in those N dimensions.

class Second1D
#include <Second1D.h>

Class representing values in one dimensions and allowing for the automatic calculation of first and second derivatives.

class Second3D
#include <Second3D.h>

Class representing values in three dimensions and allowing for the automatic calculation of first and second derivatives.

namespace BSplines
class BSpline
#include <BSpline.h>

Contains the standard implementation of a basis-spline curve. Evaluation and getter methods are defined so that knot vectors and control points of derivatives are calculated when they are needed.

class BSplineBasis
#include <BSplineBasis.h>

Evaluate the B-Spline basis functions that are defined by the knot vector

class BSplineTools
#include <BSplineTools.h>

Contains methods that can be used by several B-spline classes.

class Coefficients
#include <Coefficients.h>

Class for the B-Spline coefficients N for some given derivativeOrder and u value. Since many of the coefficients are equal to zero, just the non-zero coefficients are saved.

class ControlPolygonGenerator : public Scine::Utils::BSplines::Generator
#include <ControlPolygonGenerator.h>

Generates a B-spline curve from a set of data points that are used as control points.

class Exception : public runtime_error
#include <Exceptions.h>

Base class for exceptions related to the BSplines library.

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::BSplines::IncompatibleKnotVectorsForDimensionalMerge, Scine::Utils::BSplines::InvalidSplitDimension, Scine::Utils::BSplines::UnavailableDerivativeException

class FixedEndsPenalizedLeastSquares
#include <FixedEndsPenalizedLeastSquares.h>

Generate control points for a B-spline fitted from data points at given coordinates for a known knot vector.


FixedEndsPenalizedLeastSquaresGenerator, FixedEndsFixedKnotSplineGenerator

class FixedEndsPenalizedLeastSquaresGenerator : public Scine::Utils::BSplines::Generator
#include <FixedEndsPenalizedLeastSquaresGenerator.h>

Generates a B-Spline curve with a specified number of control points approximating the data points with fixed ends. „Fixed ends” means that the first and last control points are constrained to coincide with the first and last data point of the set. (see the NURBS book by Piegl 1997) Thus, all but the first and last control points (n-1 in total) are optimized. Still, the resulting B-Splines curve passes through the first and last control point since the first and last basis functions are equal to unity at the ends of the domain (N(u=0)=1, N(u=1)=1, therefore C(u=0)=P_0=R_0 and C(u=1)=P_last=R_last). Penalization can be turned on by specifying a lambda value > 0 and difference orders can be specified by kappa. (see the NURBS book by Piegl 1997)

class Generator
#include <Generator.h>

Basis class for BSpline generators. NB: We do not take a “const Eigen::MatrixXd&” since this would create a temporary when using it with Eigen::VectorXd.

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::BSplines::ControlPolygonGenerator, Scine::Utils::BSplines::FixedEndsPenalizedLeastSquaresGenerator, Scine::Utils::BSplines::InterpolationGenerator, Scine::Utils::BSplines::LooseEndsPenalizedLeastSquaresGenerator

class InterpolationGenerator : public Scine::Utils::BSplines::Generator
#include <InterpolationGenerator.h>

Generates a B-spline curve interpolating the data points. (see the NURBS book by Piegl 1997)

class KnotInserter
#include <KnotInserter.h>

Implementation of the knot insertion algorithm by Böhm. doi: 10.1016/0010-4485(80)90154-2

class LinearInterpolator
#include <LinearInterpolator.h>

This class generates a bspline interpolating between two given position collections.

class LooseEndsPenalizedLeastSquares
#include <LooseEndsPenalizedLeastSquares.h>

Generate control points for a B-spline fitted from data points at given coordinates for a known knot vector.


LooseEndsPenalizedLeastSquaresGenerator, LooseEndsFixedKnotSplineGenerator

class LooseEndsPenalizedLeastSquaresGenerator : public Scine::Utils::BSplines::Generator
#include <LooseEndsPenalizedLeastSquaresGenerator.h>

Generates a B-Spline curve with a specified number of control points approximating the dat a points with loose ends. „Loose ends” means that the first and last control points do not need to coincide with the first and last data point of the set. Thus, all n+1 control points are optimized. Still, the resulting B-Spline curve passes through the first and last control point since the first and last basis functions are equal to unity at the ends of the domain (N(u=0)=1, N(u=1)=1, therefore C(u=0)=P0 and C(u=1)=Plast). Penalization can be turned on by specifying a lambda value > 0 and difference orders can be specified by kappa.

class MolecularSpline
#include <MolecularSpline.h>

Class for a molecular trajectory saved as a B-spline. In principle, just a struct of a BSpline and a ElementTypeCollection.

class Splitter
#include <Splitter.h>

Splits a B-spline curve at a give parameter.

namespace ControlPointDerivatives

Calculation of the derivatives of BSpline curves C (or of dC/du, d2C/du2, …) with respect to the control points.

