Molassembler  3.0.0
Molecule graph and conformer library
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AddToContainer.h File Reference

Central interface to add elements to many types of containers. More...

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template<class Container , typename T >
void Scine::Molassembler::Temple::addToContainer (Container &container, const T &value)
 Adds an lvalue element to a container by calling the container's insert or push_back member functions, if one of either exists.
template<class Container , typename T >
void Scine::Molassembler::Temple::addToContainer (Container &container, T &&value)
 Adds an rvalue to a container by calling the container's emplace or emplace_back member functions, if one of either exists.
template<class TargetContainer , class SourceContainer , class SizeModifierUnary = Functor::Identity>
void Scine::Molassembler::Temple::reserveIfPossible (TargetContainer &target, const SourceContainer &source, SizeModifierUnary &&sourceModifierUnary=SizeModifierUnary{})
 Rerves the space required in the target container if size can be determined from the source container. More...

Detailed Description

Central interface to add elements to many types of containers.

  • insert
  • emplace
  • push_back
  • emplace_back