Not only can the derivatives of the curve itself with respect to the control points be calculated, but also of dC/du, d2C/du2, etc. The degree of the curve to derive is given by “curveDerivative” in some functions below.

The functions exist in two variants: one to calculate the derivatives of the curve with respect to one control point, or with respect to all the control points.

Note that the derivative of some control point coordinate i is non-zero only for the coordinate i of the curve.


Eigen::VectorXd oneDerivative(const BSpline &spline, double u, int controlPointIndex, int curveDerivative)
Eigen::MatrixXd allDerivatives(const BSpline &spline, double u, int curveDerivative)
Eigen::VectorXd curveDerivatives(const BSpline &spline, double u, int controlPointIndex)

Get the derivatives of the curve at a given u with respect to some control point coordinates. returns a vector of dCk / dPk for k in [0, nDimensions). NB: all other dCi / dPj are zero.

Eigen::MatrixXd curveDerivatives(const BSpline &spline, double u)

Get the derivatives of the curve at a given u with respect to all control point coordinates. returns a matrix of dCk / dP^A_k for k in [0, nDimensions), and A being a given control point. NB: all other dCi / dPj are zero.

Eigen::VectorXd firstOrderCurveDerivatives(const BSpline &spline, double u, int controlPointIndex)

Get the derivatives of the curve tangent at a given u with respect to some control point coordinates. returns a vector of dC’k / dPk for k in [0, nDimensions). NB: all other dC’i / dPj are zero.

Eigen::MatrixXd firstOrderCurveDerivatives(const BSpline &spline, double u)

Get the derivatives of the curve tangent at a given u with respect to all control point coordinates. returns a matrix of dC’k / dP^A_k for k in [0, nDimensions), and A being a given control point. NB: all other dC’i / dPj are zero.

Eigen::VectorXd secondOrderCurveDerivatives(const BSpline &spline, double u, int controlPointIndex)

Get the derivatives of the curve tangent at a given u with respect to some control point coordinates. returns a vector of dC’k / dPk for k in [0, nDimensions). NB: all other dC’i / dPj are zero.

Eigen::MatrixXd secondOrderCurveDerivatives(const BSpline &spline, double u)

Get the derivatives of the curve tangent at a given u with respect to all control point coordinates. returns a matrix of dC’k / dP^A_k for k in [0, nDimensions), and A being a given control point. NB: all other dC’i / dPj are zero.

namespace GeneratorUtils

Utility functions for BSpline generation. Includes methods and attributes that can be used by all BSplineGenerators Methods for creating parameters and knotVectors from the NURBS book by Piegl 1997: generateParametersByEquallySpacedMethod() uses eq. (9.3) generateParametersByChordLengthMethod() uses eqs. (9.4)-(9.5) generateKnotVectorByDeBoorMethod() uses the eqs. (9.68-9.69) generateKnotVectorByEquallySpacedMethod() uses eq. (9.7) generateKnotVectorByKnotAveraging() uses eq. (9.8)




Eigen::VectorXd generateParametersByEquallySpacedMethod(const Eigen::MatrixXd &dataPoints)
Eigen::VectorXd generateParametersByCentripetalMethod(const Eigen::MatrixXd &dataPoints)
Eigen::VectorXd generateParametersByChordLengthMethod(const Eigen::MatrixXd &dataPoints)
Eigen::VectorXd generateKnotVectorByDeBoorsMethod(int splineDegree, int numberPolynomialSegments, const Eigen::VectorXd &uBar)
Eigen::VectorXd generateKnotVectorByUniformMethod(int splineDegree, int numberPolynomialSegments)
Eigen::VectorXd generateKnotVectorByKnotAveraging(int splineDegree, int numberPolynomialSegments, const Eigen::VectorXd &uBar)
namespace Constants

A namespace for all constant (hardcoded) data.

This namespace does not include fitted parameters for specific methods, only general constant parameters, such as natural constants and atomic data.


constexpr double elementaryCharge = 1.6021766208e-19
constexpr double avogadroNumber = 6.022140857e23
constexpr double bohrRadius = 0.52917721067e-10
constexpr double pi = 3.14159265358979323846
constexpr double rad_per_degree = pi / 180
constexpr double degree_per_rad = 180 / pi
constexpr double meter_per_bohr = bohrRadius
constexpr double bohr_per_meter = 1 / meter_per_bohr
constexpr double angstrom_per_meter = 1e10
constexpr double meter_per_angstrom = 1 / angstrom_per_meter
constexpr double angstrom_per_bohr = angstrom_per_meter * meter_per_bohr
constexpr double bohr_per_angstrom = 1. / angstrom_per_bohr
constexpr double hartree_per_ev = 3.674932248e-2
constexpr double ev_per_hartree = 1 / hartree_per_ev
constexpr double joule_per_hartree = 4.359744650e-18
constexpr double hartree_per_joule = 1 / joule_per_hartree
constexpr double joule_per_calorie = 4.184
constexpr double calorie_per_joule = 1 / joule_per_calorie
constexpr double kJPerMol_per_hartree = joule_per_hartree / 1000 * avogadroNumber
constexpr double hartree_per_kJPerMol = 1 / kJPerMol_per_hartree
constexpr double kCalPerMol_per_hartree = joule_per_hartree * calorie_per_joule / 1000 * avogadroNumber
constexpr double hartree_per_kCalPerMol = 1 / kCalPerMol_per_hartree
constexpr double ev_per_invCentimeter = 8.065540107e3
constexpr double invCentimeter_per_ev = 1.239842573e-4
constexpr double hartree_per_invCentimeter = 4.556335281e-6
constexpr double invCentimeter_per_hartree = 219474.63
constexpr double kJPerMol_per_invCentimeter = 2.859144166e-3
constexpr double invCentimeter_per_kJPerMol = 349.7550112241469
constexpr double kCalPerMol_per_invCentimeter = 1.196265919e-2
constexpr double invCentimeter_per_kCalPerMol = 8.359345393
class ElementDataSingleton
#include <ElementData.h>

Provides a mapping of ElementType to ElementData and accessing Elements by a symbol string.

This class is a singleton to avoid multiple instances of the same hardcoded data in memory.


  • Fast lookup for subscript operator [ElementType]. Throws std::out_of_range.

  • Slow lookup for subscript operator [std::string]. Throws ElementData::DataNotAvailable.

namespace detail


constexpr unsigned isotope(const unsigned Z, const unsigned A)
namespace Dftd3
class Dftd3
#include <Dftd3.h>

A class calculating D3 semi-classical dispersion corrections (with BJ damping) for energies and gradients.

 This class uses a default constructor. The calculations are initialized by the initialize function.
 Simple calculations are done using the calculate function, to which you can pass the required
 derivative level.


  • J. Chem. Phys. 132, 154104, (2010) (Description D3)

  • J. Comput. Chem. 32, 1456, (2011) (Description of BJ damping function)

Developer Info:

  • The assignment of some functions as public is based on the fact that they are needed for the non-bonded interactions in the molecular mechanics library.

class Dftd3Atom : public Scine::Utils::Atom
#include <Dftd3Atom.h>

Describes and atom for a D3 semi-classical dispersion correction calculation.

class Dftd3Parameters
#include <Dftd3Parameters.h>

A class handling the parameters involved in the calculation of D3 energies and gradients.

Most parameters in this method are static constexpr because they stay the same for all D3 methods. The parameters a1, s8 and a2 are specified by the user. One set of parameters, the reference pairs used to calculate the C6 coefficients, are outsourced to the Dftd3ReferencePairs class, because it involves a very large number of values.

class Dftd3ReferencePairs
#include <Dftd3ReferencePairs.h>

This class holds the large 4-dimensional array of all reference pairs needed for the calculation of the C6 coefficients.

namespace ExternalQC
class Exception : public runtime_error
#include <Exceptions.h>

Base exception.

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::ExternalQC::OutputFileParsingError, Scine::Utils::ExternalQC::UnsuccessfulSystemCommand

class UnsuccessfulSystemCommand : public Scine::Utils::ExternalQC::Exception
#include <Exceptions.h>

Exception thrown when there is an error while executing the command for the external program.

class OutputFileParsingError : public Scine::Utils::ExternalQC::Exception
#include <Exceptions.h>

Exception thrown for errors during output file parsing.

class ExternalProgram
#include <ExternalProgram.h>

This class allows for running external programs through SCINE.

This class is used by the ExternalQC calculators.

class GaussianCalculatorSettings : public Scine::Utils::Settings
#include <GaussianCalculatorSettings.h>

Settings for Gaussian calculations.

class GaussianInputFileCreator
#include <GaussianInputFileCreator.h>

This class creates Gaussian input files.

class GaussianOutputParser
#include <GaussianOutputParser.h>

This class parses information out of the Gaussian output file.

class OrcaCalculatorSettings : public Scine::Utils::Settings
#include <OrcaCalculatorSettings.h>

Settings for ORCA calculations.

class OrcaHessianOutputParser
#include <OrcaHessianOutputParser.h>

This class parses information out of the ORCA hessian output file.

class OrcaInputFileCreator
#include <OrcaInputFileCreator.h>

This class creates ORCA input files.

class OrcaMainOutputParser
#include <OrcaMainOutputParser.h>

This class parses information out of the main ORCA output file.

class EmptyStateException : public exception
#include <OrcaState.h>

Exception for the case that a state is requested which is empty.

class StateSavingException : public exception
#include <OrcaState.h>

Exception for a failure to save or load an ORCA state.

struct OrcaState : public State
#include <OrcaState.h>

Definition of a calculation state for ORCA calculations.

The calculation state is defined as a unique identifier. Only a string state is saved here.

namespace SettingsNames


constexpr const char *gaussianFilenameBase = "gaussian_filename_base"
constexpr const char *gaussianNumProcs = "gaussian_nprocs"
constexpr const char *orcaNumProcs = "orca_nprocs"
constexpr const char *orcaFilenameBase = "orca_filename_base"
constexpr const char *baseWorkingDirectory = "base_working_directory"
constexpr const char *externalQCMemory = "external_program_memory"
constexpr const char *deleteTemporaryFiles = "delete_tmp_files"
namespace Geometry

Functionalities working with an entire geometry (PositionCollection).


PositionCollection translatePositions(const PositionCollection &positions, const Eigen::Ref<Eigen::RowVector3d> &translation)

Translates a set of postions by a given displacement.


PositionCollection Returns the translated positions.

  • positions: The original positions.

  • translation: The displacement to be added.

void translatePositionsInPlace(PositionCollection &positions, const Eigen::Ref<Eigen::RowVector3d> &translation)

Translates a set of positions by a given displacement.

The translation happens in-place.

  • positions: The initial positions, will be transformed in-place.

  • translation: The displacement to be added.

int getIndexOfClosestAtom(const PositionCollection &positions, const Position &targetPosition, double squaredDistanceConsideredZero = -1.0)

Get the index of closest position (atom) to a given position in space.


int The index of the closest atom to the given target.

  • positions: A set of positions to be traversed.

  • targetPosition: The target position.

  • distanceConsideredZero: Squared distance between two positions resulting in them being considered equal and therefore skipping this position as it is already present in the given PositionCollection. The default is set to a negative value, so that all positions are considered as possible candidates for the closest one.

int getIndexOfAtomInStructure(const AtomCollection &structure, const Atom &atom, double squaredDistanceConsideredZero = 1e-4)

Get the index of a given atom in a given molecular structure.


int The index of the given atom in the given molecular structure.

  • structure: The structure to be traversed.

  • atom: The target atom that is tried to be found in the given structure.

  • distanceConsideredZero: Squared distance between two atoms resulting in them being considered equal.

  • std::runtime_error: Function throws error if the atom is not found in the given structure.

Eigen::MatrixXd positionVectorToMatrix(const Eigen::VectorXd &v)

Transforms a 3N-dimensional vector {x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, …} to a Nx3 matrix.


Eigen::MatrixXd Returns the final Nx3 matrix.

  • v: The positions in vector form.

Eigen::VectorXd positionMatrixToVector(const Eigen::MatrixXd &m)

Transforms a Nx3 matrix to a 3N-dimensional vector {x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, …}.


Eigen::VectorXd Returns the final vector.

  • m: The positions in matrix form.

void alignPositions(const PositionCollection &reference, PositionCollection &positions)

Rotate and translate positions so that it is as close as possible to referencePositions.

  • reference: The reference positions.

  • positions: The positions to be aligned, will be transformed in place.

std::vector<double> getMasses(const ElementTypeCollection &elements)

Get a vector of all masses (in a.u.).


std::vector<double> Returns the masses listed in a vector.

  • elements: A collection of elements.

Position getCenterOfMass(const PositionCollection &positions, const std::vector<double> &masses)

Get the center of mass.


Position Returns the center of mass (COM).

  • positions: The positions.

  • masses: The masses (sorted according to the positions).

Position getCenterOfMass(const AtomCollection &structure)

Get the center of mass.


Position Returns the center of mass (COM).

  • structure: The structure (positions and masses are relevant).

Position getAveragePosition(const PositionCollection &positions)

Get the average Position.

(The average Position is identical to the center of mass if all masses are identical)


Position Returns the average position.

  • positions: The positions.

Eigen::Matrix3d calculateInertiaTensor(const PositionCollection &positions, const std::vector<double> &masses, const Position &centerOfMass)

Calculates the inertia tensor.


Eigen::Matrix3d Returns the inertia tensor.

  • positions: The positions.

  • masses: The masses (sorted according to the positions).

  • centerOfMass: The center of mass.

PrincipalMomentsOfInertia calculatePrincipalMoments(const PositionCollection &positions, const std::vector<double> &masses, const Position &centerOfMass)

Calculates the principal moments of inertia.


PrincipalMomentsOfInertia Returns the principal moments of inertia.

  • positions: The positions.

  • masses: The masses (sorted according to the positions).

  • centerOfMass: The center of mass.

Eigen::MatrixXd calculateTranslationAndRotationModes(const PositionCollection &positions, const ElementTypeCollection &elements)

Calculated the cartesian modes corresponding to translations and rotations of the entire system.


Eigen::MatrixXd The rotation and translation modes. Translation modes (x,y,z) first-third column, rotation modes 3-final column (depending on the geometry)

  • positions: The positions of all atoms.

  • elements: The ElemenetTypes of all atoms.

Eigen::MatrixXd calculateRotTransFreeTransformMatrix(const PositionCollection &positions, const ElementTypeCollection &elements, bool massWeighted = false)

Generates the matrix removing rotation and translation modes from the given geometry if applied.


Eigen::MatrixXd The transformation matrix (applied as X^T*H*X to the Hessian).

  • positions: The positions of all atoms.

  • elements: The ElemenetTypes of all atoms.

  • massWeighted: True if Hessian to be transformed is mass-weighted

class PrincipalMomentsOfInertia
#include <Geometry.h>

The principal moments of inertia stored.

namespace LcaoUtils


void getNumberUnrestrictedElectrons(int &nAlpha, int &nBeta, int nElectrons, int spinMultiplicity)

Calculate the numbers of alpha and beta electrons from the total number of electrons and the spin multiplicity.

void solveOccupiedRestrictedEigenvalueProblem(const SpinAdaptedMatrix &fockMatrix, MolecularOrbitals &coefficientMatrix, SingleParticleEnergies &singleParticleEnergies, int nElectrons)
void solveOccupiedRestrictedGeneralizedEigenvalueProblem(const SpinAdaptedMatrix &fockMatrix, const Eigen::MatrixXd &overlapMatrix, MolecularOrbitals &coefficientMatrix, SingleParticleEnergies &singleParticleEnergies, int nElectrons)
void solveOccupiedUnrestrictedEigenvalueProblem(const SpinAdaptedMatrix &fockMatrix, MolecularOrbitals &coefficientMatrix, SingleParticleEnergies &singleParticleEnergies, int nAlphaElectrons, int nBetaElectrons)
void solveOccupiedUnrestrictedGeneralizedEigenvalueProblem(const SpinAdaptedMatrix &fockMatrix, const Eigen::MatrixXd &overlapMatrix, MolecularOrbitals &coefficientMatrix, SingleParticleEnergies &singleParticleEnergies, int nAlphaElectrons, int nBetaElectrons)
void solveRestrictedEigenvalueProblem(const SpinAdaptedMatrix &fockMatrix, MolecularOrbitals &coefficientMatrix, SingleParticleEnergies &singleParticleEnergies)
void solveRestrictedGeneralizedEigenvalueProblem(const SpinAdaptedMatrix &fockMatrix, const Eigen::MatrixXd &overlapMatrix, MolecularOrbitals &coefficientMatrix, SingleParticleEnergies &singleParticleEnergies)
void solveUnrestrictedEigenvalueProblem(const SpinAdaptedMatrix &fockMatrix, MolecularOrbitals &coefficientMatrix, SingleParticleEnergies &singleParticleEnergies)
void solveUnrestrictedGeneralizedEigenvalueProblem(const SpinAdaptedMatrix &fockMatrix, const Eigen::MatrixXd &overlapMatrix, MolecularOrbitals &coefficientMatrix, SingleParticleEnergies &singleParticleEnergies)
void calculateRestrictedDensityMatrix(DensityMatrix &densityMatrix, const MolecularOrbitals &coefficientMatrix, int nElectrons)
void calculateUnrestrictedDensityMatrices(DensityMatrix &densityMatrix, const MolecularOrbitals &coefficientMatrix, int nElectrons, int spinMultiplicity)
void calculateRestrictedEnergyWeightedDensityMatrix(Eigen::MatrixXd &energyWeightedDensityMatrix, const MolecularOrbitals &coefficientMatrix, const SingleParticleEnergies &singleParticleEnergies, int nElectrons)
void calculateUnrestrictedEnergyWeightedDensityMatrix(Eigen::MatrixXd &energyWeightedDensityMatrix, const MolecularOrbitals &coefficientMatrix, const SingleParticleEnergies &singleParticleEnergies, int nElectrons, int spinMultiplicity)
void calculateBondOrderMatrix(Utils::BondOrderCollection &bondOrderMatrix, const DensityMatrix &densityMatrix, const Eigen::MatrixXd &overlapMatrix, const AtomsOrbitalsIndexes &aoIndexes)

Computes the lower-triangular bond-order matrix for an non-orthogonal basis.

void calculateOrthonormalBondOrderMatrix(Utils::BondOrderCollection &bondOrderMatrix, const DensityMatrix &densityMatrix, const AtomsOrbitalsIndexes &aoIndexes)

Computes the lower-triangular bond-order matrix for an orthogonal basis.

void calculateOrthonormalAtomicCharges(std::vector<double> &mullikenCharges, const std::vector<double> &coreCharges, const DensityMatrix &densityMatrix, const AtomsOrbitalsIndexes &aoIndexes)
void calculateMullikenAtomicCharges(std::vector<double> &mullikenCharges, const std::vector<double> &coreCharges, const DensityMatrix &densityMatrix, const Eigen::MatrixXd &overlapMatrix, const AtomsOrbitalsIndexes &aoIndexes)
class DensityMatrixBuilder
#include <DensityMatrixBuilder.h>

Class to generate density matrices from coefficient matrices. Different possibilities to do so:

  • Specify the number of electrons

  • Specify which orbitals to consider

  • Specify the number of electrons and some number of swaps TODO: Use the class MolecularOrbitalsManipulation instead of reimplementing the mixes and swaps

class DensityMatrixGenerator
#include <DensityMatrixGenerator.h>

Class to convert an electronic occupation and the corresponding molecular orbitals to a density matrix.



class ElectronicOccupation
#include <ElectronicOccupation.h>

Class to hold information about which molecular orbitals are occupied. TODO: Implement fractional occupation ?

class ElectronicOccupationGenerator
#include <ElectronicOccupationGenerator.h>

This interface generates an ElectronicOccupation instance, from which the density matrix can be generated (in combination with the molecular orbitals).

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::LcaoUtils::AufbauPrincipleOccupationGenerator

class EnergyWeightedDensityMatrixBuilder
#include <EnergyWeightedDensityMatrixBuilder.h>

Class to generate energy-weighted density matrices for given occupations

class HFWaveFunctionOverlap
#include <HFWaveFunctionOverlap.h>

Class to calculate the overlap between two HartreeFock-like wave functions.

class HomoLumoGapCalculator
#include <HomoLumoGapCalculator.h>

This class calculates a Homo-Lumo gap, given the single-particle energies and the electronic occupation. In the unrestricted case, puts returns energy difference between the orbitals irrespectively of whether they are alpha- or beta-polarized.

class MolecularOrbitalsManipulation
#include <MolecularOrbitalsManipulation.h>

Class for transformations on molecular orbitals.

namespace Methods
class InitializationException : public runtime_error

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::Methods::ParameterFileCannotBeOpenedException, Scine::Utils::Methods::ParameterFileIsInvalidException, Scine::Utils::Methods::ParametersDoNotExistForElementException, Scine::Utils::Methods::ParametersDoNotExistForElementPairException

namespace OptionNames


constexpr const char *leapFrogOption = "leap_frog"
constexpr const char *eulerOption = "euler"
constexpr const char *velocityVerletOption = "velocity_verlet"
namespace OrbitalPerturbation
class RandomOrbitalMixer
#include <RandomOrbitalMixer.h>

Class to randomly mix randomly chosen molecular orbitals. In the restricted case, the alphaHomo_ and betaHomo_ are both holding the value for restrictedHomo_.

namespace Regex

Helpers for std::regex.

The functions deliver regular expression building blocks to be used when composing regular expressions. Functions starting with “capturing” add a parenthesis to capture the value.


std::string lineBegin()

Regex code for the beginning of a line.


std::string Returns Regex code for the beginning of a line.

std::string lineEnd()

Regex code for the end of a line.


std::string Returns Regex code for the end of a line.

std::string floatingPointNumber()

Regex code for a floating point number.


std::string Returns Regex code for a floating point number.

std::string capturingFloatingPointNumber()

Regex code for a floating point number including capture.


std::string Returns Regex code for a floating point number including capture.

std::string integerNumber()

Regex code for an integer number.


std::string Returns Regex code for an integer number.

std::string capturingIntegerNumber()

Regex code for an integer number including capture.


std::string Returns Regex code for an integer number including capture.

std::string addCaptureParenthesis(const std::string &s)

Adds capture paranteses to any string.


std::string Returns the string s with capture parenthesis added.

  • s: The Regex string describing the type to be captured.

namespace SettingsNames


constexpr const char *timeStepInFemtoseconds = "MD_time_step"
constexpr const char *integrationAlgorithm = "MD_integration_scheme"
constexpr const char *temperatureBath = "temperature_bath"
constexpr const char *targetTemperature = "target_temperature"
constexpr const char *relaxationTimeFactor = "relaxation_time_factor"
constexpr const char *numberOfMDSteps = "number_MD_steps"
constexpr const char *recordFrequency = "record_frequency"
constexpr const char *linearMomentumRemovalFrequency = "linear_momentum_removal_frequency"
constexpr const char *angularMomentumRemovalFrequency = "angular_momentum_removal_frequency"
constexpr const char *saveVelocities = "save_velocities"
constexpr const char *molecularCharge = "molecular_charge"

SettingsNames provides a consistent list of settings names throughout the whole module.

constexpr const char *spinMultiplicity = "spin_multiplicity"
constexpr const char *unrestrictedCalculation = "unrestricted_calculation"
constexpr const char *selfConsistanceCriterion = "self_consistence_criterion"
constexpr const char *maxIterations = "max_scf_iterations"
constexpr const char *mixer = "scf_mixer"
constexpr const char *loggerVerbosity = "log"
constexpr const char *temperature = "temperature"
constexpr const char *davidsonForGroundState = "davidson_for_ground_state"
constexpr const char *NDDODipoleApproximation = "nddo_dipole"
constexpr const char *parameterFile = "parameter_file"
constexpr const char *parameterRootDirectory = "parameter_root"
constexpr const char *method = "method"
constexpr const char *basisSet = "basis_set"
constexpr const char *numberOfEigenstates = "number_eigenstates"

@brief Settings for linear response time dependent methods.

constexpr const char *initialSubspaceDimension = "initial_subspace_dimension"
constexpr const char *useSparseImplementation = "LRTD_sparse_implementation"
constexpr const char *spinBlock = "spin_block"
constexpr const char *directness = "directness"
struct ScfMixers
#include <SettingsNames.h>

Struct to contain the name of the mixers available.

struct LogLevels
#include <SettingsNames.h>

Struct to contain the name of the level of verbosity for the logger.

namespace UniversalSettings


ValueCollection createDefaultValueCollection(const DescriptorCollection &descriptors)
class BoolDescriptor : public Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::SettingDescriptor
#include <BoolDescriptor.h>

Setting descriptor-derived boolean value.

SettingDescriptor for a bool value. This is a class that contains a string that explains what the setting is for and also a default value.

class CollectionListDescriptor : public Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::SettingDescriptor
#include <CollectionListDescriptor.h>

SettingDescriptor for multiple SettingsDescriptors.

class DescriptorCollection : public Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::SettingDescriptor
#include <DescriptorCollection.h>

Setting that wraps a vector<pair<str, GenericDescriptor>>.

A setting (string descriptor, generic value pair) whose value is a list of string, GenericDescriptor pairs, which altogether define a nested list of descriptors.


Checks whether a particular descriptor field exists in the configuration

class DirectoryDescriptor : public Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::SettingDescriptor
#include <DirectoryDescriptor.h>

SettingDescriptor for a directory path.

class DoubleDescriptor : public Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::SettingDescriptor
#include <DoubleDescriptor.h>

SettingDescriptor for a floating-point value.

Can set boundaries on valid values and a default value for this kind of setting.

class Exception : public runtime_error
#include <Exceptions.h>

Base class for UniversalSettings exceptions.

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::AlreadyExistingDescriptorException, Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::AlreadyExistingValueException, Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::EmptyOptionListException, Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::InexistingDescriptorException, Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::InexistingValueException, Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::InvalidDescriptorConversionException, Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::InvalidValueConversionException, Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::OptionAlreadyExistsException, Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::OptionDoesNotExistException, Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::ValueHasDifferentTypeException

class FileDescriptor : public Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::SettingDescriptor
#include <FileDescriptor.h>

SettingDescriptor for a file path.

class GenericDescriptor
#include <GenericDescriptor.h>

Wrapper around SettingDescriptor that hides the setting type.

Makes it possible to handle setting descriptors as objects (but is in principle similar to a pointer to the base class SettingDescriptor).

template<typename BaseT>
class GenericInstanceEditor
#include <GenericInstanceEditor.h>

Same as GenericInstanceEditor, defined below, without create function for the case that the constructor needs more parameters, which can then be specified in the derived class.

template<typename Base>
class GenericInstanceEditorWithDefaultConstructor : public Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::GenericInstanceEditor<Base>
#include <GenericInstanceEditor.h>

Template for a class being able to create and modify instances of some polymorphic type from settings specified in the UniversalSettings syntax.

template<typename BaseEditor, typename T>
class GenericInstanceEditorImpl : public BaseEditor
#include <GenericInstanceEditor.h>

Specification of GenericInstanceEditorWithoutCreateFunction with the type T, to generate automatically some of the virtual functions.

Template Parameters
  • BaseEditor: must be some GenericInstanceEditor

  • T: class to instantiate, must be a * derived class of the template parameter of BaseEditor.

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::GenericInstanceEditorWithDefaultConstructorImpl< BaseEditor, T >

template<typename BaseEditor, typename T>
class GenericInstanceEditorWithDefaultConstructorImpl : public Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::GenericInstanceEditorImpl<BaseEditor, T>
#include <GenericInstanceEditor.h>

Specification of GenericInstanceEditor with the type T, to generate automatically some of the virtual functions.

Template Parameters

class GenericValue
#include <GenericValue.h>

Class that uniformly stores multiple types of values.

Wrapper around some parameter value that hides the actual value. Makes it possible to handle different types as one object.

class InformationOutput
#include <InformationOutput.h>

This class prints information about setting descriptors in a human-readable format.

class IntDescriptor : public Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::SettingDescriptor
#include <IntDescriptor.h>

SettingDescriptor for an integer value.

class IntListDescriptor : public Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::SettingDescriptor
#include <IntListDescriptor.h>

SettingDescriptor for a list of integer values.

class OptionListDescriptor : public Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::SettingDescriptor
#include <OptionListDescriptor.h>

SettingDescriptor for a list of options, of which one must be chosen.

class ParametrizedOptionListDescriptor : public Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::SettingDescriptor
#include <ParametrizedOptionListDescriptor.h>

SettingDescriptor for a list of options, of which one must be chosen, with corresponding settings (that depend on the exact option).

This is for example useful if one of several algorithms must be chosen for some task and each algorithm has specific settings.

struct ParametrizedOptionValue
#include <ParametrizedOptionValue.h>

Value struct for a ParametrizedOptionList NB: settingsKey is relevant for the generation of input files, as the option and the settings would be saved in different nodes in YAML, for instance. The key for the selectedOption is not registered, it is taken to be the one saved in SettingValueCollection.

class SettingDescriptor
#include <SettingDescriptor.h>

Class to restrict a particular setting’s type and values.

Contains a string explaining what the setting is for, possibly a default value and a function that checks if the contained value is valid for the setting described.

This is an abstract base class for type-specific descriptor implementations. Other classes derive from it not because of the need for polymorphism, but to collect common functionality (i.e. property description).

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::BoolDescriptor, Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::CollectionListDescriptor, Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::DescriptorCollection, Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::DirectoryDescriptor, Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::DoubleDescriptor, Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::FileDescriptor, Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::IntDescriptor, Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::IntListDescriptor, Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::OptionListDescriptor, Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::ParametrizedOptionListDescriptor, Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::StringDescriptor, Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::StringListDescriptor

class SettingPopulator
#include <SettingPopulator.h>

This class populates the common settings of many calculators.

These settings include molecular charge, spin multiplicity, restricted/unrestricted formalism, and Scf options. It populates a Utils::UniversalSettings::DescriptorCollection with default values.

class StringDescriptor : public Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::SettingDescriptor
#include <StringDescriptor.h>

SettingDescriptor for a string value.

class StringListDescriptor : public Scine::Utils::UniversalSettings::SettingDescriptor
#include <StringListDescriptor.h>

SettingDescriptor for a list of strings.

class ValueCollection
#include <ValueCollection.h>

Wrapper around vector<pair<string, GenericValue>>

Class holding values corresponding to some SettingDescriptorCollection. The functions addXXX() throw a AlreadyExistingValueException if the given name already exists. The functions getXXX() throw a InexistingValueException if the given value does not exist, and a InvalidValueConversionException if the incorrect type is requested. The functions modifyXXX() assume the key is already existing and throw a InexistingValueException if not, and a InvalidValueConversionException if the type is not the same.

Subclassed by Scine::Utils::Settings